New Bases for a new Decade

Discussion in 'News' started by Spitfire_TheCat, Dec 29, 2019.

  1. Spitfire_TheCat

    Spitfire_TheCat Feel the Wrath of the Miezi-Bot

    Jun 24, 2018
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    Since I don't know where this would fit in, I'll post it here:

    After having finished my last model for this year (or decade) ... Sheskiin ... what a great model (by my favorite sculptor :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) I have to say, the (not so) new (anymore) bases suck.

    I could live with it being pretty difficult to slot the model in so it aligns with the LoF-Markings without cutting myself, since I am used to cutting myself :face_with_head_bandage:.

    But because of the many bars on the underside as well as the raised dots inside the bases its really difficult to place magnets under the base. And they have to be placed pretty far outside, so far away from the center of gravity, means ... I need two magnets most of the time.

    And obviously because of production variations the raised dots are not of the same height every time. Normally 1,5mm high magnets fit flush with the underside, but on my Sheskiin-Base they protrude from the underside.

    Fitting larger magnets under the base isn't possible at all.

    To sum it up, I don't mind the LoF-Markings, but cutting through the bars is annoying and getting rid of the raised dots is not possible at all. The material itself is okay. Its harder than the oldest bases, but softer than the last bases before the LoF-Markings, which were way too hard.

    So for the new decade I propose new bases with a cleaner underside.
  2. Florian Hanke

    Florian Hanke Does not know how to stop building terrain.

    Apr 22, 2019
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    Sorry to hear the new bases are not working well for you.

    Just to provide a different perspective, I was positively surprised by the updated bases – but that may be because I use much smaller 5 2x2mm magnets to magnetize the CB bases. On the new bases there's a perfect center slot for 1 magnet, while the others can be added to the base quite rapidly, and with maximum distances between each other.

    I quickly put together a video to show how it works, maybe you get some inspiration from it:

    Also, happy new year! :tada:
  3. Spitfire_TheCat

    Spitfire_TheCat Feel the Wrath of the Miezi-Bot

    Jun 24, 2018
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    Hmm ... never thought about mini magnets that fit into the tiny gaps. Is the holding force of the smaller magnets enough to keep the modell affixed?

    Well, I now bought thinner magnets (1mm) and already received them, so I should get the bases magnetized now.

    Still I don't see the benefit behind the crowded underside.

    Well, thanks for the tip.

    A happy new year as well. :tada:
    Florian Hanke likes this.
  4. Florian Hanke

    Florian Hanke Does not know how to stop building terrain.

    Apr 22, 2019
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    Yes, they do – they hold 150 grams each, so 750 grams (1.65 pounds) in total when static. I can comfortably turn them upside down and shake them without them falling off.

    So far I've only put together the Wildfire Shasvastii, and they worked well – not sure whether I'll feel as positive when I'll have to cut through the slots at some point.

    My pleasure, and cheers! :blush:
  5. FireFangs

    FireFangs Space Oni

    Apr 8, 2019
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    I just use glue!
    Golem2God likes this.
  6. Spitfire_TheCat

    Spitfire_TheCat Feel the Wrath of the Miezi-Bot

    Jun 24, 2018
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    You mean my method of licking the parts and holding them together isn't what everyone else does?

    Hmm ...

    My problems with the bases are not only how to place the model on it (I assume this is what you mean, when filing everything non-model off you can glue it on the base) but also how to place magnets under the base. There just are not many places left and the thickness of the magnets can be a problem because the useless dots unter the base seem to be of different height on different bases (although they should be all the same)

    And all the slots and dots on the underside of the base do nothing usefull for me.
    Melchior likes this.
  7. Florian Hanke

    Florian Hanke Does not know how to stop building terrain.

    Apr 22, 2019
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    I have to tell you though that you may be holding on to your old-bases large magnet method a bit too much. The new bases are pretty much made for smaller magnets (e.g. 2mm x 2mm). A block of 200 such magnets (enough for 40 bases) costs US$ 9, so pretty survivable :slightly_smiling_face: (where I live that costs US$ 30 :sob:, but still ok).
    I'm not trying to tell you that you should not be annoyed, but rather I'm just thinking that CB is probably not going to change it back soon, so perhaps it's best to adapt and improve.
    chromedog and Golem2God like this.
  8. Spitfire_TheCat

    Spitfire_TheCat Feel the Wrath of the Miezi-Bot

    Jun 24, 2018
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    To be honest, till now I always found a way. But I thought if I would not tell someone what's frustrating me, noone would know :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

    So it's more like venting of some steam.

    But the sense behind all the slots and dots ... I still can not see :thinking_face:
  9. Florian Hanke

    Florian Hanke Does not know how to stop building terrain.

