No, it is doubly redundant. You can both not place the Zone in base contact and not the model. ITS rules only removes the Zone, so the rules for model placement still apply. This is found under "Airborne Deployment", not "Airborne Deployment Level 4: Combat Jump". Troopers using Airborne Deployment cannot deploy Prone or in base to base contact with another model, Marker, mission objective or piece of scenery. Visibility Conditions and AD: Combat Jump You cannot use AD: Combat Jump nor place the Landing Zone Template inside of, or in contact with, an area with Low, Poor, or Zero Visibility Conditions.
From what I can tell, a previously deployed smoke template, for example, is still a Zero Visibility Zone for Ko Dali - MSV 2 lets her draw LOF through it and reduces its MODs to 0, but it says nothing about ignoring it or treating it as a clear zone.
So my experiences with the Gamma: I really like the Feuerbach profile. It's a great ARO piece against 2W enemies and a even better offensive heavy hitter. It will nearly be an autoinclude in most my upcoming games! Sure I'm gonna try out the Omega HMG too but to this date I'm absolutly satisfied with the "Mini-Tag" Gamma.
every time I peek mine out he always gets roasted :( I can see him being a better ARO fighter later in the game.
Agree with you, played mine for the first time last sunday and I was surprised to land up with a mini-tag (6 ARM/BTS, W3 virtually), that's quite resilient, even if it still dies very easily if too much ARO piece gets their hands on him. I cannot wait to put him on SF mode and try him as an ARO piece (mine made all the game in prone state juste to hand up shot in active turn without making any significant kills).
After a great many games I lost the Gamma for the first time ever during a learning game to 3 combi crits He died like he lived, in a badass way
I really really like the Gamma, I kind of wish the Beta did not exist so I could convince myself to use the Gamma more.
I'm still pretty new to the game but I definitely enjoy how beefy the Gamma is. Maybe I've just been rolling really well with him, but he always feels like the heart of my force. I started out liking the Epsilon unit due to design and role, but I am coming to really appreciate the Gamma.
During the french tournament last week-end, it took 3 orders to a Szalamandra to take down my gamma Feuerbach. And it took the same for a Maghariba to take him down too. I love this boy!
Usually it is a good idea to go prone once you're in NWI, you know? :D Seriously, though, it is a good idea. Usually your enemy already spent a couple orders and if you go prone instead of continuing the fight you can then stand up next turn and start mulching stuff. The gama is reasonably sturdy, but I wouldn't trade one for just three orders when I can use it to pancake that same TAG my next active turn.
You're right, but it was my first tournament ever and I'm a new player... I keep it in mind thank's :)