I'm writing this tactica to share my perspective on playing JSA. I own models for many factions/sectorials and play them from time to time, but the JSA has been my primary force since before Human Sphere was published. I'm still learning the depth of new possibilities brought by N3, and as I learn more I may revise/refine my thoughts here. The JSA specializes in naked aggression with a hint of finesse. Point for point, few others can match the raw power of iconic units like Haramaki or Aragoto, but they pay for this with their impetuousness. Stealthy units like Ninjas and Oniwaban require precise usage but have almost no limit to their potential. Like other forces, they have a bare minimum of specialists (FO/Paramedic/Hacker Keisotsu, Tokusetsu), but units like the Karakuri provide effective linkable combat specialists. The JSA may not have flexible models like other forces, but they have a wide variety of options that makes them very versatile as a sectorial. Above all, however, they focus on dominance over the enemy rather than success in the mission. To this end, I have three strategies to victory. The Way Honor Fighting with honor is engaging the enemy in straightforward combat, relying on superior attributes, favorable modifiers, and optimal weaponry. The goal is simply to bring down an enemy model, either removing a roadblock to your continued advance, neutralizing a potential threat, or withering the enemy's order pool. Mastering this approach requires understanding the fundamentals of playing Infinity - choosing the correct attackers and carefully positioning them. High-powered fireteams are designed to win straightforward engagements. Samurai Core fireteams (a term henceforth referring to the Domaru+Haramaki core fireteam) pose a powerful active and reactive team that have the right weapon for every situation somewhere in the team. Haramaki offer powerful ranged AROs (Missile Launcher, Blitzen, Contender, Shotgun), and Domaru provide assault options to hold their ZoC (Chain Rifles, E/M Grenades) and advance the team (Spitfire). With good BS and multiple wounds, they are more than capable of overwatch tactics, threatening key sections of the table and controlling the game on your enemy's turn. The Spitfire doesn't pack a real long-ranged punch, so you might need some help at the start of the game to clear enemy overwatch models. Their high CC and MA skills repel aspiring assassins from approaching them. Their only true weakness is hacking, which can render them helpless and break them from the fireteam (changing their dynamic completely). Keisotsu Core fireteams are dirt cheap and provide much more flexibility, but are much less resilient. There are enough weapon options to fill any battlefield role. My ideal fireteam has one HMG, one ML/Multi Sniper, and three specialists (FO, Paramedic, and Kempeitai). The ML/Multi Sniper can be directed at hard targets or used for overwatch on long firelanes. The HMG can clear fortified enemies in the active turn, but keep it safe on the reactive turn. The specialists use their combis/flash pulse to cover/engage in the short/medium range. Keisotsus, used aggressively, are destined to face losses. If possible, provide Tokusetsu support (preferably in the form of a Yaozao). Also keep in mind that if you bring your Chain of Command Kempei with your fireteam you are exposing your backup (or current) LT to enemy action. Yuriko Oda is an expensive but valuable addition to a fireteam, providing a higher BS and a Panzerfaust (enabling her to cover 0-32" range). In an ITS game with objectives on the table, you will need to use them aggressively to get them up the board and seize objectives. Domaru Duos focus on close quarters supremacy. The N3 loadout changes gave them a Combi Rifle and a Spitfire profile, providing some much needed ranged fire. The Spitfire is especially valuable because the duo can advance with its own fire support. The Chain Rifle profiles are more useful than the Combi or Shotgun profiles in my opinion, but I usually find a way to hunker down and force my opponent to eat template weapons if they want to attack. With E/M grenades, chain rifles, and CC mastery they can own their ZoC and perhaps a little more. This makes them ideally suited for assaulting/holding an enclosed area. This can make them vulnerable to being hacked, but mostly on the enemy turn - their stealth skill keeps hackers from shutting them down on an uncovered approach. Karakuri Haris are resilient, flexible, and useful. They lack true heavy firepower, but their array of weapons can handle almost anything in the short-medium range. Total Immunity removes the risk of many powerful ammo types, allowing them to directly engage devastating enemies with much less risk to themselves. Also, they are each specialists, making them key objective takers and holders in ITS. They're only AVA 3, and a single loss cripples the team. However, they are capable and versatile models on their own, unlike Keisotsu (fragile and unskilled) or Haramaki (impetuous and low-burst weapons). Shikami Duos are expensive but incredible. They’re highly mobile (Super Jump/Climbing Plus), resilient (ARM 3, two wounds), and aggressive (ODD, CC skills, assault weaponry). As a cherry on top, they’re mission specialists as well. Shikami are a godsend for objective-based ITS missions. Their weapon options restrict their effective reach to 16” or less, but inside that area they can be a nightmare. If they are close to an enemy fireteam, consider using a Nimbus Grenade to negate their burst bonus and attack head-on. While they are well equipped to reach CC, resist the urge to spend too many orders reaching a distant (but valuable) target - especially when the route is not safe. Heavy Firepower, when properly applied, owns the table. The Oyoroi is the best HMG available to the JSA. At BS 14 on an ARM 7 STR 3 model, it's on par with the best of many factions. This model is an effective troubleshooter, dealing with enemies at long range who dare to threaten the table on your turn. In optimal HMG ranges, there are few threats it can't handle, but be careful about engaging skilled shooters with effective anti-TAG weapons. If your target is putting BS modifiers on you and rolling at a higher number (perhaps with multiple dice), you need to consider what will happen to your best model if you lose the FtF roll. Lastly, don't forget the crazy koalas, which can be used like mines to keep the enemy away from certain areas (or at least slow them down). The Rui Shi (and, to a lesser extent, Lu Duan) are ideal for clearing out camo models in overwatch positions. Their mid-range weapons may require maneuvering to engage far-away enemies. Combined with a Marksmanship upgrade, they can dispatch 1 wound models relying on dogged/NWI or a nearby doctor. These models are difficult to hide and the enemy will surely consider them priority targets, so make sure to position carefully and use suppression fire liberally. Raiden are cheap firepower options that have no special capabilities other than limited camo and x-visors. Raiden are not particularly subtle, and an experienced/educated foe will know exactly what to expect from a camo marker deployed in the DZ. The HRL is an extremely attractive option (cheap and Minelayer), but the low burst and heavy range bands make it less effective at FtF rolls than you might expect. The MSR and Spitfire, while more expensive, offer higher damage/range and higher burst, respectively. Unfortunately, once the surprise shot is expended, the Raiden has no real advantages in a firefight. Suppressive Fire makes an aggressively placed model difficult to dislodge and a defensively placed model harder to kill. Suppressive Fire has its own range modifiers and burst, so forget the awesome or pitiful range bands of the model's gun when it enters SF. Use terrain to lock the model in a 24" hemisphere (or otherwise protect it from longer range/rear attacks). Camo and cover stack nicely with SF. This makes Ninja an Shikami incredibly effective at holding their SF zone, which is a good reason to pay for that Combi. The 16-24" range band is paradoxically better for a model in SF when attacked with a *Rifle, because the range bands will be equal. Only position the model closer if an enemy model has a longer range weapon (Spitfire/HMG/Mk12/etc). The Raiden Spitfire is particularly effective at holding poorly-armed enemies at bay thanks to his X-Visor. 