I remember when the blood borne board game kickstarter ended and non-americas complained about outrageous, unadvertised shipping prices. One screenshot quoted 250 USD for shipping. I think it's tough. the advertised shipping estimate is literally just a guess. I'm not sure how much they really base it off of, my guess would be nothing
Not really, DHL express for a box containing an ITS pack and a Battlepack runs to about €200 from Spain to here, via surface (slow) post was about €50. For something the weight and size of a Platinum Pledge €100 seems about right for international parcel service.
I gotta admit, I pledged Platinum (yeah, mostly cause of "hurry, hurry, only here and now and never again, no plans for retail; want Kusanagi resculpt? Buy! Gromoz resculpt? Buy!")... not that I'm pissed, more like dissapointed. And mostly because of the shifted shipping schedule (I'm sure more delays will follow). If I'd knew It will end up to be a 12kg box for ridiculous shipping price and uncertain release date I'd pass the KS. And then I'll be able to pledge now without any haste! Hah, way to spit in a face to those who ksed it...
I could buy a collectors edition for Borderlands 3 at release date. Price: 200$ Shipping from US to Spain 240$. And one thing we are missing: What about taxes? KS projects are tax free, or you must pay as you are importing stuff?
Feel you, man :( Yeah, I thought I was being way cheeky by pledging just 1 EUR to get a foot in the door and let the others bear the weight of unlocking those skimpy bonuses. But the way CB laughed in you guys' faces and simply went for "MOAR MONIES! NAOW! Oh, did we make you credit the project for half a year for no good reason? Suck it up!" is just something else.
Which makes it slightly annoying that going to New Zealand instead is double the price, as @devolutionary posted above.
I pledged platinum and I have to say that my enjoyment of the product is in no way dependent on that others would be missing out or that they would be getting it at a worse price than I did.
"I get what's mine cheap and who cares about those who missed out or have to pay more, pah!" Uh, thanks for sharing... I guess?
I don't particularly mind this either (and I backed Platinum as well), but there should be at least some small token of recognition for those who put up their money during the campaign. You might want to read that again.
It's almost as if shipping items (heavy ones, at that) internationally and across continents might end up being expensive... I know I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here.