New update with some 3D renders:
A new update from CB:
Really like the Agnes sculpt. Very believable to me as a pilot. The Defiance minis have really been awesome - hope the game lives up to the same potential.
Latest update Spoiler: the pledge manager is not yet here
What am I? The postman? I would prefer ambassador .... I simply carry the message....
Why would you even want "All In"? Do you need the "all in" Platinum Pledge AND twelve different army starters?
Not as a private person, but I could see local gaming stores picking this up for display/demo purposes.
The best part of the All-In is that they made it because people were complaining about them NOT having it!
I could see a group of players pooling their money to get the 'all-in' package, and then dividing the shinies among themselves. Makes perfect sense. More the concern is the comment about re-doing the pledge manager from scratch. Is CB creating their own, rather than using an off the shelf solution, like backerkit? If they are creating their own, look for more kickstarters in the future. I do not see them spending all that time and money on a one off solution. I hope that CB might offer some of the minis for individual sale, like, say, that Fat Yuan Yuan and Kusanagi. I could see adding them to my pledge, no problem.
Yeah, that for sure. But then we get Those Guys whining "bUt $775 iS tOo ExPeNsIvE! cB hAs PrIcEd ThE lItTlE gUy OuT!~1!!".
They have a good enough ecommerce site already, so tweaking the code to enable it to function for the pledge manager shouldn't matter too much. I also assume they have good connections in the distribution networks so shipping fulfillment will be okay. The main issue with pledge managers is that every sku adds complication, so I doubt they'll do any singles. It's just not worth the time.
Update 51: many goodies Edit: typo