NA2 Phase 2 Orders – Topple the Yu Jing Tyrants

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by TheDiceAbide, Sep 30, 2019.

  1. TheDiceAbide

    TheDiceAbide Thank you for your compliance.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Greetings NA2 Commanders,

    Congratulations on your efforts during Phase 1 of the campaign. The battle for Harry’s Bar is incredibly close, and we will have to wait for the AI Historian to know the true impact of the Yu Jing assault. However, it is their relentless assault that informs our strategy for Phase 2.

    For too long the Japanese citizens have been forced to kneel before the Imperial Service, and since their secession, the Yu Jing empire has ignored all responsibilities to the Human Sphere in their continuous persecution of the Japanese citizens. We have played the defensive role on Novvy Cimmeria, claiming no new ground, only defending the lives of the Japanese. We have played the defensive role at the beginning of our campaign here, only to continue to be seized by the State Empire’s forces.

    Today this ends.

    Effective immediately, ALL NA2 Commanders are ordered to take control of Jiyuan Open Pit Operations Hub.

    We will punish the oppressors, we will attack them where they sleep, in the sanctity of their own home. They seek to destroy anything that they cannot claim as their own, it is our very nature as mercenaries to not be owned, there can be no mutual accord, no compromise, only destruction.

    To ensure the sovereignty of our Japanese citizens, our allies, the Tohaa Trident, have stepped in, helping their own race advance in territory of the Human Sphere, while assuring the freedom of our citizens to live the lives they choose. Do not interfere with the Tohaa as they establish a safety perimeter in the Japanese Bottom. They see the plight of the Japanese reflected in their own struggles with the Combined, and have they have been ever empathetic towards them. We will trust our allies to defend not just our interests, but their own, as they will undoubtedly make more contacts with mercenaries, willing to work together with these visitors.

    The military might we have shown so far will force Yu Jing to either defend at all cost, or be crumbled under foot. If we maintain focus, the power of our attack will be unstoppable.

    Thank you for your compliance,

    Mr. Yōkoso, aka TheDiceAbide
    NA2 Director of Operations
    Ikari Company
    #1 TheDiceAbide, Sep 30, 2019
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2019
  2. Ayaxs

    Ayaxs Crane agent, Yuandun division.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Im sure that in the head of Mr Yōkoso this might sound as a call to fight for freedom, but lets see the bigger picture, he is just selling himself to the Tohaa for protection and expect his comrades to risk their lives for him.

    -Liu Sheng, Crane Agent of the Yuándùn Division.
  3. TheDiceAbide

    TheDiceAbide Thank you for your compliance.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Yu Jing lies and propaganda are as transparent as your intentions with Novyy Bangkok.

    Mr. Yōkoso, aka TheDiceAbide
    NA2 Director of Operations
    Ikari Company
    Luisjoey, Ayaxs and melkiach like this.
  4. Ayaxs

    Ayaxs Crane agent, Yuandun division.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    The great nations of the sphere have come here because of your failure in keeping the enemies of humanity out of your turf, and you had the chance to help them, now, be blown away as old leaves before the storm that we bring.

    If you try to keep your promises of aggression, you will only find yourselves bloodied at our gates, unable to harm the order and law you fear and despise.
    Sedral, ObviousGray and Shiwen like this.
  5. ObviousGray

    ObviousGray Frenzied Mushroom

    Nov 27, 2017
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    "Submondos declaring fight for freedom? The ones make out day's living by splattering bloods of the other? Did not their makeshift commander introduced themselves ones who can happily explode a school bus if the money is right? Well deserved laugh indeed. He could've been a great comedian.

    They just want trinkets from our people. Greedy stench hiding on a good mask called goodwill, if they had any, but such is the way of crimes. I suggest our finest should prepare a lolipop, cherry flavor I prefer, to shove it into their greedy mandibules while their blood soaking Ji Yuan Ops Center."

    - General Hui, of 252th Invincibles : On the garrison party of celebrating Ji Yuan with Barbecue
    Sedral, Ayaxs and Shiwen like this.
  6. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    Dear esteemed Director of Operations,

    The Tohaa have heard your request for aid in securing the safety of the the Japanese Bottom. Please rest assured we will do all within our power to keep it out of the hands of the State Empire.

    -Naami MuuKar
    Tohaa Diplomatic Corps
    Delivered through Maar-Du
    Authorized Chaksa Representative
  7. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    With all due respect, Mr. Yōkoso, and it seems very little of that is merited, one man's fantastical imaginings hardly seem the stuff upon which to pin the policy of the Human Sphere's mercenary companies.