1 regular order and 1 command token can place 4 models in SF. Enemy models with DTWs and a death wish don't care for your SF. Be aware of nearby enemies with DTWs and their likelihood to eat 3 shots to hose you down with a template. Ninja and Shikami are especially vulnerable to this. Forcing the enemy to perform an ARO other than SF is the best way to break SF. Moving a camo marker, Hacking attacks, Speculative Fire, and shooting from more than 24" away can force the model to defend itself with Discover, Reset, Dodge, or normal shooting. Keep this in mind for taking down enemy models in SF. Camo modifiers are a powerful advantage against enemies without without BS modifiers or MSVs. Ninjas with combi rifles are very versatile for harassing the enemy. By infiltrating into the midfield, they can easily engage foes inside their ideal range. Stacking suppression fire with cover and TO camo can make a ninja nearly unhittable. The MSR is powerful, but it requires long range for positive modifiers, so infiltrating may not be a good idea. Unfortunately, the tactical bow is too limited in range and burst for effective attack - the pistol is preferable just for the burst advantage. Oniwabans are ruthless inside 8" with their boarding shotgun. Superior infiltration provides ample opportunity to start in effective range and tear through the vulnerable underbelly of the opponent's DZ. The only effective way the enemy can stop him is with a direct template weapon, and in the worst case scenario he can use the nanopulser just to throw out some spiteful damage. Aragoto are unmatched in their reckless speed and ruthless efficiency. Being impetuous means they can't use cover, which is a huge blow to their survivability in a firefight. They don't have much chance to dislodge a dangerous foe, but they can certainly dominate weaker models with mimetism and superior range modifiers. Direct templates and deployable weapons can stop them in their tracks - you will need to either risk an ARM/BTS roll or find another way to eliminate the threat. Be mindful of enemy minelayers. Shikami may need some orders to move into an attack position, but their mobility skills open up unconventional attack routes. As mentioned earlier, a Nimbus Grenade can negate an enemy fireteam’s burst bonus. Shikami should have enough resilience and modifiers to allow more direct and risky attacks in case cover is not available on the approach. Nothing is more honorable than defeating a foe in close combat. The most feasible form of engagement is charging an enemy hiding behind a corner. Enemy models without direct template weapons can be reliably trounced in this manner - BS scores are much lower than CC scores and MA skills can widen this divide. Enemies with Direct Template Weapons require special maneuvers to engage in CC without getting blasted. Smoke can block LoF and prevent the model from using the DTW. Approaching from the rear will also deny the target the opportunity to use the DTW. But, perhaps the most reliable method, is to spend a move action out of LoF without using Stealth (which is an optional skill) and forcing the nearby foe to declare an ARO before he sees you, and then sneaking into CC with the second move skill. I'm aware this maneuver smells like an old, moldy wheel of Camembert, but its legality is beyond reproach. Note that enemies with Sixth Sense are immune to this maneuver, as they can delay their ARO declaration in this circumstance. Smoke is a rare and effective tool for engaging enemy models. Only 3 named characters get smoke, but they are all well-suited for it. Any models touching smoke cannot be seen, so as long as the edge template is within 1" of the target, there's a safe approach. Smoke effectively neutralizes the threat of DTWs and covers an approach longer than a single move skill, but apart from that it's not necessary. Even the most resilient models (TAGs, total immunity) can be engaged in CC. The CC specialist will probably win the FtF roll, and there's a significant chance of critting. Keeping the enemy engaged also stops it from rampaging through your lines. With Kinematika, CC specialists have significant engage range, and, with hidden deployment, Ninjas can pounce on unsuspecting models with a 60% success rate. JSA has top tier CC specialists - the standard Haramaki, Domaru, and Ninja are all CC 23 and MA 3, better than most other factions can possibly field. But being better than enemy CC specialists doesn't make engaging them the best idea. Consider CC against inferior enemy CC specialists a risk. Domaru don't need Berserk to defeat the enemy. With MA 3 and CC 23, the FtF roll is almost always in his favor. There are only two circumstances where Berserk should be used: the enemy is performing an unopposed action, or you want your attack unopposed to remove the possibility of failure. If your target is giving you a normal roll (by attacking with a DTW, for example), use berserk for the extra crit chance (and MA 2 for the extra damage). Likewise, Berserk removes the risk of failing against an enemy CC specialist, changing a duel to a trade. Either the Domaru can rely on his armor to save him or know that his sacrifice has brought honor to himself and his comrades. Musashi is the purest form of CC-powered death. He's quick, he's tough, and his blades can shred a TAG. If the enemy is hiding behind cover, Musashi is free to do what he does best - move forward and kill the enemy. However, don't forget his Chain Rifle and Flash Pulse. Yojimbo is ridiculously fast. He can strike quickly at models with direct motorcycle access, but dismounting and approaching on foot might be necessary and worthwhile. He's capable of taking any non-CC specialist target to pieces over the course of a few orders. Impetuous models are cheap and powerful, but tactically impaired. Fireteams control impetuous models. A Haramaki contained in a Samurai fireteam has all the benefits (cost-effective killing power) and none of the penalties (reckless movement, no cover) of impetuousness. The impetuous order can expose the impetuous model, setting it up for a very unfavorable FtF roll. Skilled opponents will recognize the potential liability and set up overwatch models. Be ready to hold back your impetuous models unless there are no other options to eliminate or contain the enemy. Plan out your impetuous orders carefully. If you suspect hidden threats, probe the field with your least valuable models first. Because of their inability to claim partial cover, this consideration must be completely removed from their positioning. Only range bands