As per Koni, probably at the end of January because that's the release time. Believe me, I tried to get him to spill the beans.
I’m just getting my first proper games in with Tunguska recently after tiring of my Corregidor, and not knowing the new profile is winding me right up! I can pre-order the mini, but I don’t know what I’m getting! Why CB, why?!?
We can guess a bit. Chaincolt and pistol says she's not gonna have much more than a combi rifle to me, so not a particularly excellent shooter - especially since PanO Man has a marksman rifle. The average Dire Foes is rather underwhelming compared to mainline characters, but often a bit cheaper. She's unlikely to carry smoke as Perseus is the vape cloud boi of Tunguska, and her CC isn't gonna be all that hot. I'm guessing about 25 points, mimetism, specialist operative, combi or maybe a subgun plus chaincolt, and +1 onto most stats.
I hope it's something more, cause essentially that's Lupe Balboa minus Panzerfaust minus V:Dogged minus Smoke plus 2 Points ...
That doesn't bring anything to a securitate link team, a useless character I would say. Tunguska needs a better profile. Do we have any lore about her, can we guess anything from it?
She’s a cop from Dragnet right? Biometric Visor Level 2. She’s anti-infiltrator. Counts as Grenzer. Calling it now.
I hope not. Biometric Visor is too much of a niche to be really usefull. And as long as the visors cost more than the equipment they counter (MSV-1 vs. Mimetism), please no more semi-usefull visors. I'd take MSV-2, though ... But since she's not wearing any visor, I doubt it.
Haris profile with Counts as Securitate or Grenzer could be interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if they went the Lupe route: not a proper specialist but a link enhancer. BSG Interventor Spec Ops Grenzer Spitfire Something like SMGs would work well in that space. Equally an MMR profile as the alternative would open up FO Grenzers or Raoul to join the Fireteam. At BS12 Mimmetism that's not awful: and you can fit it in for ~ Lupe's cost. So 1 more order than what we have now. She could work as a wildcard as, assuming no superjump, she has anti-synergies with the Hollowman Fireteams so it's not a real buff there. And buffing Kriza Fireteams aren't really an issue. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Haris + Sixth Sense Level 2 + Repeater. Although hopefully made A LOT cheaper.
That's anti-impersonation, and there is already a Grenzer with Biometric level 1. Sorry, but I'm hoping you're wrong on that guess; it's redundant and I don't think it would see much playtime. That's a good idea, having her be the keystone for a pseudo grenzer haris on the cheap would be useful. I still feel that the Sensor Grenzer should have been the haris unit, but if she's a FO/Sensor it would be perfect, but probably unlikely. I assume that Kovac will at least be a Specalist operative, and possibly a FO. CoC is probably too much to ask for. Sixth sense level 2 is the baseline I'm hoping for because it fits the Altered Carbon Kovacs theme I feel they are channeling here. After that it's just something I hope is unique, cheap and useful. I'd love for her to fit the 2 profile format with an infiltrating (or inferior impersonation :D ) and a linkable loadout. I feel that Hollow men means TJC will never get a wildcard unit, unless it's a character Hollow Man unit of some kind. Not because of powerful synergies, but because of the background and theme.
"Redundant" has been the name of the game for most of the Dire Foes that have come out since the original wave. I highly doubt there's anything "Altered Carbon" about her beyond them just doing another "LOOK! WE USED A NAME YOU NERDS WILL LIKE!". They screwed the pooch royally, for example, by giving us a derptastic "Rosie the Riveter...but with attitude!!11!!"(cause Rosie the Riveter totally lacked attitude, amirite? ;)) instead of the "Totally Not Winter Soldier" or "Totally Not Peggy Carter" that we could have gotten to go alongside of the "Totally Not Captain America".
Well you could be right, but I'm not going to be negative about it until I see the profile. Raoul Spector or "Totally not Moonknight" actually hit the mark pretty well, so while I won't get my expectations up, I will hold out some hope.
If it's an undercover cop, I like the idea of Basic/Inferior Impersonation. This would be something new. Or some kind of Forward Deployment / Infiltration. Tunguska is lacking in this regard. I don't know if an undercover cop should be running around in a link team, so I would prefer some kind of lone Infiltrator/Skirmisher over some Haris/Wildcard-Profile.
Based on your point of view then YJ's Kanren should be a unit with impersonation. Impersonation is a special skill much more complicated than you seem to think if the idea of undercover infiltrated agents with a holographical suit is not enough to claim Impersonation. Besides, let's face it, Nomads is not a faction that needs more gimnicks added to their huge tool set, and much less impersonation. On the other hand there's already too many impersonators in this game. For such a powerful and faction defining skill giving Kiiutan and Jan Starr to Tohaa was retarded.
Nomads need all the gimmicks they can get ... And there are too many Impersonators? How many are there? The Fiday (and special Fiday), the Speculo, the Greif and some other Tohaa ... If they can spread Jammers everywhere, then another Impersonator wouldn't hurt, I guess. I wouldn't mind if the Impersonation profile would be Tunguska-only.
Does he really count as a Dire Foe though? We had him as a profile long before the box, the model had just been a LE book preorder. Half points. :P