    Apr 22, 2019
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    I also have no idea what for example the four raised circular areas are for. When I first saw them I assumed they were for strengthening the plastic in case one needed to drill holes to accommodate models with these round stilts (not sure what they are called). Could also just be artefacts from the production process that make no sense after that? :thinking_face:
  10. Spitfire_TheCat

    Spitfire_TheCat Feel the Wrath of the Miezi-Bot

    Jun 24, 2018
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    Having painted the Beyond Wildfire Caliban over the weekend, I can demonstrate some, if not all of the problems I have with the new bases:

    To align the model with the LoF-Markers:

    I had to cut throw several of the bars on the underside of the base:

    And afterwards there is not much space left to place magnets under the base. And yes, my small magnets didn't arrive yet, they are still in the mail. What looks like a socket for a magnet is in reality too small for a 5mm diameter magnet.

    So I say there is room for improvement regarding the bases :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  11. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I've always painted my front arcs, and not a huge fan of the new design because the model facings don't always match the slots. But I just cut off the markings on the outside. Its much easier than trying to cut a new slot.

    As for magnets, I ordered 100 that fit the old bases but haven't used them yet on the new ones (decided not to change bags in the end). If the old ones don't fit I'd be upset. If its just a drop of glue to fix them I would not make big deal about it. I glued the ones I magnetized as a precaution.
    McKaptain and chromedog like this.
  12. Spitfire_TheCat

    Spitfire_TheCat Feel the Wrath of the Miezi-Bot

    Jun 24, 2018
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    It depends on the thickness of your magnets. For the old bases 2mm thickness worked. When switching to the new bases I went for 1,5mm because 2mm was too thick. But lately, even the 1,5mm thick magnets were too thick, so I bought 1mm thick magnets. Unfortunately the 6x1mm magnets did not fit in the only free room left under the Caliban (where I glued in the magnet), so I used a 5x1,5mm magnet, but this one is slightly too thick. Like mentioned, the "socket" doesn't work with 5mm diameter magnets either.

    The Mini-Magnet-variant, using 2x2mm magnets, I will try next.

    Oh and it is not "don't always match the slots", its more "almost never match the slots."

    So the slots and dots are only annoying.
  13. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    @Spitfire_TheCat I just checked my magnets and I think they are 1.5mm, while the slot on the new bases look to be 1.4ish mm. At first I thought it would be a big deal, but the wobble might be a problem form magnetized cases. If kept flat it should be ok, but any sort of rotation and the model gets more leverage to lift a corner. you could get some plasticard and put a small piece (2mm x 15mm) to make for a larger flat surface, it would eliminate any sort of wobble when in a case.

    excuse the bad art.

  14. Mob of Blondes

    Mob of Blondes Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2017
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    Those are probably caused by the ejection system. Unless it really matters, it will not be adjusted to perfection.
    Spitfire_TheCat likes this.
  15. Spitfire_TheCat

    Spitfire_TheCat Feel the Wrath of the Miezi-Bot

    Jun 24, 2018
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    Yes, 1,4mm might be right. It causes rotation if you only use one magnet. Intensified by the "outward" position of the magnet. With two magnets its okay again, but still ... On hard surfaces your model is then standing on the magnets and might "wobble" again. On soft gaming mats thats no problem.

    Well, just showing that there are some issues with the new bases that could be solved :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  16. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    on gaming surfaces I wouldn't have any issues, the wobble is too minor to impact the game. My only concern would be for people who transport models using a magnetized transport cases. There is JUST enough wobble to give some leverage to get the models off the metal surface.
  17. Xeurian

    Xeurian Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2017
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    Certainly a problem for you and I but many will simply clip the bar from the feet and glue it to the base without any cutting, usually after decorating the base. I had a similar issue with one of the Nahab but the more I find myself accommodating the bar, the more I see the wisdom in simply pinning the feet to the base.
  18. Bohrdog

    Bohrdog Santathematics

    Nov 26, 2017
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    I cut most of the bar off just leaving a spike under the foot and use it to pin.
    Xeurian and Sabin76 like this.
  19. Spitfire_TheCat

    Spitfire_TheCat Feel the Wrath of the Miezi-Bot

    Jun 24, 2018
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    In the past, sometimes I cut the bar, but this bears the risk of bending the legs ... and everything else (at least the way I am cutting it :face_with_rolling_eyes:) so lately I prefered to leave the bar as it is and to cover the gaps in the base using GW Texture Paints.

    And it still seems easier to cut a base than to cut the bar, although the new bases make this harder than they should.
    Xeurian and Cannon Fodder like this.
  20. Cannon Fodder

    Cannon Fodder Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2017
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    I picked up a couple packs of fancy bases, but the sectoral grew to more than I had before I actually got around to using them. I switched to the textured paints and pumice gels. A lot quicker and I don't have to keep an inventory of extra bases.

    Here is my Haqq texture using pumice gel, I don't have a photo of my granite ruins style, but I use the an untextured gel as a gap filler and glue for rocks.

    Xeurian likes this.
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