and LoF matters for them, which means they should either stay concealed behind terrain or engage in the most direct manner possible. Impetuous models are ill-suited for long-range shootouts with entrenched foes. Direct assaults on unprepared targets work much better - the enemy should be just as exposed as the impetuous model. Motorcycles are faster than many opponents expect or prepare for. Aragoto can travel from DZ to DZ in 2 orders (1 of which might even be impetuous). If your opponent has not exposed models to threaten their advance, then they own the table. Coordinated orders can mitigate the risk of crossing dangerous territory. Multiple activated models means multiple threats. With a credible enough threat, the enemy may choose to dodge rather than shoot. If the true goal is simply to move through a dangerous area, then the coordinated models can keep moving if they need to. If the enemy decides to shoot one of the coordinated models, the rest have normal rolls to retaliate. Or, the rest are safe to keep moving. Treachery Use tricks to avoid direct engagements and force your enemy to make hard decisions. Camouflage, Stealth, Smoke, and Holoprojectors enable these tactics. Ninjas can sneak past sentries, smoke can cover a dangerous approach, holoechoes can clear deployable threats and confuse enemy AROs. These tools have a lot of potential to bypass normal combat mechanics and get your troops into places they wouldn't otherwise be able to go. Camouflage Markers shield the camo trooper from enemy fire, freeing it to seek new positions or even advance. Revealing from a camo state to make an attack exposes the camo troop across its whole movement path for its order. This could open you up to many AROs if you act brashly. If you spend an order moving through overlapping enemy LoF and into just a single enemy's LoF (or perhaps even past it, into his back arc), you can safely attack with your next order. Ninjas have a lot of potential for sneaking towards targets or around sentries. Enemies need to discover the marker, but by doing so they surrender any defensive ARO. This makes many players hesitant to declare a discover against a marker moving in for a kill. An enemy within 4" of a Ninja is doomed if it declares discover. It's allowed the Ninja to engage in CC - which is the only safe way for the Ninja to neutralize DTW threats. If the enemy does not declare discover, the Ninja can continue moving - either past it or around it. If you must kill the model and it has a DTW, you'll need to approach from the rear. If you simply want to get past it, then the coast is clear. Don't forget Stealth! Even an exposed Ninja can sneak around a model's rear facing and dispatch it. Enemy models with Direct Template Weapons pose a serious obstacle. The safest way to enter CC with them is also the lamest (waiving stealth/camo to force a change facing ARO),but unless you can approach from the rear or drop smoke, there's no way around it. Skilled opponents will rarely declare discover against a basic camo marker (expecting it to be a Raiden capable of unleashing ranged hell). This gives it the power to move safely into a firing position, because the enemy would need to give up an ARO and face heavy fire otherwise. If there are multiple AROs, someone may attempt a discover (probably the weaker of the two). Consider your options carefully, because the Raiden will only have Surprise Shot (no camo modifiers, no cover modifiers). Remember that mines blow up against camo markers. Be mindful of enemy minelayers. Ninjas are highly capable CC assassins, but otherwise unimpressive TO skirmishers. With Sneak Attack and MA3, most targets have no hope of winning the FtF roll unless they crit. Even after that, non-CC specialists are still very unlikely to win. Even hard targets like TAGs can be reliably locked down in CC, though shredding them requires more orders and risk than should be spent. With Kinematika and Hidden Deployment, a well placed ninja can Engage an enemy rambo before he draws first blood. This is a risky maneuver and requires some forethought - the ninja must wait at a predictable approach and must succeed in the Engage roll. Ideally, other models are declaring AROs on the enemy rambo, forcing him to split his burst (or perhaps even ignore the ninja altogether). The Silent attacks of the Knife and Tactical Bow are more a novelty than anything else. The weakest targets fall to the silent arrow only half the time (assuming ideal range on the bow), and the knife is not much better. Remember the silent bonuses if it comes up, but don't rely on a string of stealth kills to sneak past sentries. The cheap Tactical Bow profile can't effectively threaten an enemy more than 8" away. Its positioning during deployment is critical to its effective use. This option is overly attractive for its price, but very difficult to use because of its short range burst 1 weapon. Saito Togan has superior CC abilities, giving him a lot more capability to defeat stronger/tougher models in one order. With Burst 2 CC 24 EXP CCWs, he can cut down unskilled heavy infantry with ease. The Oniwaban is the ultimate surgical alpha striker. Superior Deployment is a rare, valuable skill. The Oniwaban has a 3/4 chance of deploying at a convenient edge of the enemy DZ. When going first, this is the perfect reserve model, ready to deploy within 1 order of killing the juiciest target(s). To make matters even better, this skill is basically immune to scenario rules like Exclusion Zones, because it deploys clear across the other side of the table. The Boarding Shotgun is an excellent weapon for assaulting huddled cheerleaders. The Oniwaban may have a mediocre BS, but with camo, surprise, and range modifiers, the FtF roll will (almost always) be in his favor. The Monofilament CCW and the Oniwaban's top-notch CC skills make him a spectre of death. While not as effective against light targets as DA or EXP, it's perfect for dispatching high ARM targets with multiple W/STR points. The target may get lucky and survive the ARM roll(s), but as long as the Oniwaban keeps winning FtF rolls (as he should), that luck will run out. Direct Template Weapons ignore all of the special advantages the Oniwaban exploits. It ignores camo, surprise, and martial arts. It might be worth a risk to attack valuable model(s), but it's very difficult to avoid (the Oniwaban's best attacks are between 0 and 8"). Shinobu Kitsune has a Combi instead of a Boarding Shotgun, which makes her less effective at sweeping up cheerleaders, but more effective at ranged engagements. Also, her MA 5 makes her capable of attacking multiple enemies at once, potentially making short work of HI fireteams. Saito Togan, Shinobu Kitsune, and Yojimbo are your only source of precious smoke grenades. Smoke opens a lot of tactical possibilities to avoid enemy fire. When an enemy is too costly to engage directly, smoke allows you to negate his LoF and proceed on the table with your plans. If you can land a smoke template within a base width of an enemy model, you have a safe path to CC. Closing a firelane to an objective gives your specialists a safe path to claim it. Avoid enemy LoF when throwing smoke, if at all possible. Most of the time the model can cut sharp angles to drop the smoke around a corner and land the grenade in a suitable spot. The Rui Shi sees through smoke and can safely fire on a smoke-screened enemy. Combined with Marksmanship L2 (hacking support) this is an extremely effective way of neutralizing enemy