Seems there will be a Shehskiin in Defiance. That would mean you will probably be able to field a decent Shasvastii-List with Defiance alone.
So based on the current contents, what would you recommend buying to supplement them to make a decent army?
The Shas in Defiance already make a decent army. Some of the Shas half of Operation Wildfire would also be helpful--esp. the Mentor and Shrouded.
Maybe this is an appropriate place to ask. Has anybody typed out a list since the Kickstarter went live with Infinity Loadouts? I'm looking at Defiance, but I'm not familiar with CA weapons.
Cadin : CCW or 2H CCW Qiang Gao: HMG Jazz: Billie, Stun pistol & hacking device or "Jazz Hands"pose Uma: twin SMGs or twin asspiss Rahman: Medjector & Nasmat Trisha: Pistol & Duchess (Yudbot) Aida: twin SMGs Victor: Multi-rifle Boarding Sheskiin: Red Fury & EXP CCW Gwailos: AP Spitfire Charontid: HMG 2 Caliban: SMG/SMG & Pulzar Speculo Killer: Pistol & CCW Speculad Killer: combi & ccw 2 Jayth: Red Fury/2x Chain Rifle 2x3 Taigha: Claws & Fangs (2 copies each of 3 different sculpts) 3 Seed Soldiers: Pistol/Combi+DEP/Combi+DEP 2x3 Nox: HMG/pistol & knife/Combi+LGL (2 copies each of 3 different sculpts) 3 Cadmus: Boarding Shotgun/Combi/Pistol & CCW Saladin: Pistol & CCW Gamma: HMG 2 Delta: Combi+Light Riotstopper/Spitfire 2 x Lynx: Shock Marksman Rifle/Plasma Carbine Raoul Spector: 2 fancy sticks, attitude Katherine Cho: Fondleslab Shinobu Kitsune: CCW Uxia McNeill: Twin Asspiss Chonky Yuan Yuan: BSG and fire axe Lei Gong: Shock MMR & blitzen 2 x Kappa: Combi Jaan Staar: Viral pistol & CCW John Kestrelboner: Red Fury & CCW Kendrat: BSG & CCW Valerya Gromoz: Pistol & Hacking Device Lucien Sforza: Heavy pistol Cassandra Kusanagi: Prayer beads
How exactly do I get to pledge for Outcast add-on...I do not see an option for the Platinum Pledge on the kickstarter page...I have not pledged at all yet. Thanks!
The platinum pledge will be unlocked at the same time as the Outcast expansion, once the campaign hits €580
Thanks in the Charontid correction. The Nox have visors simply to visually differentiate the Defiance Nox from Wildfire/Infinity Nox, according to one of the videos.
Huh, must've missed that one. Kind of an odd choice considering how much this is an SEF expansion pack for Infinity as much as it's a dungeon crawler.
On third look, I think you’re correct. It was the man sized version that threw me. I love the quality of the 3D sculpts, but man I wish they wouldn’t resize guns to suit the sex of the wielder.