Hmm, I'd thought when showing the Beyond Wildfire designs Bostria described her as the "light" version, implying a heavy version to come, but I can't find it now. Edit: OK, looks like I might have imagined/dreamt up heavy Sheskiin.
Who knows, we already have the Fat Yuan Yuan. Maybe next limited edition model will be Fat Sheskiin (too much Proteion).
Wouldn’t that just be a waste of resources? Of course they should release the Defiance models separately but resculpts of everything in Defiance? Why? Or isn’t that what you mean?
Different versions of troops, one sculpt for Defiance, another for Infinity. Provide some exclusivity for Defiance, but don’t lock in certain load outs only for backers of the game.
Do Want. Seriously, though. I really want a morat doctor. That worm is too expensive and just doesn't fit the theme of the army
I'm hoping to see some O12. With Defiance shas has been getting a lot of previews and momentum, O12 is feeling a little left behind to me.
IIRC the USA Starter went OOP a couple months ago. I would wager the reason is that the Army Pack sells more -- there probably isn't a good reason to split out a starter just to have people need to buy an even bigger box for exclusives and just end up with doubles of half of the models.
It also doesn't help that the USARF starter set was horrendously underpointed for what is supposed to be a 'starter'.
I would be interested to see more female Morat models especially one without a helmet/mask covering the face.
Because there isn't a single female Morat that doesn't have a mask of some kind. We've never seen a Morat female face.
I legitimately bought both the big box and the small starter. I wanted the extra grunts, Marauder and Foxtrot FO.
Agreed. I can see the actual Combined Army (and Onyx) using Doc Worm, but Shas and Morats could use their own doctors.
I bought a couple of USA starters that I found on sale. Glad I made that purchase considering CB has now made them more expensive due to the starter's minis only available in the Army Box now.
Nurses are the unsung heroes of hospital work. Without them the affect Doctors have would be blunted servilely. Exactly. We just need at least one model that is unmasked. More would be preferable but one is still a major step considering how many years the Morat race has existed in this game's lore.
What would the stripped down JSA starter be? 3 Keisotsu, a Kempeitai, an Oniwaban, and a Ryuken? That's a bit low on points for a starter, but the closest you could get without doubling up on the AVA1 units. Looking now though, the old starter was really low on points too, huh.