models on overwatch. Saito can surprise the enemy with smoke starting in the midfield. This is incredibly helpful for covering objectives, key firing lanes, and aggressive enemy models. Kitsune can do even better by laying smokescreens into and around the enemy DZ. Yojimbo behaves more like a standard warband, and his smoke is a very useful tool for himself as well as the rest of your forces. Even so, avoid relying on it as a FtF (special dodge) defense. Use it carefully whenever you can - his speed will more than make up for the time spent laying smoke. The Lu Duan can use its Holoprojector L2 for shell games, but I find the Holo L1 is preferable for confusion/surprise. It can only disguise as other Silhouette 4 models, which limits it to the Rui Shi, Pangguling, or Aragoto. Don't disguise as the Rui Shi. It's too similar for a meaningful deception, and if you want your opponent to think you have a Rui Shi, just take one for real. The Pangguling Minesweeper or EVO could be a great disguise to understate its threat. Your opponent may think its safe for a camo troop to kill it, only to get a faceful of Heavy Flamethrower. Likewise, it might be ignored, giving you an opportunity to attack with an unexpectedly strong combat REM. Disguising as an Aragoto can provoke the enemy to try and kill it. This has an added benefit of hiding its repeater, so your opponent might unknowingly use a hackable model to attack it. Make sure to use a model that invites the kind of attack you want to counter. Want a long range shootout? Use the Boarding Shotgun. Want the enemy up close? Use the Spitfire. The Hacker or Asuka are useful to make attacking the Lu Duan even more enticing. Don't use Yojimbo, as you can't disguise the CrazyKoalas he's supposed to have. His extreme impetuousness and irregularity would make him an obvious disguise anyway on your first turn. Utility Only a few models can perform mission tasks and synergize with other models. Infinity is not a game built on powerful combinations of models, and the JSA has few models specifically meant to assist others. But there is a healthy mix of mission specialists, and they each have specific uses. JSA hackers are not impressive in their baseline hacking abilities (WIP/BTS), but they have other advantages. The Keisotsu hacker is the only basic hacker in the army, which makes it the only source for basic SHIELD and UPGRADE programs. Upgraded REMs are surprisingly powerful. Try combining the Marksmanship program with the Husong, Rui Shi, or Lu Duan if there's an enemy giving you trouble. Fairy Dust could be vital to protecting an HI fireteam from enemy hackers. Unfortunately, using these programs is incompatible with fireteams, so he needs to operate solo. Aragoto assault hackers have speed as their primary advantage. They can move quickly into a target's ZoC to launch hacking attacks, and they have an excellent hacking device for that role. However, its speed makes it particularly efficient as a mission specialist for claiming objectives. Ninja assault hackers start in the midfield and can launch a surprise hacking attack, giving it a temporary edge. Like the Aragoto hacker, its starting position makes it an attractive mission specialist as well (starting near the objectives). Note that a camo marker can't be hacked, so the Ninja can bypass some repeater zones if necessary. Killer hackers are the great equalizer in infowar, and Ninja do well as cyber assassins. As a TO camo infiltrator, a ninja should have a very easy time reaching an enemy repeater (killer hackers ignore firewalls), giving you a quick chance to neutralize enemy hackers. The FtF roll can be risky against skilled hackers, but eliminating (or at least lessening) enemy hacking threats can be well worth the risk. Make sure you choose the best SWORD program for the target. The standard array of REMs offers the basic options for repeaters. This could be useful, but isn't special. Find ways to assassinate the enemy hacker threats so that you have the only hackers on the table. Linked specialists are very effective for claiming and holding objectives in ITS. The Keisotsu fireteam has easy access to Forward Observers and Paramedics. These models are cheap, can accomplish classified objectives, and fill out the core of a fireteam very nicely. However, they are not effective or tough fighters, so expect casualties when fighting over objectives. The Karakuri fireteam is expensive but very useful. Each model is a FO, so they are all capable of claiming objectives. Their various weapon options and resistance skills makes them versatile and reliable fighters. Shikami may only be a duo, but they are each very capable combatants - especially against an enemy trying to hold (or take) nearby objectives. Since they aren’t providing bonuses for each other, feel free to break the duo as needed. CrazyKoalas and Holoechoes trigger enemy mines. These are cheap and disposable options for clearing a path. Advance or lose. Mines are effective counters against the fast/sneaky but fragile troops in the JSA. CrazyKoalas work similarly to mines, but suit the aggressive playstyle of JSA much better. They are excellent for terrorizing an enemy if you advance on them and place the Koala within activation range but out of LoF of other troops. Holoechoes are only available on the Lu Duan. It's difficult to maneuver these large silhouettes without making one of them the obvious real model. Perhaps I just need practice, but I prefer the minesweeping potential. Yuriko Oda and Raiden HRL are the only source of mines in JSA. There is potential for shell-game shenanigans with deploying a mine (with the minelayer skill) and a Raiden camo marker in her ZoC, but the value of this is pretty limited. The mines are best used to protect nearby allies, which could be very valuable for a Keisotsu fireteam. Minesweepers are not worth the time or the effort. Mines are almost always placed so that you must enter their trigger area to draw LoF, making the Minesweeper no better than any other trooper at clearing them. The basic Doctor and Engineer provide vital support. The Tokusetsu is a very humble specialist with average WIP and low fighting skills, but it's the best the JSA gets. Always include at least one YaoZao. The YaoZao is dedicated to healing fallen models while the Tokusetsu should be moving for objectives. It takes a lot of orders to heal models and claim objectives, so moving towards both at once makes the process much more efficient. Yuriko Oda is expensive, but has some superior weapons and abilities that might prove worthwhile. Also, she can link with Keisotsu. Consider her for missions that focus on Engineers. Karakuri that activate Dogged can’t be repaired. Keep that in mind if you have engineer support set up for them. Don't forget the focus of the mission. Defeating the enemy on the field gives your specialists the security they need to grab objectives, but they still need orders to accomplish the mission, and (thanks to WIP rolls) there's no telling how many orders that might be. Putting the enemy in retreat before you've accomplished the mission is a terrible way to lose. Know when to stop killing the enemy. Putting some specialists in a small second combat group provides some opportunity to move specialists into position while the primary combat group engages the enemy. Key specialists can be transferred into the primary combat group later on. Consider grabbing objectives with fast/infiltrating specialists and moving back to safety. If the enemy