As a Stretch Goal we got an expansion to Defiance with 7 new O12 minis. Saladin 2 Lynx units 2 Delta units 1 Gamma HGM 1 Defiance special character called Katherine Cho Spoiler: O12 Units Spoiler: Katherine Cho Any thoughts on loadouts of the known units and the profile of the new unique characters? At first I thought Cho was a Kappa but the clothes look nothing like them, maybe an Alpha? Silhouette does not fit but maybe she's out of the "Alpha suit" that grows up S4 or something like that. Most likely a Lamba unit of sorts. Doubt she's a Cyberghost. Is Saladin here to be a new LT option? CoC? I am thrilled with this new goodies!
Looks like Platinum Pledge has at least another O-12 hero, that's a Delta backpack so possible Cuervo Goldstein alternate sculpt? Edit: On second looks that appears to be a Garuda backpack, not a Delta.
Sad to see such great looking minis and profiles locked behind such an expensive wall. I'd love to own this box but won't be buying into Defiance so I guess im SooL at the moment. If I recall correctly – Cho's profile leaked – she's a 20 point CoC bare bones "Psi-Unit" or a 15 pt LT. both with holo1 I really love those lynx though :(
Cho's clothes remind me more of the Sirius' coat and the drop trooper silhouette looks like a woman. The dude on the right seem to be wearing Yu Jing landing gear.
I thought the left silhouette was a Delta at first too, but it appears to have digitigrade legs, so probably more of the endless Shasvaasti flood.
I can't stop disliking this one Delta. Rest is great. Also is Saladin Coming to O-12? And with him Psi-units which were spoiled during release?
Her low price certainly creates competition between her and the Alpha. Really the CoC option incentivizes me to actually take that Gamma LT and get some use out of it. I don't think Salhadin will be in O-12. he's just in this box for flavor and a sneaky way to get a new Salhadin mini out there
Saladin concept shown in O-12 colours. PanO reinforcement pack: Patsy Zulu Cobra Hacker & Jammer Kamau combi, hacker, & sniper Tikbalang Aleph reinforcement pack: Dakini box Remotes box Deva hacker from Coldfront Shak-ti
Considering Saladin is an "O-12 liaison" I would be surprised if he didn't make an appearance even in a sectorial. And I'm super happy to get a new mini for him so I can run a Hazfa for mindgames.
They are 3 heroes, so unless there's suddenly an obvious Shasvasti among playable heroes or if they are getting sloppy with their nomenclature, then it shouldn't be Shas.
I'm both happy and sad for this release. Happy because it means MORE O-12, and wow, some nice looking one (speaking of the f Lynx, Cho and Saladin), sad because it means we will have probably to wait for one year before having it :'( Also, for me Cho is just an Alpha without guard-doggo, if she is a CoC that would make a terrible CoC in each O-12 army (a guard L4 Lt Strategos + a Holo CoC... what a fine mess for ennemies).
i like the idea of Cho CoC backing up an Alpha LT. It lets you use them more agressievely if you want to - they have a ton of classified objective coverage, as well as being monstrous in CQB.
It's great and all to see Defiance getting traction, but why couldn't we get these pushed out for Infinity proper without needing a whole second game?
So far for Aristea we've had equivalent releases for Infinity and I can only assume they have the ambition to do so with these miniatures as well - however, I guess we'll have to see whether we get the same miniatures or if they intend to release different versions of them. Might take some time considering they have a fixed release pace, though.