[BatRep] Tohaa v Foreign Company (Decapitation)

Discussion in 'Tohaa' started by shokeyshah, Dec 3, 2019.

  1. shokeyshah

    shokeyshah Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Tohaa vs Foreign Company (Decapitation)

    Specialist Operative Exempaaur readied his landing gear from the orbital station above Svarlheima. The High Command had rented this storage space onboard the facility from the PanOceanian government to store their "diplomatic cargo" but the guardsmen watching the cameras were addled by a diplomatic delegate's PheroWare and weren't watching the looped feed. As he placed his hand on the manual release for the man-door near the main airlock, he waited for his order to deploy and destroy a mercenary company at a private quantronics facility. Sneaking in was the easy part...

    Platform: Tabletop Simulator. Mission: Decapitation. Score: 10-0.

    0: I win the LT roll and choose first turn. Deploy with a reserve trooper Igao illegally in the middle of the Senior Massacre / Valkyrie / Hannibal / Laxmee / Bolt fireteam (illegal because I forget to make the infiltration roll, they have forward deployed with Hannibal). The OpFor LT is deployed in the back, covered by a Kaplan Spitfire / Kaplan MULTI Sniper / Avicenna Haris.

    1a: Downgrade my Gao-Tarsos to AD Infiltration and put him behind a building where he will be able to pick off the Kaplan Spitfire and later the Orc LT (who has his back turned to the approach). Spend an order moving up, then an order to shoot the Kaplan with Combi. Kaplan goes unconscious and I spend an order shooting the Orc LT in the back, who also falls unconscious. Hannibal has CoC and becomes the new LT so I have a chance to kill two in one turn, though I immediately forget this. MVP Gao-Tarsos can do no wrong and kills the Kaplan Sniper, then Avicenna. I still have four orders, so activate the illegally deployed Igao to drop a Boarding Shotgun template on Valkyrie and Senior Massacre. The entire fireteam dodges, and the shot kills Senior Massacre and puts Valkyrie into NWI. Move the Igao over a short wall to drop a template on Valkyrie (link leader) and Laxmee. This time everyone shoots and the Igao kills Laxmee and Valkyrie, but is killed by the normal rolls from the other members.

    1b: with six dead or unconscious and only four orders to spend, OpFor has three shotguns and a combi to try to do work. Moves the clockmaker combi up and manages to crit my Sukeul ML (who falls prone) and survive a normal Flashpulse from the FO Sukeul when I miss one shot and he saves with a 19. The Clockmaker crits the FO Sukeul who falls prone and I think someone should give this dude a medal. But now the long range defensive fireteam is all prone, and there is nothing left to shoot at, so the Clockmaker merely stands around to discourage me from moving up.

    2a: The datatracker is a Gao-Rael but moving up to try to deliver him for shots against the designated target, I realize that there is no way I will be able to see the DT until I'm right on top of him. While moving the triad up, Aelis destroys the Clockmaker (who does not crit). The Gao-Rael eventually manages to get up on the DT who heroically makes dodge rolls and stun pistol rolls and stymies me for four orders. But I have them to spare, and the DT goes unconscious with one order left.

    2b: with three shotgun models left, OpFor concedes defeat.

    Post Script: we played another game (this first one only lasted about 45min) in which it was totally reversed, OpFor Joan Train won every face to face roll and I get ROFL stomped 10-3. So each of us had a good game, just not at the same time :)
    WiT?, Golem2God, Abrilete and 3 others like this.
  2. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    This post made me do a double take - Joan in Foreign Company?!?

    Do you have army lists you could possibly post up? I'm very interested in anything running Aelis, been wanting to try it against my camospam scum opponent but always end up cutting it.
  3. shokeyshah

    shokeyshah Active Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    Oh, sorry the second game was v Military Orders, not ForCo.

    Aelis is a hyper-efficient specialist who can do 10 classified objectives for 30 pt (29 if you want a K1 I guess). I use Aelis + Kumotail in most lists now, as together they can do almost all classifieds (can't do the spotlight/FO ones and though technically can do Predator it's unlikely). With how popular Countermeasures is right now, it's kind of critical to have an all comers list.