is well secured and not threatening the field, this is a good use of orders. Be ready for the endgame. If the enemy has the last turn, secure as much as possible and set up a final defense. Otherwise, plan one last assault. Lists and Playstyles When crafting a list, you should have a distinct plan for how you're going to win. You need to know the objective of the mission in order to have the necessary specialist(s). But, more importantly, you'll need a combination of troops that can support the maneuvers and tactics you plan on conducting. Some troops and tactics are multipurpose, but it helps to have a distinct plan in mind at the start of the game. The Alpha Strike Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. -Mike Tyson In order to launch an Alpha Strike, you need to get first turn. Many scenarios have inherent value in going second, and strategic command tokens hinder the first player, so going first can often seem unattractive. You could end up with first turn even if you lost the LT WIP roll - or perhaps even in you won the roll and chose "field" instead of "ball". If your opponent has given you first turn and you have deployment, there's no better opportunity for an alpha strike. The purpose of the Alpha Strike is to inflict losses on your opponent that he can't recover from. You want to kill key models and/or deplete order pools. In order to do this, you need to identify and eliminate/bypass obstacles and attack targets of opportunity. Enemy models in overwatch positions are the first targets. In order to handle these efficiently, you need heavy firepower in the right positions. Anticipate which firelanes you need forced open and have long-range, high burst/damage weapons ready. Midfield camo markers present a dilemma, especially if your opponents have access to minelayers. Either have something ready to clear it (CrazyKoalas, Holoechoes) or just advance right on through with a sacrificial model. Ignore the camo troops themselves as long as they ignore you. The Oniwaban and/or Shinobu Kitsune can exploit any holes in the enemy defense, no matter how small. If necessary, they can throw caution to the wind and make a bee-line towards the most valuable target(s) and strike, regardless of the consequences. A successful alpha strike isn't done half-heartedly. You need devoted attackers to reach the enemy DZ and wreak havoc. You can only poke and prod your opponent with ranged attackers. Exposed models quickly fall or take cover, and vital models are never exposed in the first place. To take down models your opponent doesn't want to lose, you need to strike directly at them. Don't get attached to the models you send into the enemy DZ. Their purpose is to strike deep and ruthlessly, extending themselves past any hope of support and inflicting as much damage as possible until they go down. Order efficiency is vital to reach across the table and inflict devastating casualties. ITS 9 has removed the start-of-game option to cancel 2 orders from the enemy if you have a single combat group. 10 orders spent on a few elite models can do a lot of damage. Some alpha strikers can be your LT, adding one more potential order to your alpha strike. With one (or more) Kempeitai ready to take over, it's usually worth the risk. The Oniwaban (using Superior Infiltration) starts at the edge of the enemy DZ in the ideal range of its weapons and skills. It's fragile but deadly, and starts killing on the first order. Aragoto are ideal alpha strikers, especially if they can take advantage of the impetuous order. However, this is not common due to their predictable approaches (which the enemy will likely be covering). The Oyoroi is its own fire support, it's resilient enough to suffer a bad FtF roll, and it has lots of close assault weapons and equipment. Its size limits its movement paths, so it won't be able to reach some enemy models. But it can also move right through/over some obstacles too large for S2 troops but still smaller than the S7 silhouette. Fireteams don't move quickly, but each order moves the whole team forward. Domaru can wreak havoc in an enemy DZ, but they need to remove enemies on overwatch (or well-placed smoke grenades). This could cost too many orders if the Domaru can't do this with their own firepower. Haramaki can attack the enemy at range with extremely damaging weapons, but the low burst on the ML and Blitzen makes FtF rolls against targets with strong modifiers pretty risky. Keisotsu and Karakuri fireteams are too weak for a full frontal assault. This Alpha Strike list only has 3 alpha striker models, but they are the best models for the job. It's very unlikely that both Kitsune and the Oniwaban will fail their Superior Infiltration roll, so you can rely on at least 1 as an alpha striker. Kitsune's smoke will let her pierce areas covered by direct template weapons, and the Oniwaban's shotgun can clear cheerleaders (even fireteams) with relative ease. Either can slay nearly any target in CC. The Oyoroi will draw enemy attention (even experienced opponents anticipating Kitsune/Oniwaban tend to focus on the threat they can actually see), perhaps distracting from an effective point-blank defense. The rest of the list can focus on the actual mission, taking and holding midfield objectives on subsequent turns. 10 O-YOROI HMG + Heavy Flamethrower, CrazyKoalas / EXP CCW. (2 | 83) O-YOROI PILOT Contender / Pistol, CCW. () SHINOBU Lieutenant Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Monofilament CCW. (1 | 47) ONIWABAN Boarding Shotgun, Nanopulser / Pistol, Monofilament CCW. (0 | 41) NINJA Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Tactical Bow / Pistol, DA CCW, Knife. (0 | 29) YURIKO ODA Combi Rifle, Panzerfaust, D-Charges, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, CCW. (0 | 24) KEMPEI (Chain of Command) Boarding Shotgun / Pistol, CCW, Electric Pulse. (0 | 21) KEISOTSU HMG / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 17) KEISOTSU Paramedic (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 11) KEISOTSU (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) TOKUSETSU EISEI Doctor (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 14) YÁOZĂO Electric Pulse. (0 | 3) 4 SWC | 300 Points The Tower The important thing in strategy is to suppress the enemy's useful actions but allow his useless actions. -Miyamoto Musashi This strategy focuses on giving the opponent the first turn, but forcing him to waste it confronting a powerful defensive position. By placing powerful weapons in positions covering objectives, vital firelanes, or even vulnerably-deployed models, the enemy has to deal with your entrenched troops on your terms before he can make any progress in the mission. The Tower is risky. By exposing powerful troops to your enemy on his turn, you're exposing them to anything and everything he chooses to throw at them. You can't expect your models to shoot the enemy down for the whole turn, but you can hope that the time, energy, and casualties spent overcoming them proves too much. Strategic use of the command token is normally "minus 2 orders", but consider your opponent before selecting the default. If you see potential for coordinated attacks on your tower (several long-range, low burst, high damage weapons), restrict his command tokens instead. You can't split your burst in ARO, so coordinated attacks force you to dodge or eat unopposed shots. The core of the defensive position is a heavily armed fireteam. A Samurai (Haramaki + Domaru) fireteam is ideal for