It's officially an April release, which means Preorders this month, and people at Adepticon at the end of March can get early copies.
Based on past years we should be getting the short video, that announces the box, tomorrow; followed by a week of videos next week.
@Koni @Bostria any chance you could shed some light on when we'll see some videos from the Carlos Belli "studio"?
I'd be happy if that was the case. I just want to see the minis for both sides and maybe how each sectorial will look like. How many units and ava they have.
For the Guilang, the Combi Rifle is a no-brainer, since it covers the hacker, FO and Minelayer loadouts. For the Daofei, I expect the Spitfire or Multi Rifle, as both are more relevant than the BSG.
Forward observers and hackers have visible distinctions in 2020, cf Daoying and Zhencha. As for what is good, what is logical, what covers the most ground. none of that has nearly as much weight as what CB has a digital asset lying around for.
Finally a Korean troop type for Yu Jing! I'm very excited about this point. Hopefully there will be a whole Korean sectorial some day... That will break away from Yu jing lol!
I'd happily pay a little more for, say, SWC and starter boxes to contain some alternatives. Or even just a blister of parts to change the options of a starter set. Imagine a new Neoterra set. 3 bolts, 1 aquilla, 1 swiss, 1 hexa. Same as now, but, there's "Neoterra upgrade pack" - adds boarding shotgun, spitfire, and missile for bolts, HMG for swiss and aquilla, sniper or combi for hexas and a couple of drop bears for giggles. 2 skus now cover what could have needed starter, swc box for bolts, and three blisters. For the battlepacks the aim of equal force sizes might scupper options there, depending on the way n4 and c1 change things. But still. Alas, that's not in CBs plans or business model, so for now we're stuck with unwanted shotguns.
Don't dismiss those shotguns too quickly; Infiltrators with Boarding Shotguns can be a real menace to the enemy, especially if the enemy has Fireteams. We'd be using them all the time if non-Specialists scored in more missions.