There's some weird anime on Netflix right now that has armored guys with roller blades. Looks stupid . But if it makes him faster or something, i'll take it!
On one hand it's finally an interesting profile coming out of Defiance. On the other - wings combined with no AD are a serious wtf. It's like they were designing the unit and someone came over: "Hey, I think it's too good." "Ok, we'll remove AD" :P
Effectively 2 Wounds, with Albedo, MSV1, FD1 from MI and 6-4 MOV. That's, really interesting. The speed and Marksman Rifle are a really neat combo for flanking, Albedo is a really useful ability, good for hunting midfield skirmishers and a weapon with +3 out to 32". SMG is also interesting as a highly mobile specialist and camo hunter. The SMG discount balances the expensivess of CoC, and he keeps the blitzen for long range AROs in a pinch. Not necessarily the most point and click profile, but he seems like a real toolbox.
This guy is completely bonker. It's a 2 wound non-hackable MI with very good weapons, stats and tools for a very reasonnable price. The smg Coc profile looks like an obscenely good profile to blitz objectives at the end of the game.
He looks great! A 6-4 Move Medium? So add on Forward Deploy 1! Fast mover, Finally Albedo in YJ. And MSV1 himself. Here’s our way to take care fo those pesky Kamau snipers! ARM3 with NWI but not hackable. I can’t see taking the CoC much but maybe in missions needing a lot of specialists. For anyone that wants to read about the Chinese god of thunder.
Still... I look at this one, then at Uma, and would really like to hear the reasoning for the latter.
Even at 6-2 he'd still be pretty darn good. Just need to be more cautious if there are dazer or difficult terrain.
@Sedral I was not too impressed with him until you pointed out the MI, I didn't catch that. But even so in IA I find hackers are not an issue. the KHD & TinbotB is arguably the best KHD in the game. I actually like enemy hackers & repeaters in my HI IA force because they are easy to deal with. After that I find its mostly a Turn 1 MSV2 hunter. IA has a bit of a problem vs MSV2 smoke, but not a lot. I'm not too eager for it. The 30+ costs makes it hard to fit in IA. I can't say for Vanilla, I don't play that.
Hi Well, those are not really wings. In fact... Spoiler Alert. Lei gong is a character originally designed for the next ARISTEIA! expansion. According to the Aristeia designer, Alberto Abal, those "wings" at some point actually rotate over the soldiers head and configure a super cannon allowing him to perform a demolishing blast (Super anime flavour here). Something that you'll see in the hexadome at some point. The A! miniature is exactly on that pose. Thanks for your support guys. Have a nice day.
@Cannon Fodder I've find that while the haidao KHD + tinbot combo is really good against hacking, IA's kinda lacking in the repeater area so it can be a wee bit challenging to support HIs moving forward if they're not in the paintrain/haris (mowang, hulang, liu xing, etc...). As it stands, for half the price of your khd combo Lei gong can rush forward at Mach 12 to safely assassinate repeaters and hackers, freeing the way for the solo stuff. It's kinda like how MO can embed the santiago KHD in their paintrain, or use a TOSOFO/Crusader brethren/Dart to hunt down hackers and repeaters. Now, it might not be the best option to deal with hackers, but it's nice to have the choice. As for the background, he is essentially the poster child of the Invincible Army, specifically recruited from the daoying regiment to be used for propaganda.
Really good unit - you can abuse coordinated madtraps trick against Kamau sniper or just ignore him and spend your turn hunting frogs or order pool. Shock marksman rifle is an underrated gun that helps a lot against dogged/NWI units - with MSV he is an excellent choice to engage MK2 or Noctifier if Rui Shi is occupied with other flank or already dead. Blitzen+Albedo is BRUTAL against Charontid or Asura that dares to leave deployment turn 1. Excellent choice for Countermeasures since he can do some forward classified cards (character, msv, MI) even in a non-CoC profile. Shame that albedo makes him a non-bo with Kanrens since they cant replicate active albedo state
I absolutely love this. Will make for an amazing midfield assassin. He'll do great in vanilla paired with a Hsien or Haidao sniper and smoke support. And his ability to ignore a lot of threats that would normally plague IA midfield fighters is great. CB is finally giving IA things that help it. I'm currently more excited about his vanilla applications at the moment, but I'm curious to see what, if any, Fireteam options he may get.