this. Their cost-effective power when linked and high-damage weapons makes them formidable as overwatch troops. As multi-wound troops, they can take a wound and keep fighting (or strategically fall back). You need at least 1 (if not 2 MLs) and preferably a 5-strong link. A Keisotsu fireteam is a cheaper, but significantly less effective, defensive focal point. Multi Sniper Rifles and Missile Launchers provide the deadly AROthreat, but Forward Observers can harass enemies with a Flash Pulse. At their lower cost, extra Keisotsu can be enlisted to reform the link to max strength after the first turn. This strategy requires well-planned deployment. The fireteam needs a commanding position on the field - usually the best sniper tower available. The strongest heavy weapon (ML or MSR, depending on range bands in LOF) sits at the top, and the rest of the team is scattered around, either holding other long firelanes with heavy weapons or covering closer (and side) approaches with small arms. The link leader must be concealed behind total cover, to prevent easy poaching to break the link. Terrain setup has a strong influence on this strategy. Try to recognize when a position is not viable. The heavy weapons need to cover vital areas of the table - otherwise your opponent will ignore the Tower. The whole fireteam must be set up in good positions to threaten their ideal range bands in cover. Your opponent will attack the weakest point of the Tower. Do not deploy link members within a blast radius of another link member. N3 template rules and fireteam rules combine to harshly punish link members struck by an out-of-LOF template. The fireteam is powerful on its own, but still requires support. A doctor's YaoZao should be on-call (and perhaps the doctor himself, too). Other models can act as spotters to discover enemy camo markers (so the team can hold its ARO to shoot). TR remotes can support the Tower for added ARO threat. Ninja, carefully peppered in the midfield, can surprise enemies attempting an approach against your tower. An ARO engage can halt an attack on the tower. If the Ninja is waiting near the enemy's attack position, the engage can be combined with the tower's powerful ARO to force the enemy to split his burst or allow someone to act unopposed. This Tower list focuses strongly on the Samurai fireteam. The core team is 1 Domaru + 4 Haramaki. The other Domaru form a nearby Duo, offering close range support. As you start taking casualties, the duo can disband and bolster the core fireteam. The two forward observers watch the midfield with annoying flash pulses or discovering camo markers. The ninja killer hackers provide can help neutralize hacker threats - if you keep one close enough to the Tower you can ARO hacking attacks if the enemy drops markers or sneaks a repeater up close. After the enemy's first turn, the Samurai link can take the offensive as needed. Because of the few weak specialists, this list is best suited for Direct Action missions. GROUP 1 10 4 DOMARU Lieutenant Chain Rifle, E/M Grenades / Pistol, E/M CCW. (0 | 25) DOMARU Chain Rifle, E/M Grenades / Pistol, E/M CCW. (0 | 25) DOMARU Spitfire / Pistol, E/M CCW. (2 | 38) HARAMAKI Missile Launcher / Pistol, DA CCW. (1.5 | 33) HARAMAKI Missile Launcher / Pistol, DA CCW. (1.5 | 33) HARAMAKI Blitzen, Contender / Pistol, AP CCW. (0 | 22) HARAMAKI Blitzen, Contender / Pistol, AP CCW. (0 | 22) NINJA Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Tactical Bow / Pistol, DA CCW, Knife. (0 | 29) NINJA Hacker (Killer Hacking Device) Tactical Bow / Pistol, DA CCW, Knife. (0 | 29) CHAĪYÌ Yaókòng Flash Pulse, Sniffer / Electric Pulse. (0 | 8) GROUP 2 3 TOKUSETSU EISEI Doctor (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 14) YÁOZĂO Electric Pulse. (0 | 3) KEISOTSU (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) KEISOTSU Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 9) 5 SWC | 300 Points The Professionals I love it when a plan comes together. -John "Hannibal" Smith Many ITS missions involve complex interactions with different kind of objectives. This playstyle focuses on the objectives by fielding many combat-worthy specialists. Winning in these scenarios is measured by taking, holding, and covering objectives. Martial prowess alone can't accomplish the mission. Specialists are the primary component of the list as well as the primary agents of victory. Don't forget that dedicated fighters are still needed for missions. You'll need them to neutralize enemies in overwatch, hunt down skirmishers, or harass exposed flanks. This is still a battle that can be lost to enemy fire. Specialists need to operate in the frontline. Spending orders separately on combatants and specialists can be inefficient. Having combat-worthy specialists allows the same model(s) to secure and claim objectives. Expect casualties among your specialists, so build redundancy with many specialists and develop contingencies for when they go down. Plan your fireteams to deliver specialists to the midfield and entrench them. Keisotsu are cheap and provide a lot of options for specialists and heavy weapons, but they're weak fighters. Additionally, a 5-man fireteam is difficult to position well and could lead to clustering or overexposure to enemy fire. They may need an extra order at the end of the turn to carefully position themselves in anticipation of an enemy attack. Karakuri are resilient fighters with versatile equipment. However, the haris team falls apart quickly. Remember that 2 models in Suppression Fire are a lot more dangerous than a duo with no ARO bonuses Shikami excel at exactly this role. The enemy has foolishly placed himself in the midfield, within easy reach of mobile and deadly heavy infantry. Just keep their weaknesses in mind (direct template weapons, hacking) and keep them safe from those threats if possible. Don't be afraid to send specialists to their deaths if their sacrifice could score objectives. Coordinated orders, camouflage, high Move values, and plain old luck can get specialists across dangerous territory. These opportunities should be your only concern in the last turn. GROUP 1 9 KEISOTSU (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) KEISOTSU Paramedic (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 11) KEISOTSU Missile Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 14) KEISOTSU HMG / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 17) KEMPEI (Chain of Command) Boarding Shotgun / Pistol, CCW, Electric Pulse. (0 | 21) KARAKURI Combi Rifle, Chain Rifle, D.E.P. / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 35) KARAKURI Mk12, Chain Rifle, D.E.P. / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 40) SHIKAMI Contender, Nimbus Grenades / Assault Pistol, DA CCW, AP CCW, Knife. (0 | 45) SHINOBU Lieutenant Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, Smoke Grenades / Pistol, Monofilament CCW. (1 | 47) GROUP 2 2 1 1 YOJIMBO Contender, Nanopulser, Smoke Grenades, CrazyKoalas (2) / Pistol, DA CCW. (0 | 21) RAIDEN (Minelayer, X Visor) Heavy Rocket Launcher, Antipersonnel Mines / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 21) TOKUSETSU EISEI Doctor (MediKit) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 14) YÁOZĂO Electric Pulse. (0 | 3) 5 SWC | 299 Points Open in Infinity Army
Actually you should make your own thread for that. This thread is specifically for JSA (and I try to avoid the unit overview approach), but more importantly it doesn't deserve to be some secondary piece of discussion.
