Eh, I mean, the expansions seem to have four-ish new characters; A Morat, an Umbra, a Shas, and some other grab bag character (Bit, Ko Dali, Odysseus, an Exrah or EI Aspect or Sygmaa) would be pretty cool. But it looks like the campaign's wrapping up and nothing of the sort - a bummer.
Kusanagi was secured when I was sleeping => Great Now we need the new Sforza sculpt and mission. Want to bet if we will make 45k€ (for sforza) or even 65k€ (for sforza mission) in the next 10 hours ? I'm not overly optimist but I still hope
They already know what retailer pledges are looking like; five bucks says they've planned accordingly. I'm not worried at all.
Hah, threw in for an extra reinforcement pack but now I'm all tapped out! Still have to buy Christmas presents for the family, y'know.
20k Euromonies to go for the Sforza resculpt! (which we've likely already hit with the retailer pledges)
Some people want a pledge that includes all the add-ons with an additional discount, unlikely IMO as the Reinforcement packs are already down to the bone on price and contain a lot of models Infinity players already own. We might see one worth a token reduction in overall price I guess
I would assume its an obscenely-expensive "all reinforcement packs, plus platinum-level pledge" tier.
Why is that surprising? People don't want to missout but can't commit financially now. They're pledging with intent to use Pledge Manager and dish out 100+ EUR in January.
I'm surprised by the amount of people that made a minimal pledge to see how it goes but didn't either choose a pledge level nor dropped it at the moment. That's all. No evil to find here.
Well, what I'm saying is that they're not doing what you think they're doing. They are instead delaying their financial investment in the project by a few months.
My bad ! I should have read this then "some may wait the pledge manager which will occur way after the campaign's end". That part actually make sense. Thanks for pointing it, I was distracted by the surrounding noise and missed it.
To be fair, I think you are both right. There are certainly those that didn't want to miss out, but can't commit now. However, I would be surprised if none of those 750+ backers were simply doing it to wait for the SGs and letting others bear the "risk" (not much risk in this project, honestly).