Ah so she does have swc. Still a strictly better alguacil hacker Also something just ocurred to me, moving the bot into zoc while also moving jazz into los puts hackable targets into pretty hard situations. Do they reset against the hacking? or do they dodge the rifle?
I meant they shoot Jazz because she's a BS11nerd and shooting a hacker is F2F against the hacking programs so why not shoot them?
I envy Jazz tbh :) She looks a perfect fit for 2nd support group, running Billie into somewhere littering E/Maulers and then park into pesky place. He'll die, but it will bring real pain.. Dang..
So, compared to an alguacil hacker you've got : +1 WIP Maestro program +6 BTS Character so access to Veteran classified Pitcher Cybermine Better BS weapon (SMG better than combi) Not that I'm complaning but how the hell did she end up costing as much as an alguacil hacker ? She is a good cheap tool. I can see myself taking her in a REM heavy list. I just realized : billy is basically a 6 point regular order, easy to hide and with a deployable equipment (a better cheaper version of a transductor zond). That's even better for me than Jazz is
Arm 0 (Edit: my bad, I misread) Anyway, she earned a permanent spot for any CJC draft I may come up with I believe. Just the option will vary.
Pretty sure he meant that to read ARM minus 1, i.e. ARM0. We all agree that ARM0 and SMG is much cheaper than a Combi.
Why do people think she will be Corregidor? Her icon is Tunguska style orange and black. I was getting the feeling she’s part of their sectorial.
Because she has the same logo as Alguacile Vortex Lupe Balboa ? (although on that note, it is simply the Nomad spec-op, which applies to all 3 base trooper choices)
was just curious. Don’t get me wrong I’d love to have a decent hacker in Corregidor. I just got the feel from her that she’d be from Tunguska
the combo 24pts 0.5 pts for two orders a good hacker + options is just broken: she's an auto include in most lists
her fluff says she's from Corregidor: <“How can we trust anyone?” Jazmín retorted, her Corregidor accent thickening with worry.> would be surprised to see her exclusive to a different sectorial.
Yes she will be an autoinclude in vanilla and CJC. If she will be wildcard or count as Alguaciles she will make the Algua-Hacker unemployed. Miss Gromoz will has the opportunity to concentrate on her job in the merc companies. But. I am a bit underwhelmed. I mean, she is a hero in Defiance, but we will get her on the very start of her carrer, while the other factions heroes are already lvl 3 or more. I mean she IS a better Gromoz, but I expected something in the range of 30 pts with some awesome hacking stuff or skills.