This is pretty similar to my tactica on the old forum, I'm just trying to update it (finally) to HSN3 standards.
I've been playing for a very long time JSA and I have some feedback for this topic. Keisotsu linkteams Add the kempei to the Keisotsu fireteam options. There are 3 variants of keisotsu Fireteams: - Agresive (Sweeper&specialist), - Defensive (BoardControl) - Mixt (somehow in the middle of both) The mixt linkteam is the one you already described Combines some of the good sides of the following 2 and it's pretty flexible. Agresive Linkteam (Mainly used on LOW-TIER) Agresive keisotsu Fireteams are often used at LOW TIER At least 1HMG is mandatory and it should be deployed hidden if you start second No other long range weapons (this role should be filled by raidens or a Sniper ninja) I find the Multi sniper a better long range option (instead of ML) for an agresive keisotsu fireteam, due to it's ranges. I find the FO better choices for the link in general, but paramedics could be a good option too. No line of comand Kempei is a good second option (for when you lose the HMG) on an agresive HMG keisotsu linkteam because It's Nº2 skill and its BS12. The Line of command Kempei fits better either a Keisotsu defensive fireteam or a solitary role. When you align an agressive LT. Line of comand Kempei could be a weakness in agresive keisotsu team if you aligned an agresive LT on the same list. Yuriko is a good option to boost up the cheap Fireteam EXAMPLE AGRESIVE KEISOTSU LINK ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 5 KEISOTSU HMG / Pistol, Knife. (1 | 17) KEISOTSU (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) KEISOTSU (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) KEISOTSU (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) KEMPEI Combi Rifle / Pistol, CCW, Electric Pulse. (0 | 17) 1 SWC | 64 Points Open in Infinity Army Defensive Linkteam (Low&Mid TIERS) Defensive linkteams are used rarely. The rest of the list needs to be Lowcap, aligning things like Remotes, Aragotos, Karakuris, Shikamis... They are a Expendable way of board control, dificulting the oponent moves and making spend some Orders dealing with it. 2 Long range Weapon options is the base of the linkteam (preferable ML beacause they are deadlier and cheaper) The Long range weaposn should be deployed cobering the objectives, and as close to your border of the table as the scenography alows to avoid the enemy HMGs good band and force their advance. It also includes inside either a Chain of command or a Keisotsu LT. The kempei Chain of command with BS is the main option. Either of them should be deployed pretty well hidden The rest of the fireteam is commonly filled with FO keisotsus covering the Deployment zones and short hallways (less than 24 inches) EXAMPLE DEFENSIVE KEISOTSU LINK ────────────────────────────────────────────────── 5 KEISOTSU Missile Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 14) KEISOTSU Missile Launcher / Pistol, Knife. (1.5 | 14) KEISOTSU (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) KEISOTSU (Forward Observer) Combi Rifle / Pistol, Knife. (0 | 10) KEMPEI (Chain of Command) Boarding Shotgun / Pistol, CCW, Electric Pulse. (0 | 21) 3 SWC | 69 Points Open in Infinity Army In High TIER and Limited Insertion Mid TIER the keisotsu seem to loose part of their natural spor on the lists (or at least that's the way I feel)
I made some quick revisions to the Keisotsu fireteam section based on the points you brought up. I basically agree with everything you said, but I don't think the No. 2 Kempeitai is worth it - Chain of Command is such a better skill.
I agree that the no CoC lacks sexiness, I commonly use CoC one as you (it has Nº2 too), but it has it's use as poor as may appear. Chain of command is a double sided skill. And it needs to be used wisely. It makes your kempeitai LT substitute and a specialist. But if you're going to be on the middle of the table, It's pretty easy for your enemy to hunt down your new LT. It may be wiser rely on the keisotsu specialists and leave the kempei to the cohesion and midfield shooter. The no CoC option is a good choice to have a little more resilent linkteam on the middle of the table without that handicap. It your linkleader dies either in active or in reactive, the rest of the link will remain with B2 thanks to nº2 without reforming (specially useful on reactive). And with BS12 is better shoother than an averange keisotsu. Another solution could be to add a second kempei. Then, the one on the linkteam can act freely with it's ensurance, but payng twice for CoC it may not be worth it for 6-7 points. An at low tier you can be pretty short of points.
I think the rationale regarding using Shinobu as your LT needs a bit further analysis. Several of the lists where she shoulders the role has the 0,5 SWC required to make for example an O-Yoroi the LT. How do you handle having to place her in marker rather than hidden deployment state? How much of an impact do you think this makes, particularly for lists where there are other high-powered LT choices available? For the Professionals list, wouldn't the Karakuri Combi be better off as the Haris profile to effectively make them a Duo? You've got 1/0,5 (exactly) to spare and at the very worst you'll save a couple of orders or a command token or two moving them up.
