Not sure yet but I want to try and do some kind of Korean National Colours (I did this with JSA and my Invincibles, who are mostly Han Chinese, are Yu Jing faction colours). I'm a big Korean fan due to Korean wife lol, so I want to do this guy justice with a dood paint scheme. Any suggestions for Korean national colours?
How about ? I've seen this color scheme in many traditional Korean designs. Your wife would probably know more about this.
Dunno about our national color, but our capital defence forces' traditional garments were this. This was our fatigue in times of war, namely Wakou Wars. Or, perhaps, you could take a look at Netflix drama 'Kingdom'. Its Korean vibes are top-notched thing.
I'm really happy with these models, on both sides. The winter aesthetic is such a look. And that Junjak design is possibly my new favourite Infinity design.
very good advice. I will have to decide if I want bright heraldic colors or muted military. Both are cool
I'm wondering if the cloth is concealing the "synth muscles" or if that's a chonky Medium Infantry...
my 2 cents on the pictures: wait and see - no need for Pano stuff ;-) - got enough Zhanshis - Guilang with BSG: best sculpt in the box. will never see the table in N3. N4 might be a new opportunity here. - Daofei with Sword: oh my... Still curious about the weapon he's carrying and if the profile changes to CC in N4. - That Sniper: I rather could sculpt some coat on my Daoying if the profile is good. - Jujak: wait and see, Model looks interesting. - Ninja: Already got a Ninja with Sniper that I do not use very often. - Dire Foes: Interesting. So I guess I pass on the preorder mini and wait for N4 profiles / white banner army if this box is worth it. In the meantime, I paint RedVeil minis, lol
The Zhanshi designer jackets are a bit weird. They're the stuff you'd wear in a city while shopping. I'd have been happier if they got parkas or trench coats, but I guess that might've been confusing with the Guilang design I'm searching my inner powergamer and I'm thinking that if crit mechanics got toned down slightly and it turns out to be an ARM 5 medium infantry (with an oddly high amount of long range weapons for a "shock" infantry), then that could be just fine. However, what the armour design tells me is more along the lines of ammo immunities. Maybe Bioimmunity and Fire Immunity (Total Immunity would be a bit much to hope for) with good BTS?
Bringing a heavy flamethrower in a cold environment makes him the nicest guy in the roster: he's here to keep warm his enemies, so that they don't die from the cold, and can then be properly killed by his comrades. Such a nice guy, with such a good design!
I think my favorite part is that the Fusis and the Zhanshi are the exact same dudes and ladies from Icestorm and Red Veil Think of how many times they have been reconstructed from cubes after all those demo games! They should be respected veterans by now!