The Krakot renegades already have a character who's model is coming with defiance this summer. I wonder if there aren't plans to eventually have a Spiral Corps style Morat Mercenary force. Could also be a place for the Libertos to end up as they get cycled out of Vanilla.
Well, again, the Morat wouldn't be working with the Humans. A Morat sectorial would be fighting every other faction in matches. Not even using Brawlers! The Morat would be defending and expanding their settlement on Paradiso and raiding for supplies they don't have.
True, but if so, it wouldn't be too hard for the human factions to just go exterminatus on them seeing as they'd be cut off from the EI.
Sure, if humans could work together against something that is no longer a big threat rather than screwing each other over. I mean, have you met humans? :-p
That’s the problem with having a skirmish game set in a time where there should be large military campaigns running, and you have forces taking control of regions. “A Combined Army terrorist force attacked a civilian area, local small arms forced responded” makes sense in urban areas. But how impressive do the Combine Army ground based anti-ship defenses have to be, and how many ships have to get through the blockade or how overwhelmed is the blockade force, to make defending their landing sites against orbital attack plausible?
Well one thing is that the CA is based out of conquered human cities. A military force is not usually willing to level their own places. They're ruining the infrastructure they built and if they ever get it back means they are rebuilding it again. Second, there are civilians trapped and held "prisoner" by the CA in these cities as well. That's a major PR hurtle to justify bombing your own citizens who are trapped. Then there's the extensive drone network the CA has set up over its territory to mask movement and shoot down trespassers. As for the Acheron blockade it's not like they're blocking a single point. It's a whole expanse of space where ships can easily slip through and make a beeline to Paradiso. They then slip under the drone screen and become hard to track.
Sure, but how many reinforcements make it to Paradiso? Plenty, maybe, but they're not replacing 80% attrition rates or anything I'd say. Even then, would that matter against a couple roving bands of Onyx Pirate Ships traveling the space ways? I mean, anything that can be said about destroying the Morat probably fits in well enough with taking out the JSA, but I don't have Uprising if there's some secret reason Yu Jing doesn't just wipe them out.