hello @Koni, you told you would keep an eyes on this thread but there are still no goodies or alternate bodies in the add on. Could we hope for something in the next hour so we can pledge some more money before the KS end ?
Yes (and I'm very happy about it), but sadlly none of them allow me to give you more money (I already includes the money for the dice/sleeves add on in my pledge and already own the mini from the reinforcement pack). Do you have some add on that will give me a reason to give you even more money ?
Could I get some clarification, please? I got a Platinum pledge. If I add 30 EUR to it, can I add a second Megalodron to my goodies?
I would certainly assume that's the case. But I also assume you are looking for an official answer? The Kickstarter comment moderators are really responsive, so you might want to try there for a faster official answer.
If you have the Platinum pledge, you get everything included in it, such as one Megalodron. If you want more, you add Add-ons to your pledge, such as reinforcement packs or a second Megalodron.
Does anyone else have an unreasonable and unfounded fear of destroying critical cardboard gaming pieces by accidentally dropping them into beverages or spilling beverages on them? I do, even though I have never destroyed a game in that way before.
I nearly wrecked a large amount of pokemon cards by jumping in a pool while they were in my Pocket. But for this, I doubt it can happen. I also keep my drinks away when I play stuff.
We didn't get goodies in the add on, any chance of having them in the pledge manager ? I would love a defiance patches to add to my mini box