    Set aside the disconcerting feeling all cannot help but feel to hear an agent of the Ikari Company wax on about defending civilian populations, and simply look to the facts: Yu Jing, along with the forces of several other Sphere powers, have turned their attentions to Novyy Bangkok because it has been revealed as the site of a significant Combined Army operation to infiltrate the Human Sphere. Unable to trust the Ikari oversight under whose eyes this infiltration was carried out, Yu Jing has moved directly to investigate the vicinity of Harry's Bar, while other powers have carried out investigations in other regions of the asteroid. The Shasvastii are tenacious, and the work of unearthing and destroying them is not quick, but advances are being made.

    And yet, despite the claims that Yu Jing's every action is an act of genocide against Japan, the StateEmpire did not target the Japanese residential area when it undertook its operations, did not target Japanese citizens residing on Novyy Bangkok as it undertook investigations. Our interest was focused on Harry's Bar precisely BECAUSE it had been a hub for Ikari operations, and both their actions supporting the Kuge insurrection and their provision of a haven to Shasvastii infiltrators directly demonstrated reason for suspicion.

    Your words, Mr. Yōkoso, are clearly designed to inflame passion and outrage... and how could they not, for the substance of your argument could not survive exposure to truth. And so, one must ask the question that is key: not 'who screams loudest', or 'who imagines most energetically', but rather who benefits?

    Among the ranks of the 'NA2' are numerous organizations. There are those who seek profit, there are those who seek to take moral stands. Does this demanded offensive assure employ for those who embrace mercenary work? The coffers of Yu Jing, and of many other powers, are full, the debts of the Kuge are well known and deep. Does this demanded offensive assure moral righteousness? But of course! The Ikari Company has surely turned a new leaf! No need to doubt their conversion based only on such paltry things as 'years of accumulated and confirmable evidence'.

    So in this matter, who benefits if Yu Jing's investigations are halted? Is it the mercenary companies seeking profitable contracts? No. Is it those noble souls fighting for a more righteous world? No. Is it the Ikari Company, hobbling every rival mercenary band by binding it to slavish obedience? Yes, perhaps it is. Is it the Combined Army, whose Shasvastii infiltrators fear the keen eyes of the Invincible Army?

    Most definitely.
    Sedral, Thandar, ObviousGray and 2 others like this.
  8. TheDiceAbide

    TheDiceAbide Thank you for your compliance.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @Shiwen your words, which are many, do nothing to cloak the actions of the State Empire.

    Yu Jing's investigation into the Shasvastii threat only manifested by attacking areas with high population of Japanese citizens. What an amazing coincidence, all the Shasvastii in the station must have been wearing kimonos. Meanwhile, the NA2 forces performed no meaningful operations in the Ji Yuan pit to provoke such an onslaught by the Imperial Service.

    Did the noble Yu Jing empire step in to stop the Combined Army from nearly taking The Gallery Maze? Not even in the slightest.

    In fact, if you track the actions of Yu Jing's behavior, during the so called investigation, you only see one thing, further attempts at subjugating Japanese citizens and businesses. These unwarranted, and unsanctioned attacks to further prosecute the free Japanese citizens cannot be tolerated, and if O-12 won't step in to stop you, then we're going to have to show you how to behave in our house.

    Thank you for your compliance,

    Mr. Yōkoso, aka TheDiceAbide
    NA2 Director of Operations
    Ikari Company
  9. Shiwen

    Shiwen Commissar, Yu Jing Political Work Department

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Some might enjoy weaving a fantasy within which they can wrap themselves to live free from reality, Mr. Yōkoso, and the StateEmpire will not demand they cease... but the place for such fetishism is in the privacy of the bedroom, not the realm of public policy.

    For those who choose to work with what is real, not what is pretend, the actions of Yu Jing on Novyy Bangkok have taken place openly and clearly, accepting and embracing the oversight of O-12. Did the StateEmpire move into the Gallery? No, of course not, for ALEPH had investigations there well in hand. Did the StateEmpire consider the wearing of a kimono proof one was a Shasvastii agent? Absolutely not, but nor did that garb protect from investigation, the kimono is one of many guises embraced by the Combined Army as it works to disrupt humanity's defenses against its invasion. It is no more reason for suspicion, and offers no more inherent defense from guilt, than a qipao or a tuxedo.

