If I comprehended it right, White banner is pretty much confirmed. Infinity ONE and Operation, pano vs Yujing confirmed for march 25th (adepticon). Including the necesary digital release Operation icestorm, Redveil, coldfront, and wildfire will be discontinued and separated into individual products. They didn't specify the peace in wich this changes will take effect. Full N4 will see light on Gencon (august 2020) This was confirmed on a local spanish podcast by belen (the marketing chief) It was also made a recent publishment by the side company of Ureña (Busy Mind Collectibles) that makes higher scale miniatures (80mm, 250mm) that includes a #shangji hashtag. It seems Shangji concept and modeling might be already updated Congrats everyone! https://www.facebook.com/plugins/post.php?href=https://www.facebook.com/busymindcollectibles/posts/152404309536133&width=500
Yeah, they've not yet come right out and said that Operation: Frozenballs is Svalarheima vs. White Banner, but they're the two most obvious holes in the lineup and make for a very thematic 2 player set.
Almost no other situation folds in. Pano has all it's basic troops already sculpted. The same happens for Yujing. We only lack vanilla or WB related troops to come arround, like the the guilangs, daofei, and even the shangji. The Operation redveil is almost a 100% WB starter set. The only troop that may not be inside is the zuyong. The only other posibility is a reesculpt or a repack of the zhansi, the tiger and the guilang of redveil... but I doubt it due to 2 main factors. 1st, they've said they'll break apart current operations into individual products, and 2nd, It would be bad for business. Too close one to the other. So...
So my revised list of existing troops that could be in Huang Di. Line Troops LI: Zhanshi LI: Zhanshi ENG LI: Zhanshi Doctor HI: Shang Ji Skirmish HI: Daofei LI: Guilang Elite MD: Tiger Solders Edit: HI: Hac Tao War Band LI: Shaolin Special Trained HI: Su-Jian (Because I want it) Mechanized TAG: Guijia Remotes All of the regular remotes with higher AVA on some
CB will retcon whatever they feel like if they don't like it as part of a list for comp designs or if they think it will shit on a new model they want to sell. I wouldn't bother taking the fluff into account.
@Triumph is right, but I totally mean to put Hac Tao in. I at least hope they are in it. Edit made above.
I can actually imagine the eventual Shang Ji design being very similar to a Dao Fei without the flaps.
And the pointy things in the back only appear on the Shang Ji. I wish for YJ that WB is for Shang Ji what VIRD was for the ORCs.
You... have read the Daofei unit blurb before they discontinued the old model... right? As in... the reason why @Section9 is so upset it's not in IA? It's true the Daofei doesn't have them, but so far the fins have been very common on Agent armours, which is probably an indication of which generation or type of armour that is. At least we can expect that it's not a 1W+NWI soldier based on that.
Yeah. I've read it and if this poster is a new one (I don't know. I wasn't around for quite a long time) then they would use double negation. First removing them from IA despite the fluff and then posting quotes indicating that they still take IA oaths. Or am I getting something wrong? I've lost ability to read with focus lately.
Bear in mind that 1) The image is from Javier G Ureña's announcement of a new large scale busts/figures line like Luxumbra, and 2) Javier used #ShangJi, not #DaoFei in the announcement. Now, does this mean we're getting a Infinity scale Shangers? Not necessarily, but Javier is one of CB's most prolific sculptors and has done a good number of IA models, so having him do the Infinity and large scale Shangers at the same time makes a lot of sense.
Interesting if a new Shang Ji is coming, and a weird thing to hype at this particular time. There's no way this render is not a Shang Ji though.
It really shows how we need new toys in YJ when we are excited about shangji. On the other hand, the old miniature was ace and if the new one would look similarly good, of course by modern standard, I'd gladly use new ones instead of zuyong or wuming despite my love for zuyong design. Obviously if the profile remains unchanged.
Simply put the old Shang Ji was one of the coolest looking models ever casted for any system ever. So cool.
The old Shang Ji is litteraly the reason I've got into Yu Jing, at a time where I knew nearly nothing of the game, I've decided of what faction I will play just because of the look of its Starter troops. And I don't regret my choice at all!
I very much agree about about the old sculpt. I loved it and have wanted to keep using it. I never understood why they only came out with one and never a box.
Hmm, digging a bit and while I have no patience to look for similar releases for other factions, Kanren Hacker was released two months prior to IA release and during the wind up to the regular hype cycle. It's also a bit too early for CB's hype cycle - plus CB really doesn't like name-dropping their shadowy figures immediately. I'm not quite willing to take this as a sign that Shang-Ji is going to be released in that particular box, rather instead let's wait and see. The Busy Minds Collectibles page have noted today that they are waiting for the next part of their announcement and the first one had #nomads and #pano in it as well as #yujing and #shangji. Plus, you know... how much it'd suck if Shang-Ji were hogging a profile slot. And that's regardless if they get a do-over or not.