New stretch goals, does that say new Shinobu Kitsune mission? A Mass Effect 2 style recruitment mission?
Uxia McNeil was an Irmandinho before joining the Stavka(and maybe still is) , has a boarding shotgun and a hood, and "a certain well known character will bring a different kind of shooter" could be her using stealth and camo to get up close and murder things.
This sounds SO promising. Almost exactly what I want from Defiance, near enough that I now feel confident that I'll be able to take the game the rest of the way myself by writing scenarios based on what already exists. Yeah, but Stealth and Camo on a shooter is already what Uma does.
@Koni I've seen it said that apparently we can now pledge a small amount to gain access to the pledge manager when it opens, could we have some clarity on this? Do you still need to pledge for at least a core pledge to get access to the expansion? Is there a rough idea of when the PM will open and how long for? It might be worth putting this in an update on the Kickstarter if true, otherwise it's buried in the comments.
That has nothing to do with pledging 1 euro to get access to the backerkit later on though, which is apparently an option now. Hence my asking for clarity.
Delivery question for CB : It has been told that Core will be delivered in July 2020 and everything else in fall 2020. What does that mean for platinium/deluxe pledge : - delivery of the core box in July, delivery of every thing else in fall - delivery of everything in fall
Shit CB communication at work again. The actual information is that what they called "core" pledges (Core, Collector's and Deluxe) will be delivered July 2020. All the "expansions" (Outcasts and whatever others might come) will be delivered in next few months after the previous delivery (end of 2020ish). We do not know when the old sculpt packages (Morat, Onyx, PanO, Aleph, etc.) will land, seems like "with Outcast" because they seem to contain additional Defiance content, not just minis, but we can't be sure and CB didn't clarify.