I'm going to say "no" on overstock because these aren't even shipping for another year, and the model selections on some (such as the Onyx set) break up existing boxes in weird ways, which would still leave them with leftover models in the warehouse if that were the driving concern. It's a discounted set of models that are relevant to the board game. If you want to play the board game with models but don't already own the faction in question, it's a cheaper way to stock up.
Nice catch! That's actually really good to know! I'm reluctantly passing on the Morat box--just cannot bring myself to get on board with those Hungry sculpts... Related fun fact: I sold off my entire OCF army (which was complete) a year ago, so I'm really kicking myself right now.
Correct there is no "plastic models overstock that need to be sold somehow" metal models get back in the pot and re-casted to new figures.
I think the next add-on boxed set has to be the "outcast" expansion from the video on the KS. Which from the preliminary box art looks like it could be just 4 new heroes and I'm guessing a new scenario(s)
Just how much of a nightmare to assemble are the Hungries? I'm tempted but not if they'll fall apart in a stiff breeze without tons of pinning. I hope future expansion packs have a set of new sculpts of Shrouded and Malignos. CB are weirdly averse to redoing camo troops when they resculpt ranges. There's the Shrouded in Wildfire, have any more been shown yet?
Nope. Hoping we get some though. Also, Noctifers. The old sculpts aged gracefully compared to other Shas, but they look out of place alongside the new range.
After Wildfire, paint set exclusive, and Defiance, I'll end up with 10 Nox. Some of those will be re-purposed into Shrouded, and maybe Noctifers
A: *Sets up Defiance game. Players choose their characters. Go to place the first turn foes...* B: "Hey, why are you doing putting Fusiliers on the table? And that paint scheme..." A: "Yeah, I've got bad news about the invasion." Operation: Defiance: "Bostria must be stopped!"
I'm hoping that there will be a Reinforcements Pack for all of the Human Sphere forces. Best of all would be if they included new Allies you could add to the Defiance and a new Hero each, as well. THAT would make them REALLY valuable!
CB have said that the Reinforcement Packs will not contain any new heroes or alies but just the miniatures to play with stuff that gets added to the core (or expansion in the case of PanO) boxes. So in essence the stuff needed to play with PanO, Onyx and Morats is automatically unlocked for the respective boxes and the Reinforcement Packs just allow you to buy the minis to play with instead of tokens.
Reinforcement packs are full of villains from the KS comments, so this one allows you to swap the normal (presumably O-12) villains of the Outcast campaign with PanO troopers.
Sounds like the narrative behind Outcast is that the heroes make it back but no one believes they could have made it back Unsepsitorised.