    Attempts to tar the StateEmpire with accusations that our operations have some sort of anti-Japanese character are clearly ludicrous. Novyy Bangkok's Japanese population dwells where the dictates of the Ikari Company have demanded: in the 'Japanese Bottom'. Yu Jing's investigations have been targeted not there but instead at the heart of Ikari operations, Harry's Bar. The motives for trying to conflate the two are most transparent, and the effort most unconvincing.
    Sedral, OrpheusNXCI, Minos and 3 others like this.
  10. Sabin76

    Sabin76 Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    "I, personally, find it quite odd that Ikari is running to the aid of the Japanese, considering their history. This is doubly odd since I was specifically sent to the area to care for the wounded on all sides. Since our services don't seem to be appreciated, I've requested a leave of absence from this conflict and will be on the next flight out. Nobody can trust anyone on this rock..."

    - 休 曼 (Xíu Mán)
    Yu Jing Paramedic, normal hooman, interviewed about the ongoing political dispute between an Ikari commander and the State Empire forces
    #10 Sabin76, Oct 1, 2019
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2019
  11. Luisjoey

    Luisjoey High Marshall of Wotan

    Mar 3, 2017
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    Fight for your freedom, of the body and soul from those tyrant that believes and do utterly evil thing believing in a flying alligator.

    Count with our support in this dire situation against the evil, and count we are containing an utter evil that dwells deep within noovy bagkok.

    Remember that freedom it´s not a gift but something earned and you have done in sweat and blood.

    Father Knight Luisjoey from Santiago de Leon Order
    Lion Tremere likes this.
  12. Ayaxs

    Ayaxs Crane agent, Yuandun division.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Dear Father Knight @Luisjoey, i must ask if your statement here is just a blanket statement, a simple thougth uttered without ill intention, or a provokation for unaligned agents to attack a fellow nations forces, called here by O-12 to enforce their declaration of martial law and Shasvastii infiltration, with full legal support?

    I await your answer before calling the attention of O-12 officers to evaluate the capacity of panoceanian elements to cooperate and coordinate efforts on the Shasvastii investigations.

    I can entertain myself talking with rogue and unaligned elements, but your words, coming from an ally in the fight to protect the human sphere from the alien menace can not be tolerated.

    -Liu Sheng, Crane Agent of the Yuándùn Division.
    Sedral likes this.
  13. Lion Tremere

    Lion Tremere Herald of the Trident

    Aug 21, 2019
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    Yu Jing diplomacy is so passive-aggressive it's suffocating.
    Luisjoey and TheDiceAbide like this.
  14. Cabaray

    Cabaray Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
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    Greetings Comrades,

    I am just here to tell you all that this strategy used, was thought up by @cazboab and first employed by the Ariadnans (although we let the respected Oberhaus take ground and not some alien menace). So be sure, @cazboab wants his royalties paid.

    So the next time you want to be arrogant about us "Barbaric" Ariadnans. We write your officer textbooks.

    Kind regards,

    High Commander Cabaray of the AEC


    Go Dragons! Get those insurrectionist mercs and their Tohaa Terrorist allies.
    Sedral likes this.
  15. Sedral

    Sedral Jīnshān Task Force Officier

    Nov 28, 2017
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    Mr Yokoso, it is deeply regrettable that neither you, nor the other commanders affiliated to the NA2 army, are willing to admit this whole mess started because the Ikari Company, who put itself in charge of Novyy-Bangkok but failed to show any capabilities for the task at hand, allowed the situation on the asteroid to degenerate until it became a sleazy den for smugglers, pirates and, of course, shasvastii infiltrators.

    While the State-Empire commend the other nations effort in dealing with the EI operations, it is foolish to believe any meaningful progress can be made without total and complete cooperation from the local population. Order must be restored on Novyy-Bangkok, and this is what the State-Empire aims to achieve.

    However, the reluctance shown by the mercenary companies of Novyy-Bangkok in accepting our rule is highly suspicious, and one can wonder if your desire to maintain the statu-quo isn't just a desperate attempt at playing for time until you've managed to sweep any incriminating evidence under the rug. Yet another proof that NA2 operations on Novyy-Bangkok need to be inspected thoroughly.

    But all of this is naught compared to what our Intelligence service had discovered, an information you confirmed in your present declaration:

    The NA2 are willingly abandonning the japanese citizens of Novyy-Bangkok to the untrustworthy Tohaa Trident.

