I agree only because I see them simplifying all off the different types of infiltration. Mech Deployment wasn't bad. It had its drawbacks. But i'm not sure it needs to exist anymore.
Why? I haven't seen anything to say they are not in WB. They may still be in it but not the starter. I won't be disappointed if not but had a feeling they might be. They could even be a variant of the Shang Ji like the Varuna ORC.
I've now seen a number of people (not just on the forum) decry White Banner as rushed/incomplete/lazy/neglected based purely on the contents of Kaldstrøm. It's kind of like judging TAK purely on the contents of Coldfront (only new trooper was the Ratnik) but that's the Internet for you.
Never ever jump to conclusions I say. I'll be at Adepticon and will post pics. Though they might be coming out with profiles and lists online before that.
Pfft, as if anyone cared about new units... The sole and only purpose of white banner is to FINALLY spam guilangs and daofei, with a zhanshi team on ARO duty, free-range monks and the occasionnal tiger soldier to spice things up. Anything else is gravy really.
I'm honestly as shocked at Yu Jing players complaining about getting more Guilang and Daofei sculpts as anything!
I'm just here hoping the Guilang isn't a Combi Guilang, because I'd like to buy several of those and it'd be terrible if that sculpt was gated together with Zhanshi (of which I'll be overflowing) and Daofei (which regardless of AVA is so expensive that more than one per loadout is probably too many) I guess an alternate strategy is to git gud so I can win the sculpts I want several of as prices in tournaments
So Shang Ji resculpt for Code 1 confirmed, thats pretty cool. I guess we can be reasonably sure a HMG is coming.
I wouldn't be so quick to hope for an HMG. I'd sooner expect them to be handed a Spitfire instead. T:
That's a figurine though, so I would still be cautious about waiting for a model bringing one to the table.
That's a figurine that was delayed over 2 weeks because of CB's internal consistency controls demanding details to be perfectly aligned with the setting.
Aligned with the setting, not the gameplay itself. As much as I think an HMG Shang Ji would be kinda cool ( Not like you can have too many HMGs anyways. ), I'm not that hopeful.
Well new Shang JI box confirmed to be on its way in the White Banner video. Core Fire team, Harris and special with wild card ability as well. Hopefully his reference to "new" for Shang Ji includes more than the sculpt.
Shang Ji getting to wildcard into an army with Shaolin Monk fire teams means it doesn't really need any changes. It doesn't have a niche in IA because it's overshadowed by cheaper HI, but in White Banner i could definitely see myself spending a few extra points on a quality TacAware Spitfire to head up a link of 5-10 point smoke throwers.
Shaolins don't have a core fireteam, neither a haris. They have special, which pretty much means they are able to join in limited numbers a given fireteam or are wildcards. Don't get fooled. This sectorial has only two cores, and pretty much they are the same: Zanshi and ShangJi