As a bit of an experiment, I took a list built specifically around Lei Gong as a hypothetical counter element to MSV models that would stop me using smoke to close to range in our recent satellite event. It was an abject failure, but that was at least partly because some little family emergencies meant I managed about six hours sleep in twenty minute increments total across the two nights before each day of the event, and couldn't scrape by on muscle memory with that list like I could with the Su Jian one. I think the idea might still have some merit, but probably less than I'd originally hoped.
Yup. I own Yu Jing at all because I took Dashat to our big mid-year event in Newcastle last year, and Corvus Beli's dang Trojan Horse got me when I realised I'd only need to buy a couple boxes to also have a YJ army... Edit: NB I also own a Haqq army for the same reason.
Are we just counting the "new" units released with IA or the new profiles released as well? Because I get really good mileage from the TacAw Zuyong in vanilla.
Ironically I recently used the Bao Combi/Shotgun and the Pheasant CoC with MadTraps on "Looting and Sabotage" mission and I would put them in the list anytime again. Great defensive pieces while having an aggressive LT.
That statement applies to any main faction in the game. Yes, YJ has many good profiles, but also they have too many profiles that rarely see play outside their sectorials and many profiles that overlap in roles and/or look too similar. On top of that add the fact they have around 12 unit entries less than the average. As a result of these all factors (reduced roster, units that don't work outside their sectorials and similar overlapping profiles) any generic list ends up applying the same pattern. @the huanglong has already shown that in this same thread when he was able to predict RobertShepherd's lists. Therefore we always play the same with little variation. The only different list pattern I can recall is a camo heavy list aimed at limited insertion. Moreover YJ's generic approach ( a pair of HIs for firepower, tons of cheap chaff and a few skirmishers for button pushing) can easily be replicated by Nomads with the difference Nomads add a hacking net YJ can't. That's the problem, Tunguska has added so many new tools to Nomads, a faction that already had a nice box of tools, while IA has mainly added sidegrades to YJ and many units designed to work inside the sectorial only, in spite of having lost many things.
Then it would be nice you explained more on this. Show your lists using Zuyong TacAw and your tactics with them.
I don't have alot of time for an indepth example right at this instant, but the general idea is the Mowang is a unit that I intend to see 3 rounds with if possible, the Zuyong is a piece I will drive up the table to aggressively trade it for pieces with the expectation it may well be dead at the end of round 1.
While I do agree with most of your opinions and replies on the forum, I would like to say IA, despite some portion of it falls into side-grading, gave some nice bumps to the generic YJ too. Daoying being staple Lt and Rui Shi battery, Mowang finally gave YJ players a hesitation picking Su-Jian, Haidao serving as midrange toolbox and Zhencha being a heavy-light skirmisher / midfield nuisance. Comparing Nomads with YJ, though, is true while hard to swallow. I do hope White banner brings us more distinctive feature than just jack-of-all-trades, and thats why I like the fanmade concept of Command of Control faction.
Yu Jing C&C is talked up in the Third Offensive flavor text, it would not surprise me if the healthy amount of LT2, COC, NCO and TA is a deliberate faction flavor. Too much more might push us into broken territory though.
My oldschool YJ vanilla approach still works pretty well these days: - Start with 2 Guilangs. They're your forward objective workhorses, and decent against other camo units. - 4 Kuang Shi and a KSCD Celestial give you orders and smoke. Put these in a second order group dedicated to harassing/attrition - A forward heavy hitter and a backup. I still like the Daofei Spitfire alongside the Guilangs, unless your opponent is tooled against camo. In that case, Su-Jian FTW. I guess that could be a Mowang nowadays. The Lu-Duan has been my favorite backup hitter for some time due to the range of great tools on a cheapo platform. - Have an MSV2 to leverage smoke trick, hunt camo, etc. The Rui Shi is a good fallback. I will always love Hsien HMGs but they're hard to fit in sometimes. - Table control should be either doubled up (TR HMG bot and a sniper) or left to short-range terror from the KS and guys in Suppressive Fire. Then add the new stuff like Daoying Lt.. Still not convinced that the Mowang is a good replacement for the Su-Jian for aggressive hitter duty, but seeing them both in @RobertShepherd 's list that looks pretty nasty.
My two cents on vanilla YuJing play: The shell of Guilangs, Celestial KSCD + KS, Monks, Liberto, Daoying HD, Mowang and Rui Shi is really good. Adding Husongs for the long-range game is good, since you're taking the Daoying... But there is a different setup I really like. This involves taking a Hsien HMG and a Zhanying with Nimbus Grenades (and MadTraps, if you can afford it). A Hsien warrior shooting through Nimbus cloud against a linked Kamau sniper has a 46% chance of wounding the AROer. That's pretty much the deadliest ARO in the game. Yes, you are paying a lot for the Hsien and the Zhanying, but the Warrior is an amazing fighter that can take almost anything (I'd argue TAGs in cover shoudn't be taken with an HMG) and the Agent is a really good defensive troop. MadTraps are great and Sensor is a useful skill to have. Baseline list looks like this: Yu Jing ────────────────────────────────────────────────── GROUP 1 6 1 5 HSIEN HMG, Nanopulser / Pistol, AP CCW. (2 | 61) CELESTIAL GUARD (Kuang Shi Control Device) Combi Rifle + Light Smoke Grenade Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 13) KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 5) KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 5) KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 5) KUANG SHI Chain Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 5) SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CCW. (0 | 5) GROUP 2 3 2 1 DĀOYĪNG Lieutenant L2 Hacker (Hacking Device) Boarding Shotgun / Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0.5 | 29) ZHÀNYING (Sensor) Breaker Combi Rifle, Nimbus Grenades, MadTraps / Pistol, Electric Pulse. (0 | 28) RUI SHI Spitfire / Electric Pulse. (1 | 20) LIBERTO (Minelayer) Light Shotgun, Chain-colt, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 10) SHAOLIN Chain Rifle, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Shock CCW. (0 | 5) 5 SWC | 191 Points Open in Infinity Army You could add a Mowang for even more firepower or to have a good DataTracker, you could also sprinkle specialists left and right, you could go for a Tiger as well if needed. It has good defensive and offensive tools for every situation, I just love those two. Plus, their models are badass. Edit: grammar.
Probably very little - it's pretty great for actually pushing into and holding the armory (only the Rui Shi cannot actually get inside but a Rui Shi at a doorway idling in smoke spells death for anything without sixth sense or an MSV inside the room) so the main concern is reliably being able to breach doors of your choosing. Right now it relies on either making specialist rolls or the Su Jian's panzerfaust for clearing a breach, so I'd probably cut the forward observer zanshi and both panggulings for a pair of krakots for some cheap DA CCWs. But you could definately play it as is in a bigger event if you were willing to fight into an armoury with all the doors open rather than some control over entry points.