It doesn't help that when CB changes the points formula, they don't apply those changes to all the profiles affected.
Yeah its usually in edition changes where the full game gets a cost and balance pass. Thankfully we get one of those soon(ish)
yeah looking forward to those aswel. But in the meantime i'm having a blast with the multihmg, hars zuyong and fto light shotgun bot. great active and aro piece. Points are steep, but than again it shoots b5 ap/shock and b2 exp in aro... support by a repeater, back arc protectors and a tac aware zuyong aswel.
The problem I have with that is that you end up paying 47 points for one extra shot in ARO, when you could just have the HRMC have much the same offensive functionality and a better range band. You could even duo the HRMC with a repeater for the coverage if you need to. It just feels like a lot of good points going after bad points.
Yes but you pay also for the close range deffense for your Yan Huo and an specialist KHD if you use the Haidao. Isn't the most optimal coiche but if you like to push the Yan Huo is worth.
rarely do i engage outside of the range bands. what also never happens is dat i keep the yan huo in my deployment zone, because the opponents do not let their units get picked off that easily. yes if the opponents shows a lot of heads to be shot at from 32 + inch i agree the HRMC would be really good. but i think that is once in a game for. So not worth it. the 3 man link walks up, finds good fights, and be protected while doing this. At the end of the game either he gets taken out in a few orders as a reactive piece and maybe takes something down, or het gets to midfield and destroys. a lot while moving up and be protected while doing this. The HRMC is just to easy a target when moving up, and in the backfield he just does to little for me.