Units removed

Discussion in 'News' started by Arg, Jan 27, 2020.

  1. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    This whole bit about NCA is, IMO, another great example of why I can't help but boggle at them thinking these kinds of factions "aren't popular".

    Uhlans were bundled with a wildly different Sectorial's TAG, Bolts had their basic profile bundled with three crummy old sculpts that don't hold up, and the 'basic' units either came bundled with other Sectorials' stuff(Fusiliers) or were long outdated sculpts(Auxilia)...and to top it all off, there was a good amount of negativity surrounding the lists prior to the 'revamped' NCA.

    But hey, "we don't understand why nobody likes it!". :P
    I'd be shocked if anyone did, to be honest, since JSA was a pretty clear split from YJ proper at least from my outsider(never touched YJ, nor really had an interest) perspective...that said, I'm aware of at least two people who ended up firesaling Shock Army after the line got axed following the starter set revamp.
    Golem2God and the huanglong like this.
  2. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    Why would they do that? seems odd if they enjoyed the army.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  3. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    Gee, why would anyone ditch an army after finding out that it wouldn't be further supported with new or updated sculpts...
  4. Mahtamori

    Mahtamori Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That's what they said about the previous version of the Pheasant and about the current version as well :p
    Depends on how you view it. They were very much different from Yu Jing proper in aesthetics, kind of on the same level of MO to Pan-O, but if you instead look at what constituted a vanilla list you essentially often only had from ISS the mandatory Kuang Shi herd and from JSA two Ninjas and often an Oniwaban and almost nothing from what became IA with the vat bulk of the rest being what we currently consider Huang Di troops (Hac Tao has a white face plate). That's simplifying it a LOT, but you get what I mean I hope.
    Golem2God likes this.
  5. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Well, not wanting to wait for it to rotate back in is understandable. You or I might do it, but different strokes for different folks. I know my pocketbook would be happy.
    Dragonstriker likes this.
  6. Vocenoctum

    Vocenoctum Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2019
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    Given that I'm a new player (and haven't actually played yet, waiting for Defiance and N4 to really get started while I paint stuff I like), it seems like there's no reason they wouldn't keep updating the Army with old factions/ units, even if the models are discontinued. As long as they don't make it better than other sectorials, it'll just be a theme thing, not a sku thing.
    Though, I also think it'd make more sense for them to have a lot of cross-over between sectorials and the core faction so that you wouldn't be discontinuing the bulk of things. Each faction could then have some unique characters, and maybe 1 unique unit and then the rest of the sku's would be resculpts of common units.
    Of course, can't see that working for like, Aleph vs Steel Phalanx or the Nomads and stuff, but it's doable their too.

    Anyway, one other thing to point out since I'm new to things and watched older video's when bored. In Adepticon 2018 they had a list of stuff on the napkin plans, and Defiance and some other stuff was mentioned, so they do at least have basics worked out a bit in advance, even if plans may change.

    As for Bostria lying, he's a fun guy and I like him, even if his info may not always be the most accurate. He's obviously not in-the-know on a lot of things and plans change, so I don't think there's malice there. Worrying about it won't help anything. :)
  7. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    All sculpts except the Aleph ones are new, current generation, most old sculpts in the army would probably get updated as they are in other armies too (orcs, Nagas) and more importantly they already had the models, seems like an overreaction to me, if this was the standard mentality there would be no SoB players the past 20 something years.
    A Mão Esquerda likes this.
  8. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    We saw Merovingia dropped rather than get revamps, we saw Shock Army get dropped rather than fully revamped(because remember: that's what happened--not what you're claiming). We're now seeing NCA get dropped rather than fully revamped as well.
    Difference is that Sisters of Battle were still being sold while their rules were around. It literally was not until the big box dropped last November that they finally pulled the existing metals from sale, and even then they also went out of their way to be open in a way that they hadn't been ever before. We saw an entire feature on the Warhammer Community page called "The Battle Sister Bulletin" that documented the revamp of the army.

    But sure. Totally comparable. 100%.
  9. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    Which suggests a disconnect between either how they play or how they think the game should be played.
    See, I never looked at "what constituted a vanilla list" as anything in relation to JSA/YJ. Sectorials are, and always will be, where I keep my focus. That might be why my mentality is that it "wasn't a big deal", since JSA basically was a self-contained subfaction. The only crossover I know about was Ninjas, and they left them in...which is the biggest beef I had with Uprising, since it made Red Veil's continued Ninja exclusivity a facepalm-worthy move.
  10. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    We have been through this again and again, this is your perception and not the reality, now if further down the line the sectorial does not get revamped as promised, since they are in rotation, you can have this claim, not before.

    Merovigians we all know its a special case and I think it was open and quite honest what happened.

    And remember, since GW has scrapped their entire metal production almost or more of a decade now, sure they were selling these old metal left overs, were they available from stores? iirc they were direct only from a company that is massively bigger than CB, with their own distribution chain that cared little for the retailers or distributors, yes they are quite equivalent in my opinion.