    Such disregard for the lives of lawful citizen of the Human Sphere will NOT be tolerated, and know that the State-Empire will do everything in its power to liberate the Japanese citizens from the grasp of the aliens who proved time and time again they were dangerously opportunist and had nothing but contempt for human lives.

    We hope the other powers on Novyy-Bangkok will realize that by this action the NA2 are branding themselves not only as enemies of the State-Empire, but as enemies of Humanity, and actions must be taken against them before they commit the one fatal mistake that'll doom us all.

    - Major Qin Huang of the Invincible Army's 12th Heavy Division "Fánghù Shān"
    Captain927, ObviousGray and oldGregg like this.
  16. TheDiceAbide

    TheDiceAbide Thank you for your compliance.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Oh, I'm sorry, I nodded off for a minute there, were you still going on about the nobility of the Yu Jing and the purity of their reasoning?

    You have yet to address one simple issue, the only territory Yu Jing has placed any interest in, is that which is inhabited by Japanese civilians.

    You talk in circles and justify your actions with your own words, but offer no evidence, and less remorse. You only further seek justification to further persecute the Japanese. Since the forces of the Sphere won't step up to stop you, the NA2 forces have been forced to rely on their connections with the Tohaa, who have shown nothing but support for an independent Japan, and their desire to see the persecution against them come to an end.

    I'm sure you'll come up with some other verbose response, with whimsical accusations of us harboring Shasvastii Agents, but somehow, your goal will remain highly predictable:

    Yu Jing only seek Shasvastii, if they are conveniently disguised as Japanese civilians.
    It doesn't take a much work to see the intentions of the State Empire. What's more, the evidence is in plain site, there has been no noticeable presence of Combined operations in any of the NA2 held territories, and due to our incredible security, it has been the territory with the least Combined presence in the whole first phase. In fact, there was more than double the incidence of Combined attack occurring within Yu Jing territory during the first phase of the campaign than in either of the NA2 territories combined.

    What a strange coincidence that in the safest part of the station, with the least Combined presence, that the mighty Yu Jing empire goes on such a vicious hunt. It certainly can't have anything to do with the Japanese population there.

    Your rambling bores me, and your propaganda bores me. The information is out there for everyone to see.

    Mr. Yōkoso, aka TheDiceAbide
    NA2 Director of Operations
    Ikari Company

    YueFei23, ChoTimberwolf and nehemiah like this.
  17. Ayaxs

    Ayaxs Crane agent, Yuandun division.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Let me correct you here, yes, Yu Jing has placed interest on Harry's Bar, because it is a known meeting point for criminals and undesirables, some of those criminals have come here after the uprising, me, personally, have been on the hunt of a notorious criminal element wich was using Harry's Bar as his base of operations, because of this we secured the area as part of the Shasvastii investigations. Other Forces were tasked with the areas you mention, and we weren't asked by O-12 nor did we see the need to intervene.

    Yes it was no coincidence we choose to operate here, but we were tasked with upholding the Martial Law commanded by O-12, and certainly it has angered those who profit from chaos, and in full hypocrisy now they declare themselves saviors of a people they have literally dump to the bottom.

    But, we do act according to law and right now, law is in our side, any aggression on Yu Jing forces will be responded with lethal force as corresponds against a riot under martial law. And if your "call to arms" cause our forces to be assaulted without provocation, any innocent blood spilled will be your doing.

    As a lawful force we cannot act without a cause, so the next move is in your hands.

    -Liu Sheng, Crane Agent of the Yuándùn Division.
    ObviousGray likes this.
  18. TheDiceAbide

    TheDiceAbide Thank you for your compliance.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Which is it, criminals of past campaigns or Shasvastii?

    Even the propaganda master himself cannot keep his story straight.
  19. Ayaxs

    Ayaxs Crane agent, Yuandun division.

    Nov 23, 2017
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    Both, as previously explained, i have no need to keep a "straight story" i'm with all transparency commenting on the development of current events.

    We just aligned our needs with the task at hand, as an old wise man said 但是多么伟大的经济! (but what a great economy!)

    -Liu Sheng, Crane Agent of the Yuándùn Division.
    SpectralOwl, cazboab and ObviousGray like this.
  20. cazboab

    cazboab Definitely not Cazboaz.

    Nov 30, 2017
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    More than one thing can be bad at one time Yōkoso-san. If you're thirsty and cold does one make the other tolerable?
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