From the YJ side of the forum So we have a new recon and a new doctor, time to hit wikipedia to see what a Nokken is
Nøkken, basically a northern mythology shapeshifter that kidnaps people...... first PanO impersonator? Mildly antagonistic water spirit of a Germanic/Scandinavian bent. My money is on camo skirmisher of some kind, can't see them putting impersonation in a starter, if it even makes it into C1 at all.
Will it be WP 13? Will all trauma docs become unemployed now? Stay tuneth for more breaking news from Svalarheima.
Special thing the hospitaller had going was the medical training, looks like they left it to a younger brother and went the One Punch Man way of justice!!!
PanO already has two WIP13 Doctors, but you still see the Trauma Doc because she's cheap. I'd not be surprised if the Infirmarers were closer to Bipandra and the Reverand Healer, more elite and better equipped, but correspondingly more expensive.
I'm expecting a NWI 1 wound HI doc or a MI in the 17-18 point range from the Lazarus trooper. Will buy the box most probably if the Fusis get new sculpts. Otherwise probably not.
isnt there an impersonator in the Spiral Corps Starter? Probably right, no Croc, no OSFO, no Locust, no Naga.....
That's not a "teach two people who've never played the game before" Battle Box, it doesn't have the simplified, proto-C1 ruleset like the Operation boxes (which is what I meant by "Starter", poor choice of words on my part).
I can always go for more ninjas! Though working for the CombArmy is a surprise, a hint as to how the fluff is evolving? Or just wanting all four initial factions to be able to use the Preorder bonus?
I know Troll Hunters was disused here before @Pinky what you described there was a Nisses, also in Salavaheima
Oh boy..... Here we go! I like the names of everything so far – and a merc ninja is just the cherry on top. I'm curious to see if the new knight order will make it into MO aswell.
We know who Saito was standing in for in the Closed Battle Lists. By the by, why would anyone assume a WIP13 Doctor would automatically replace the Trauma Doc? A 5% increase in healing, without knowing any other rules or benefits, doesn't mean much. He might be 3 times the point cost.
Merc ninja as a preorder exclusive is a dick move. Wouldn't be as big of a deal if it were JSA v PanO.