    Fact remains when you have the army and all sculpts are brand new and the few that are not are the ones that are going to get upgraded to brand new anyway and you like the army and how it plays, why sell it? I just do not get it.
  11. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Maybe they were die hard hold outs for the Guarda de Assalto?
    Could also depend on how far along one is in their collection. If they were slow growing it and did not have everything already, I could see deciding to drop it rather than have to buy everything they were missing all at once.
    Though, as a former SoB player, I held out until I started playing Infinity, but have continued to keep my models because I like the work I put into them. Though, now that the new ones are out I have no real desire to by the new models, because I lost interest in the rules for that game.
    Also, If I am remembering right Infinity has not even been around for as long as the Sisters of Battle had been without a proper rules set, so hopefully we will see some updates for the hiatused Sectorials a bit sooner than that.
    Golem2God likes this.
  12. the huanglong

    the huanglong Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2017
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    I'll believe Frenched sectorial armies are "in rotation" when one comes back.
  13. colbrook

    colbrook Grenade Delivery Specialist

    Nov 23, 2017
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    When HSN3 was released or was missing both FRRM and SEF, neither of them really got touched in the N2>N3 transition and both were announced as "on hold, to be redone later".

    Now, Shasvaasti models never went out of production, so it's not an exact 1:1 situation, but the SEF re-do has been excellent and, as far as I can tell, popular in terms of sales.

    SEF makes me optimistic about what CB can do with a "full" rebuild of an out to pasture faction. With the release of the two Svalarheiman sectorials we'll also see a point where all the different factions that have been bouncing around the fluff since N1 are actually released and playable, which seems like a good time to pause, take stock, and reinvent old factions.
  14. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    This isn't Schrodinger's Cat. The claim was that Merovingia and SEF would be done at the same time, as "both had similar concepts that needed to be addressed".

    That clearly hasn't been done, and there has been no real traction that realistically should make anyone think that Merovingia is coming back. It was shelved back with HSN3, as colbrook mentioned, and even prior to that there was discussions/hintings of the writing on the wall that "Merovingia is hard to do because...<insert reason here>".

    First: they didn't "scrap their metal production". It's why Finecast had issues, they were using the same molds as the metals.
    Second: They're still casting stuff in metal. You probably know this though, because you're going to just say "tHaT's oLd sToCk" with regards to the Lord of the Rings stuff sold in metal and the 40k/AoS stuff being sold similarly.
    Right, because CB cared so much for retailers and distributors that it took how long for convention exclusives to actually be feasibly available here in the US from retailers?

    Additionally, retailers could order the stuff from GW--it just didn't get their normal discounts and so wasn't worth them stocking it.
    The "fact remains" that not all sculpts were brand new.
    They redid a mere handful of items, didn't actually finish out the range or profiles and then dumped it.

    Why would you keep it at that point?
  15. kanluwen

    kanluwen Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2018
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    There's also factoring in the fact that US distribution at the time was purportedly being understocked, and there were times where brand new items were delayed weeks if not months or just plain out of stock if you didn't preorder.
    The funny part is that if you actually were interested in playing Sisters of Battle, there's very little that you would likely need/desire to buy unless you flatout just want the new stuff. Most of the major changes are mechanical in nature for the army, the aesthetic has been changed a bit for the vehicles, and all told there's maybe 3-4 "new" units entirely.
  16. psychoticstorm

    psychoticstorm Aleph's rogue child

    Mar 4, 2017
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    I do not think there was ever a statement of bringing Shasvastii and Merovigian back together, feel free to find such evidence and provide them, regardless of that, for your statements to have merit, a thing must happen, not not happen, you cannot claim an army that is on rotation to not be on rotation until the expected rotation does not happen and none of the armies put on rotation has come close to reach its time to be rotated back in.

    I do not know if they bought new casters, since by people on the other forum you visited who used to work there and were hoping to get the casters they were scraped instead of been sold, that could only be in the US, regardless I do not recall online store only been available to stores, but you can warp around the point of not been available to the expected supply conditions you argue CB should maintain all day so I do not think the point of debating you on that makes much sense.

    as for
    If the prospect of not getting new models for two models, Guarda and Sikh, dismayed them so much to sell their, as you claim, complete and favored army, well I am not getting their reasoning.

    I mean it is possible, I guess, I find it quite odd especially in the wargaming community, but I guess oddest things have happened.
  17. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Even odder since all of the Akalis were recently redone, leaving only the GdA as outlier.
    Dragonstriker likes this.
  18. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    This layout is not what is normal in a mold for metal spin casting, but resin (with extra frame). There are a handful companies doing resins with machinery... so the issues are GW's.

    OTOH, all the Made to Orders campaigns clearly show they now have metal production capabilities (does not matter if old machines out of storage or new machines).
    Abrilete, toadchild and Golem2God like this.
  19. Golem2God

    Golem2God Just a Kooky Kumotail serving others.

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Outside of White Company mercs that is. Along with the now mentioned sub-sections inside O-12 and the Ur dominated Combined Army force. Besides those I believe you are correct on the different armies mentioned in the past having shown up. I guess that does leave CB open to slow down and catch up on other matters like revamps & resculpts.
    The boarding shotgun was still missing but nearly all of the loadouts were there when the new starter dropped.
    the huanglong likes this.
  20. A Mão Esquerda

    A Mão Esquerda Deputy Hexahedron Officer

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Two other sectorials are still unaccounted for, the Khanate and Earth Bastion Army,
    Golem2God likes this.
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