It really seems pointless to me not to include the old sectorials, even if you're not making the models anymore. Sure it requires a bit of work, but hell, you don't need to do a lot of details on them, just change some terms and rebalance points. Make sure they're not too good compared to active armies and move on with life. It also seems odd to me that they would keep N3 Army around.
That makes sense if what they want is to keep selling models and evade criticism: "you can still play it in "legacy" mode"
At some point you need to shed though. You can't keep adding armies to the game without the whole game as a whole suffering from the admin alone.
That's the bullshittiest excuse and nobody will play N3 once N4 hits because all events will be in N4 and you won't want to confuse yourself with two complex rulesets.
People are worried about CodeOne and N4 splitting, to keep N3 around with the two seems like a bad idea. Not really, I think. As I said you don't need to do much with them for balancing them. Easy solution is to just make them bad for point cost and never update them, so no need to admin anything. It's measuring the time to tend to them vs the risk of Nuada pelting people on the subway with miniatures or something. I'm not saying spend much time on them, I'm sure folks will grumble if it's a half assed job of conversion, but at least they'd be playable. I don't think N3 to N4 will be such a huge conversion that you need to do much more conversion than updating the point costs.
If the OP is true, then thats pretty shitty imho. I dont own any of these Armys, but cutting them entirely is unnecessary. They shouldnt have came up with a gazillion N2 sectorials, if keeping them up to date is so much work so the core factions have to suffer.
Yes. Why don't just let these factions/sectorials in the game without update and release. To say that we can still be played in N3 is seriously a joke, it would have been better to say no more.
That's the thing. You're not gauranteed that nuada won't pelt people if you do a bad job. And I just don't think it would be that simple. Other people's jobs always look simpler from the outside.
Right? Seven (!) NA2 sectorials have to stay, but gotta drop one of eight vanilla armies and two of five sectorials for PanO and add a sixth one.
No, not really, no. They could just do a minimal update, get then into N4 and leave them unattended for the rest of the edition.
Surely this move will cause players to lose a lot of confidence. Now we know that every faction that we have bought or that we will buy it could be the next to disappear from the game.
It will also lose CB a lot of money this way. The whole "armies are basically forever, they won't Exrah them and you can proxy whatever you want with other CB minis" has seriously supported pokemonitis collectori in many of us.
Why? They have withdrawn the SKUs, the rules are a lot less of a workload. And if its still to much, make closed betas with the top tournament players. That might even result in better internal balance of armys.
True, but it would limit the ammount of minis he has to throw or fill a sock with if some of them are still useful. The alternative is to tell people to keep playing an old edition and not buy new products? Maybe not put them in the Army then, maybe have some updates on a pdf so new players don't look at them on the army and wonder who they are? It just seems a bad idea to do it this way and cut them off entirely.
If on one hand you're not guaranteed I won't but on the other hand you're absolutely guaranteed I will and also do my best to start a riot, what's your choice? :P
This has been said a fair number of time but we still don't have the full picture here. It seems fairly plausible to me that some, if not all Tohaa unit may be integrated some way or another into Spiral Corps, or maybe into a brand new NA2 sectorial undisclosed yet for whatever reason. Maybe those sectorials will get a staggered release down the path, once the pacing of releases calms down. Maybe this indeed is just a chinese whisper situation. Also, it just look likes a matter of cost-effeciency to me, so maybe they would accept to officialize a properly done homebrew N4 integration of those profiles. I don't see how not integrating discontinued lines would help sell more minis, quite the opposite actually considering the loyal players loss, so I don't see a reason why they would say no. I'm also sure that showing consideration to former customers by supporting their discontinued armies would be a selling point for anyone, so there's even no need to keep them out of army, as long as you make sure it is clear that they are discontinued. I agree that the communication is awful, and that it doesn't look good for quite some people so far but maybe it's still a bit too early to get to our forks and burn the city down. I don't believe the PR silence is tied to Defiance, otherwise they would just have held the information completly until the 19. I however agree that with the information out, monetary pressure through cancellation of Defiance pledge and any other order from them until further explanations are given might be an adequate response.