    IMO for camo-spam you are better off with a Chaksa baggage/sensor. If they reveal, burn them. If they don't, sensor them. It is 20 points cheaper than trying to run Aelis for that particular job. Anyway, here's a generic list:


    GROUP 1[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]10 [​IMG]4
    SUKEUL Lieutenant (Forward Observer) K1 Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Breaker Pistol, Knife. (0 | 32)
    HATAIL AELIS KEESAN Viral Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, Flash Pulse, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 30)
    MAKAUL Heavy Flamethrower, Eclipse Grenades / Pistol, Viral CCW. (0 | 13)
    SAKIEL Spitfire / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 23)
    MAKAUL Heavy Flamethrower, Eclipse Grenades / Pistol, Viral CCW. (0 | 13)
    MAKAUL Heavy Flamethrower, Eclipse Grenades / Pistol, Viral CCW. (0 | 13)
    GAO-RAEL Sniper Rifle / Pistol, CCW. (1 | 31)
    KUMOTAIL Combi Rifle, D-Charges / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 22)
    MAKAUL Heavy Flamethrower, Eclipse Grenades / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 13)
    IGAO Boarding Shotgun, Stun Grenades / Pistol, DA CC Weapon. (0 | 25)

    GROUP 2[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]4 [​IMG]2
    TAAGMA Breaker Combi Rifle, Nanopulser / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 16)
    KRIIGEL Submachine Gun, Phero-Booster / Viral Pistol, Knife. (0 | 24)
    KERAIL PRECEPTOR Submachine Gun, Smoke Grenades + 1 Surda SymbioBeast / Pistol, Electric Pulse. (0 | 20)
    [​IMG] SURDA SYMBIOBEAST Pulzar / Viral CCW. (0 | 8)
    CHAKSA AUXILIAR (Baggage, Sensor) Heavy Flamethrower / Pistol, CCW. (0 | 10)
    LIBERTO (Minelayer) Light Shotgun, Chain-colt, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 10)
    DIPLOMATIC DELEGATE (iKohl L1, Specialist Operative) Nanopulser, Flash Pulse / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 5)

    3.5 SWC | 300 Points

    Open in Infinity Army

    * Sukeul / Aelis / Makaul are a close range triad to run up and do objectives then go into suppression fire and dump a problem Makaul on OpFor doorstep.
    * Sakiel / Makaul / Makaul triad are smoke throwers with a mid-range gun, they are meant to be hidden in reactive turn.
    * Gao-Rael / Kumotail / Makaul are meant to hang back and shoot ARO with the sniper while the Makaul covers the deployment with a template and the Kumotail heals critical models if needed. They do not start out linked, as I usually have the Taagma disguised as another Gao-Rael and I don't want to give away the position of the real one by declaring him in a triad.
    * Igao is a turn 1 assassin almost always. I occasionally use this turn 2 if I was busy with objectives.
    * Taagma brings counter intelligence and freaks out the enemy with another seeming Gao-Rael.
    * Kriigel is an area denial tool and isn't really meant to be moved except to deny an objective
    *Kerail + Surda bring regular smoke and a CC specialist that can die without bothering me
    * Chaksa defends the deployment area and fire + sensor is an excellent answer to camo.
    * Libertos brings two more camo tokens to hide the Igao and can be incredibly pesky with mines for 10pt. These guys are CHEAP!
    * Diplomatic delegate is a flash pulse bot. I put this up where it can get maximum ARO and see as much of the table if possible. What do I care if an enemy spend the orders to get a favorable match up? It's only 5pt, and can still crit the stun.
    Golem2God and WiT? like this.
  4. WiT?

    WiT? Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2017
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    20 less points but potentially a ton more orders. The idea for Aelis is to give that sensor ability to a triad including Neema or another tough fighter, and kill camouflage units en route to whatever objective you want that triad to achieve.

    I've always found active turn flamers pretty poor. Once you reveal the skirmisher, they are dodging your attack on 60+% with the flamer or you can attack with a pistol for still pretty mediocre odds.
  5. Aemaru

    Aemaru Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2018
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    Well Your list is playable but lack of heavy weapon alowing to deal with HI. Maybe a sukuel ML whould have changed the issue ? or a HMG ?
    or a nikoul ? I know it sounds a little weird but try to fill the 6 swc . At 5 it's ok but 3,5 with a liberto in it mean 2 swc of heavy weapons. If you're afraid to lack of orders take one triad basic (Makaul x2 + KAmael fo for instance) or more chaksa aux / KAuri sentinel.
    shokeyshah and Abrilete like this.
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