Lets hope it is Red Velvet. That rich color used to come from crushed bugs before artificial mimicry.
Yup. There was a line in the Man-Kzin Wars about how the Kzin were finally developing ground-combat tactics beyond "scream and leap" because all the idiots who couldn't think of more than that got killed by the Humans. The Cake is a lie.
So Pano will get its third dire foes. It would have been nice to have a second dire foes character for Tohaa/Yu-Jing/aleph or even the first O-12 dire foes before that. Still, happy that my nomads will get a new character (my bet is a securitate based character) and mary problem
Yeah, I think a moderator character would be neat. Would prefer an Observance character, though, but since Dire Foes tend to be buffed up spec ops, it makes sense if it is a moderator. It's probably going to be a Securitate vs whatever Varuna uses as spec ops, though.
Wait.. what Haidao are we getting? We've already got the two most popular ones... wouldn't there be a large number of more popular units and weapon combos that ought to have a higher priority?
Its a shame we dont have a re-sculpted shan ji, its like we had 1 complete troop profile deleted from the roster
I'd rather we not give people hope right before N4 that Acon will actually continue to be supported. If I'm going to be honest, I'd like to see a Dire Foe actually made to fit in with Neoterra's supposed aesthetic...but I'm expecting them to kill NCA off soon, so more likely than not it will be a rehash of Bipandra and a rehash of Lupe.
Since Dire Foes don't really have to follow the SpecOps pattern--Auxilia. They're supposed to be "the" signature unit of NCA and they've been just glossed over all these years. Give them their damn time in the sun.