This is a very good point. For the Alpha Strike list, Shinobu is a good LT only if I win first turn. If I don't win first turn, I need to place a TO marker on the table, losing the advantages of Hidden Deployment and also signaling the identity of my LT. The Oyoroi would be a much safer LT choice. I chose Shinobu because I wanted the higher WIP and I'm more confident that she'll be part of the Alpha Strike (meaning LT order is efficiently applied). This list has played well for me, but I also haven't suffered going second (meaning I haven't learned the hard way yet). And you are correct about the Karakuri Haris - I've got the points and there's no reason not to have a duo.
Do you always recommend the Shikami in a duo over just taking one? Guess that would be to take advantage of moving two for the price of one, then splitting to cause some trouble.
Not really. A Shikami duo is cool, but they're just fine as solo operators. The benefit of having 2 is that you still have one when the other dies.
A player local to me pointed out a huge problem with the Shikami is that he doesn't Infiltrate or have Forward Deployment. A duo helps alleviate this problem by giving you more order efficiency, but I also feel the 2-3 orders it takes to get him into a position my Oniwaban can just start in is kind of costly. I understand the units kind of fill different niches, but a Ninja killer hacker is 16-18 points cheaper, has the ability to be in marker state, and starts halfway up the board. Shikami trades all of that for a wound and a couple of armor points. There's also the problem of table design. I think Shikami are super cool if there are places you can take advantage of super jump/climbing plus, but on a table with only one tier of terrain, it's much less likely to happen. That's a local meta-specific thing though. I just feel like there are too many conditions you need to get full use out of your Shikami versus other units with more rigid roles in JSA.
I suppose that's true, but you're really underrating the additional wound. You also get more PH (better dodge/engage rolls), higher BS (better FtF rolls), and better CC weapons (better to take down hard targets). I love the Ninja killer hacker and he's great for taking objectives, but he can't hold it on the enemy turn. Properly positioned, the Shikami can put up a hell of a fight.
Not to forget that if you get both in CC with the same target, it's +1B and +1PH. A drawback I found out when testing a list with two Ninja snipers and a Shikami duo, is that if one Shikami ends up in a Repeater area, or too close to a bunch of Pupniks, both tends to be too close for comfort. This is a bit of a problem with so much invested in so few models and the traditional Yu Jing aversion to strong AROs. But what can you do if you don't get first turn against an aggressive Nomad...
1) That's one of those theoretical bonuses that doesn't work out very often in practice. And don't forget your opponent can forego the FtF roll against the duo leader (if you're attacking as a duo) and slap the other guy. 2) I can't justify the cost of a ninja sniper to myself. This isn't to say they aren't good or useful, it's just the wrong weapon for how I want to use the model. Those 2 snipers could have been 2 killer hackers (and then some) who would have given you some options for dealing with the "Nomad problem". 3) Nomads and Tohaa are the death of me.
1) It is hard, is it not? So far I've got a real problem getting into combat with more than one target, typically a single Domaru or a single Crane is enough to melt whatever they go for and their support tends to have gotten deaded or spread out by the time they reach CC. It's been easier getting Yojimbo into CC with 2+ enemies and that's saying something. 2) I wanted to try Ninja Snipers, shouldn't have done it in a tournament setting, and they did take out critical targets like the Chimera that was bee-lining towards the Shikami - on the other hand they were so expensive that I had to rely on a bunch of Keisotsu to provide orders in this LI 300pts tournament while I'd rather have had a couple of Raiden. The Ninjas (2 snipers) and Shinobu (who flunked her Surprise Shot Combi burst) got murdered by an Intruder HMG and the subsequent heavy loss was the strongest contributing factor for me ending in 11 of 18 players. Should've used the double-O-Yoroi list here, too. =p 3) Nomads are alright. Provide some very interesting and hard challenges, but I'll really have to remember about Stealth more often so I don't repeat the silly Move+Reset duck-walk that I've done a few times with Domaki links.
Loosing hidden deployment is a setback but not a real loss. Especially if you have another TO in your list. yo can hide the fact that one of them is your LT an of course hide it in the posibility that a 3rd TO is hidden somwere because a lot of TOs Hidden could meen a severe decrease of your order pool on the first turn. You only need to deploy smart, in a good zone were the enemy needs a lot of investment to discover and were the nanopulser shines. The only options for an enemy to confront directly that TO should be: 1) spending a lot of orders to aproach the TO and discover. The best response is to nanopulser if the enemy on the second part of the order (or if he has visors ) because it can wait to perform a discover-shoot on the next one. If the enmy has no visors and has a low VOL it may be wiser to wait and see if he wastes all the effort spent til that moment. 2) use a sensor to discover witout LoS (somehow kind of rare) and mid/ heavy order demanding Here you have so little option. Becauser he can even repeat rensor skill until the discover. The only way to stop this from happenenin is cober from the distance with a ARO troop and try to reduce even further the Enemy orderpool In my opinion the 4-4 movement is the first thing I've changed if I hypotetically designed this troop. It should have been such a great troop with 6-2 movement! nice to get faster to good range and nice to exploit it's superjump and CC skills. Such a shame! The shikami embodies all that JSA lacks and all That JSA excells. Good CC and good medium range troops while it suffers to get to those ranges and sometimes it needs to take some risks to achive that goal. It suffers espacially before MSV ARO pieces that easyly render him pinned down on your deployment zone. the rest of the samurais and melee troops, such a as Domaru and Haramaki are no exception to this situation. What I miss in JSA to surpass this handicap without failing to the JSA mid range and CC spirit is some troop with eclipse grenades or a troop with albedo/white noise. that´s why Massacre can be such a good adition thanks to Soldiers of fortune extra. I think that Aleph is the hardest enemy a JSA player can encounter. Such quantity of DDO, Camo, NW incap, visors,... And some of those troops are also hard to kill on CC! Damn! I sincerely hate those toasters That's why a usually try make my lists reliable in order to confront Apleph lists. But it's a pretty hard goal.
Well, because of this thread I gathered the courage to trust infiltration rolls during the last game of our league match. Oni and Shinobu and I tried infiltrating Shinobu. I went second and I managed to get her positioned on a rooftop where there were a <unknown high value troop>, Proxy Mk1 and Teucer. Rolled a 10 for infiltration and... well... it felt like cheating.