The Caledonian Justicar's Proctor, the Attorney General of USAriadna, Cour de cassation Merovingia and the Stavka requires herby that @Drunkergnom and all other members of the so called "New Dawn Army" present themselves at the earliest opportunity to superior officers for arrest and transport to Dawn. The charges follow. On or around commencement of the Novvy Bangkok joint operation, you did wilfully and deliberately attempt sedition of the AEC chain of command and publish materials counter to the Ariadnan Uniform Code of Justice. Be advised that this is purely an AEC procedure, and civil courts, including those of the Oberhaus, have no jurisdiction on this matter, though charges may be filed separately. Commander Strachan, Caledonian Justicar's representative to AEC high command.
The charge is one of insubordination, which is only a capital crime in extreme circumstances. You will have a chance to defend yourself, explain your actions and make reperations before being sentenced.
But why use this chance? It can be used if there are any possiblities and excuses for my actions. My actions don't improve situation here. So I must take full responsibility for my failure.
That contrition in itself is enough to minimise your punishment. The trip back to Dawn will be long enough that if you surrender yourself now, spend the journey in the brig and agree to extend your service, as acting commander of this detachment I will recommend that your custodial time be kept to a minimum. You'll have to spend a few more months without privileges, and it will be on your jacket, but I'll arrange for the rest of your sentence to be carried out on work detail. You can make this right and continue to serve Dawn...
It will be treason against men who trusted me, if I just surrender. Define this. Is it my own squad and main part of munity or 10th Penal Company? Can I be trusted after all? And what if I prefer to leave and fight my own war against enemies of Dawn?
Mr. Drunkergnom, If you're interested, my associates would be happy to provide information about where AEC has been compromised by Shasvastii. These are former/inactive operations of ours, but may be helpful in sussing out traitors to your planet. Warmly, "Shasworth" #shasvastiidiplomacy
Yes, I admit - there may have been collaboration with Haqqislam. But look how well they've done with a little boost!
Your corp is number 2 in elimination table. And you live only because I can't get your head with AKN Zyefir sniper rifle.
No, and it's unlikely you will get the chance. Word to the wise: it's a good time to make the right friends. We're here to help, and we're here in a BIG way now.
Your words are poison. You may have succeeded in some small capacity, but thanks to Ariadnan investigation, we have all the proof we need to see your personnel interrogated, and assets seized. At this point in time, we are happy that the EI never signed the Concilium Convention.
You'd be doing them a favour, if you accept full responsibility for your actions then the most they will face is a reprimand. You misunderstood the context of the phrase,since @Cabaray stood down to join O12, as his second in command I am acting as the Commander of the AEC detachment on Novvy Chimera. Trust is earned, you'll have a lot more to do to earn it back with most, but depending on what crisis we face next, someone with your skills and experience might be useful to the next high command.
And I take it and ready for anything except one thing. Can I and my people be as irregular unit like caterans? We don't even need transport, we already recover one from Shasworth, and it is enough big for us. By the way, are those Haqqs and Shasworth allowed on martial court?
My friend, As one of your ancient philosophers said: "I have drunk the bowl of poison from the hands of love as nectar, and have been raised above life's joy and sorrow." -Hazrat Inayat Khan
Commander @Drunkergnom , perhaps you've heard of the Imperial Service "Paragon of Justice" initiative? We started it with Major Lunah when she decided to stand against Haqqislam to denounciate the atrocities they commited on various war theatres, and since then we've always been looking for more courageous people willing to do what's right, no matter the cost. While I don't have the details of your operations, If you think the AEC is culprit of war crimes, or worse, know that the State-Empire is willing to offer juridical assistance, as well as political asylum for you and your men.
If there is one thing to be commended of this fellow soldier is loyalty to Ariadna and her people. His actions, no matter how misguided, were out of patriotism, not the greed for power. He is a fellow soldier, and a good one at that. I have faith our commanders will reach a just and appropriate sentence.
If you'd rather accept a discharge other than honorable, then we can fulfil the requirements under the Ariadnan Uniform Code of Justice in short order. If @Sedral is willing to offer you a private contractor charter under the YuJing flag to form a mercenary company then that would be advantageous to you and your troops, allowing you to provide for your families outwith the AEC chain of command. In time a company with your moral fortitude could even see contracts for auxiliary work from the AEC, where you would be given much more flexibility in achieving your missions...
Idea of merc company is good, especially in face of fact, that there are no Ariadna mercenary squads in Human Sphere. Not under Yu Jung banner, but under Ariadna's one.