That's a fcking PanO Guilang , dude. So you finally got it, the so requested camo skirmisher. Anway, gotta give it to you guys. The PanO side sculpts look far better than the YJ. Well with exception of that Space Wolves cosplayer. But both Dire Foes are awful.
We got a Camo Skirmisher thanks to VIRD. Getting two different Camo Skirmishers for PanO seems beyond belief, but I can certainly hope.
My money is on a new combination of skills like Hidden Deployment + Infiltration + Mimetism -3 and no camo.
Could be a second go at what the Locust was supposed to be, minus the inherent vulnerability thanks to HD ... and some additional goodies, of course.
an infiltrator without a marker state can be a very powerful piece – we've seen this in the Moran and Gangbuster. They just have to build it correctly. Though I do think the Nokken will have some level of Camo
Although I believe they talked about how skills will break out differently in N4. So, rather than “CH: TO Camo”, it would break out as “HD, Marker, Mimetism(-6), Surprise Attack (-3)”. At least I remember something like that in the LVO video, I think it was.
From the light armor id wager the knight of justice is packing some sort of mobility skill. Maybe its that smg knight with fwd capabilities we wanted. Who knows
so the Nooken is a cheap FD Guliang and the Knight of Justice is a new profile i dont know if to be happy that we get a new sk or be afraid of a new Neoterra "now the Locust is your only SK without marker" situation