I added it in the commentary section of the KS, but I will try a poll here Who would be ready to pay some more in their pledge for some goodies ? I have some from Aristeia (won during tournament/event...) and I love them I could easily add 10-20 € to my pledge for some exclusive goodies like patches, badges... so please CB, add some Also, it doesn't classify as goodies but I would be happy to pay a bit more to have a second body set of some heroes to be able to build both alternative torso If I forgot some kind of goodies, tell me and I will add it to the poll
One of the upcoming stretch goals is foam, don’t know what they’ve got planned for it. It’d be awesome to be able to get pre-made box inserts to organize everything into the boxes, though.
If there were more add-ons with missions and heroes I would buy them right away... Hell I would pick up that Outcast box faster than you can say "Moon Knight"
The game needs more Tohaa. Going by the release date of the Infinity Factions, the Tohaa hero should be the next one.
As gamer, we need card sleeves for protect our cards and foam tray. as we know, we'll get a lot of metal miniatures... gosh. and the last, awesome new Tohaa hero ofc. :P can we have dream? right?
There is Tohaa ally (Vaarah Zaandar) in mision 1. I know, I know not as good as character, but always something. Fun fact: when I first saw the render at the top of the kickstarter page, I thought - good looking Tohaa ...
There are already two Tohaa in the Onyx Add-on. (In seriousness, I really want a Tohaa Character too.)
I would prefer a spiral corps dude: when the mission is over and successful he stab in the back the 3 other.
Card sleeves have been added as add-on at 560 k€. One goodie off the list Does someone know if they are fully transparent sleeves or illustrated sleeves ?
They certainly look clear and I think I read in the comments that they wouldn't be original art sleeves (and probably not art sleeves at all).
Oh this, a thousand times this. Too many KS come without any proper storing option, and paying a third party to produce it feels bad when you already spent so much on the game. I also voted for the custom bases and sleeves: the bases so they fit with the game (or at least part of it, depending on the scenery), and the sleeves, well, I guess everyone knows why. Which brings me back to my first point: any storing option should be compatible with sleeved decks!