If we leave out the long range part as an absolute qualification, I'd nominate the Grenzer Spitfire for competition in that title. So assuming the character is Tunguska and it's not a Securitate, what could it be? Wild speculation incoming.... A Tunguska only Grenzer with MSV-2? A super Heckler with infiltration and Minelayer? A Puppetmaster engineer with a g:sync S5 battlebot? (aw come on, you KNOW they have some bigger toys somewhere and someone has to fix them!) Zondnautica KHD?
i mean who knows, but considering the timeline of the KS, i'd expect the new sculpt would be prioritized to go out with the expansion box rather than delay the shipping or come in a second round. either BJC or TJC would be good. TJC needs some more characters to enhance its personality, and maybe help out the grenzers with a character to boost their utility, but it would probably be a securitate char. BJC needs an overhaul and a new dire foes character along with a Kusanagi sculpt could herald a makeover, but that seems like a lot on the heals of defiance.
If Bakunin rode the police part of the faction a little harder I would be interested in making a force. I already themed my Corregidor as police and my other favorite force is Imperial Service. Right now I don't want to buy in to a force to use a moderator link and an unlinked Taskmaster thou. What I think they really need is a new unit to mix link with mods but a hero would good too.
Gosh I hope it's a decent character (BS12, WIP13, some sort of Specialist, mimetism or maybe metachemistry 2, decent gun like marksman rifle or red fury) Moderator spec op and comes together with some sort of mixed fireteam update like: Kusanagi Wildcard Any Reverend can count as any other sort of Reverend for fireteam composition. Taskmasters count as Moderators for fireteam composition. Lunokhods may join Moderator fireteams Special Haris: Taskmaster + 2 Morlocks. That would absolutely rejuvenate Bakunin.
I don't expect a Moderator. I expect some sort of Tunguska business. I hope, however, to see a Bakunin update at some point generally. Also I hope that who ever get it isn't Ivan the Securitate, he's dead good at Securitate-ing, won awards for it etc. I want off the wall, someone who you look at the profile for a think "he's a proper weirdo"
Considering bakunin are anarchists police (as we know them at least) would kinda be anathema to their philosophy, which i think is why the sort of security part is downplayed.
They're more Libertarian and anarchistic as the the individual is free to do what ever they want, but the right to swing your fist ends at someone else's nose. It's less police in the same way we think of modern police today and more making sure the overall security in common areas and ship security is maintained. people doing shit in their own module, as long as it doesn't put the ship or other modules in danger they don't care, the second it does you're going to have a rather irritable officer in half a ton of power armour knocking on your door. There are other cool things things they could do with the moderator corp that could be fun.
The Moderators are aptly named. Unlike modern police forces which maintain some sort of social order, Moderators don't as Bakunians live in modules with hugely varied social status quos that the Moderators aren't involved in (although I imagine if someone wants out of a Module and you don't let them leave, they will go in to enforce your fundamental right to freely exit a community). Moderators provide each of those modules with external security and also ensure the communal areas are somewhere everyone can come together, be safe, express themselves etc. They actually cover a huge variety of roles really, and in the fluff Moderators have very flexible workdays. You might be breaking up a bar brawl, conducting a counter terrorist raid against a suspected ALEPH connected cell, following up a murder lead and then breaking up another brawl in the same work shift. With automated paperwork and a very anarchist idea of a citizen empowered by citizens to protect the communal rights but not given authority over them, there's a lot to do.
I want to like her, but I just can't. It just feels so not Tunguskan, if that makes sense? She looks like she would be a great CSU or an arena player or whatever...she doesn't look like a Securitate. It doesn't help that she looks like a gender swap of the Hortlak in terms of the pose either.
Looks more Grenzery with the fancy coat. Though the suit and tie are very Securitate, so a mix of Tunguskan aesthetics.
yes, she seems a mix between a securitate and a grenzer. Bringing a chaincolt and what I think is a breaker pistol?
Maybe she can join a Grenzer FT and make the Haris more useful. I tested it recently and it was OK as Sniper Tower/Roadblock Crossover. Other than that i fear she brings nothing really needed to the Securitate FT. :(
I gotta agree kanluwen, she has some Securitate tastes but the theme is mediocre. I think it's hard to say that it's our Vortex, since she just looks like CSU... To point out the detail, the necktie/head seem a bit to big compared to the rest of the body, and those small metal parts along the edge of the coat? What are those for? They should have been removed or be put on more...
Jelena Kovac, Securitate DI (Detective Investigator)... She is not a normal Securitate, she is an officer!
oh look, it's Altered Carbon. So what if she's an officer? Is that why she looks like a Wild Bill wannabe? :P