Hello everybody, among the n4 revelations from the latest seminar video is we are gonna be jumping into the future. What consequences do you think are gonna affect our faction? Shang Ji armor as standard instead of zuyongs? Some japanese units reenter the military when things die down in Kuraimori? Imperisl service structural changes due to uprising failures?
New units for all generics (not all sectorials will get new toys, that is too much). Some of those new units will become redundant or take the place in the list of something already used, some others will bring new options. Some characters die, so new "dessign spaces" are opened and they are not so limited in the mini dessign Some redundant unit might disappear and merge in the same new unit, opening again new dessign space for new units Some factions will have access to new high tech toys (but only some of those already hi tech factions, lore for them brings new options) Other factions will see how their assets get limited because reasons, lore issues and so, but with no extra to compensate (I also thing these factions would be the same that will have units merging, but the "dessing space" will not be filled this year. For some factions, lore is a limiting thing) Those are my predictions, based on how has been working CB over the time and how they manage edition changes
Shang-Ji armour isn't meant to be a replacement for Zuyong armour, the Zuyong armour was developed to be a cost effective armour so that they can put a significant amount of soldiers in proper armour while Shang-Ji is meant to be a premium armour and not something they can afford in mass-rollouts. In either case, I don't foresee a massive difference in miniatures. They'll possibly make the largest structural changes to Ariadna, because of the increased relevance of hacking and how they might ill afford being completely without it, Tohaa, because of the previous and because they are now aliens stranded in Human space, as well as Pan-O, because they're incredibly bloated.
Not quite. Invincibles fluff in 3rd Offensive say Shang Ji armors are real post-generation armor for StateEmpire army. It will eventually replace Zuyong armors if the times are provided, but until then those armors goes to the most trained soldiers with priority, making them into elite auxilary division supporting Invincibles.
Use of Kuang Shi are outlawed by the O-12. Failure to do so brings extreme sanctions on Yu Jing. This comes after several Warcors capturing evidence of their use during the Uprising. ISS is forced to have a O-12 Warcor observer in every list.
Hopefully, a new Imperial Election and following that a massive purge of the incompetents in the Imperial Service. (A major uprising being a sure sign that the Emperor had lost the Mandate of Heaven!) But that's just fluff, not really game-effecting. Since CB has recently paid for a lot of Zuyong troopers (and even characters!), I doubt that we will see the Zuyong going away. I am expecting a re-design of the Shang Ji, however. I do not expect any Japanese units in Yu Jing, I expect even the Ninjas to get renamed as the Ninja clans proved to be less than loyal to YJ.
I think it could effect the game! Many of the troops failed in their jobs! Hsien, Cranes, Pheasant, Kanren, all essentially failed. There could be reforms to those troops. And in a spectacular way they failed. Not only did they not detect what was going to happen but when it did, it was made worse.
Out of those i think only cranes and kan rens would be in the dog house. And cranes would probably get a pass as beong "overzealous" is part of their MO. On the Shang Ji issue I think it would be easy to imply the change of armour even with current sculps as there still isnt a shang ji sculpt and stats will change with the edition representing advances in ballistic and protection.
Disbanding the Bao troops would be a good in-universe PR stunt for the Imperial Service. It's also one of the less played unit in a fairly bloated sectorial, and they have old sculpts as well, so they're definitely a prime candidate for being axed.
I quote you because there's info on some YuJing SKUs going OOP in April: Beyong Red Veil Vanilla YJ starter Sun tze v2 Guilang Shang Ji BAO troops While everything concerning White Banner like the starter, Guilang, Dao Fei (from RV) makes sense. And the Shang Ji being in Invincible as well as having news of a bigger scale version in Ureña's new side company project, gives support to a redesign. The two least played units of ISS are finally going OOP. First N4 victims?
Wait what? Is this one going OOP? https://store.corvusbelli.com/wargames/infinity/miniatures/yu-jing-starter-pack
I certainly hope so, since an annoucement a few weeks ago was about a company getting the rights to produce "infinity big models" (like Luxumbra's Ajax, I assume...) and they used the hashtag #ShangJi among others) :p Sun Tze V2 might be replaced by the Defiance sculpt... so still 2 Suns! XD
Speaking of, seems like there's going to be a few announcements on Busy Minds Collectibles regarding that image of the Shang-Ji starting on the 7th - though they've already been delayed a bit more than a week. Seems like CB's approval has been the cause of the delay.
Rumours seem to say you called it. Maybe something more useful will get msvs and biometrics. Shame, but I'm probably the only person who likes them.