So we know from an interview with Belen on the ORA Critical podcast (En español) that Adepticon at the end of March will see the release of the Code1 ruleset, which will have it's own Army Builder, and also a new Battle Box. We already know from the New Year's post by Carlos Belli that the new Battlebox will be PanO and Yu Jing, both are conspicuously missing their Svalarheima based sectorial. With the cold war (pun intended) between those two factions on this planet it seems a pretty reliable guess that they'll feature in this box. However, questions remain, mainly: When do previews start, the LVO is this weekend, have Carlos & Carlos been able to keep people out of the kitchen long enough to record a video for it? Contents of the boxes? Are these intended as a replacement for the Icestorm/Red Veil starters? Will existing troops like Fusiliers, ORCs, and Zhanshi make appearances with new sculpts, or are we getting new line infantry? At Gen Con Bostria made cryptic comments about the PanO support pack being affected by "something coming in the future" just before the N4 mic drop are we going to see Doctors, engineers, and Servants more integrated into starters/battle boxes. N4 is coming at Gen Con, is it a complete replacement or will we see a transitional period until the release of a theoretical HSN4? Will Gen Con releases be limited to the rulebook and exclusive N4/Aristeia! model Belen mentioned or will we see more, like a Beyond Frozenballs? Is my guess at the Battlebox name accurate? Naturally I appreciate there will be a marketing timeline and plan (my other half works in those dark arts so I know a little about it) but any answers from @Bostria or @Koni would be awesome, even if the only answer they can give is when we can start expecting answers.
From what I could tell from ORA, all the current Battle Boxes are going out of print and going forward there will only be one battlebox and it will rotate on a yearly schedule. So we will have Battle box: Frozenballs for a year then it will go out of print and a new one will come out.
She did also say that Wildfire (and hopefully Coldfront) would be split into two boxes though, so the models won't disappear.
Satellites are coming in the following days and they will have yummy info in form of kitchen videos ;)
Yep, CanCon and Las Vegas Open this weekend, both are satellites so I expect it's a two-fer video with some big announcements.
What will happen to the Beyond boxes once the Operation boxes go? Will they be split into their separate factions too?
I'd say yes, it seems logical, as they're going to split the operation boxes. Perhaps they will unite operation box part with beyond half.
I wonder what they will do with Operations specific models (like Al Fasid HMG and Ninja with tactical bow).
Those were Exclusive minis, so i guess they won't be sold in blisters. Maybe a general release alt sculpt ?
The video is for LVO and CanCon, which doesn't start until tomorrow, so I imagine it'll hit at some point this weekend.