@Lion Tremere while the P-ONY -:3urda edition will certianly be a welcome gift, I'd like to inform you that Waqf al-Badawi is now accepting donations to help it with the task of taking care of Nomad refugees in Pakngein Nbis Hangar. Whether monetary, or in form of material, all assistance is welcome. We need medical supplies, food, clothing, bedding, personal hygiene products etc. If you have a pair of willing hands to spare, these will be appreciated, too. Currently the operation is manned by Haqqislamite volunteers, both civillians and off-duty Sword of Allah personnel (we have also asked the HHC to assign a small Sekban Corps detachment for security and peacekeeping duties), but our resources are limited, and we have a humanitarian crisis on our hands here!
Believe me, they are no innocents, we have severe proofs about them firing at O-12 authorized members just for some P-0NYS.
Wait what ? Not what I read in the repport from sergeant Trudbale... Your guys shooted first ! And you invade your headquarter about a SPAM ! Arkane, Bakunin commander
...while the O-12 can't be bothered to even comment on the situation of civilian refugees, victims of that attack...
I would like to state there was no innocent civilians there. We got a lot of people under arrests for several things while we where in The Gorge. But we didn't shoot any civilians. We are peacekeepers, not greedy mercs.
Forensic evidence collected at the Waqf al-Badawi humanitarian aid stations proves otherwise, Comissioner @Lady Numiria . It will be presented at the nearest session of Oberhaus. You shall not walk calmly on the as-Sirat.
Wait wait wait... Say that to the Reverend who died trying to protect our installation from your sneaky intrusion ! We still have some of your pal in our analysis department, remember the one of your who nearly kill our sergeant in charge of the defense of our headquarter, or your deadly sneaky sniper who died when trying to kill that poor Reverend. Arkane, Bakunin commander
Thank you to all the Nomads who braved the Quantronic Storm at the Warconsole over the weekend to retake the Gorge and hold our Arachne Node! The Waqf al-Badawi humanitarian aid stations were instrumental in keeping Nomad personnel fit and energized to keep our lockdown in effect and repel unauthorized intruders (with Intruders... allegedly). We'd like to once again thank all Haqqislamite citizens and military forces for their unflagging support. Now we find our Bot Branch Office under siege! The Nomad Council would like to remind citizens and peacekeeping forces on Novyy Bangkok that all portions of The Gorge are under lockdown. Any investigative actions are to be directed to the offices of the Nomad Council. We have conveniently set up receptacles at the entrances to The Gorge where such inquiries can be deposited. All Nomad commanders: please ensure your personnel are fully briefed on current lockdown procedure! See below for further instructions:
According to Waqf al-Badawi records (as a charity NGO, we are bound to keep these records public) there are minimal numbers of Nomad military personnel among the refugees. And the majority of them require lenghty hospital care. Nomad civillians in our care are, of course, free to move on however and wherever they please. Nomad military personnel we are bound to treat in accordance with International Law of Armed Conflict - as warring faction's combatants in neutral territory. This means custody over them is taken by Sword of Allah, and they are put in internment facilities until they can be repatriated after cessation of hostilities. It breaks my heart to see brave Nomad soldiers refused the chance to fight for their Nation in such a fashion, but as mentioned, it is rare to find one of them who isn't going to be bed-ridden for several following weeks. Note that any other warring factions' military personnel that happens to turn up at Waqf al-Badawi aid stations is treated along the same procedures. The law is the law.
The wounded Nomad civilians are duly noted; thank you to Waqf al-Badawi for disseminating this information. This type of harm to civilians is precisely the nightmare situation we NGOs must stay vigilant against. Our organization, Sphere Itself (a commission of the Shasworth Egalitarian Foundation) does not provide medical assistance as your noble NGO does. However, we serve as a governmental watchdog in conflict zones, either sharing information with news media or providing credible claims of Concilium Convention violations to hold governments accountable. Can your organization speak to the evidence that ALEPH has used the following types of weapons (whether intentionally or unintentionally) against Nomad Citizens on Novyy Bangkok? Antipersonnel Mines Flamethrowers Shotguns Grenades "Chain" weapons Pulsed Nanonbots We would be grateful for medical evidence supporting these deeply concerning claims. Sincerely, Lawrence Mann, General Counsel Sphere Itself
Waqf al-Badawi records confirm treatment of Nomad citizens suffering wounds from offensive nanobot swarms, burns and shrapnel. Please keep in mind we do record the type of injury we have to treat, we are not witness to how, where and under what circumstances it was caused. For example shrapnel wounds are a very common case in history since the very invention of explosives of any kind. Waqf al-Badawi is comitted to providing relief to the victims of the conflict - we treat their wounds and provide them with basic comforts of existence, rather than collecting forensic evidence.
Last Gabriel de Fersen Report from The Arachne Node, where he was seriously was wounded. https://asteroidblues.warconsole.com/battles/father-knight-luisjoey-vs-willroarke-1569218546 https://asteroidblues.warconsole.com/battles/father-knight-luisjoey-vs-victor_bx-1569070105 Aleph Has been in contact with the Arachne Node at a point, and we think something happened that arises some ROGUE IA from the doings of the praxis and tunguska Arachne; so there is a notably situation and deep below we are searching for vinculations with the combined army and are afraid of alienoid infestation if present on the asteroid; so we the Panoceania Enforcement must content inmediately the Passeaway to prevent rogue or infected IA from arising deep from below. It´s our duty to prevent the alien invasion from afar, bellow or inside so Liberty Cargo and sensible Locations shall be put into a curfew and martial law. Knights Deploying deep the caves to secure the passage as Santiago the saint commanded, to preserve the route and protect the travellers. Bureaut Toth shall take actions over the aleph loose ends so we call for O-12 and the Highest aleph operatives to take over the situation with the rogues IA and check for any vodoo tech taint. We cant leave open flanks to enemies of the human sphere and the organized forces shall work to preserve what it´s right. #DEUSVULT
Here is holograph footage of Aleph unleashing it's pet robots to massacre nomad civillians with prescribed weapons due to their beliefs: Yet another disgraceful display by this wild an unchecked AI Dark Star Logistics stands by it's nomad allies in their time of distress.
This is a serious allegation to make. Despite the fact that Shasworth or it's relative Sphere Itself are not on the Concilium list of recognized NGOs or charities, as the Waqf al-Badawi is, I reviewed the nature of this incident in depth. We take such matters quite seriously. As it happens, the "unarmed civilian" that is referred to is, in fact, a known criminal who is featured on several most-wanted lists for organizing terror attacks, financing known extremist groups, and a list of other violations of human rights that goes on for several paragraphs. While I absolutely cannot condone ALEPH units not taking this individual in and turning him over to the nearest Bureau Aegis posting for trial, I can state that he was certainly not an innocent, as your organizations insinuate.
Oh really ? Where are the proof ? Where are the evidence ? Who he is ? Which extremist groups ? Which violations ? Are you any proof of that ? Arkane, Bakunin commander
I have at no point reffered to this victim as innocent nor am I affiliated with Sphere Itself, such claims are libelous. So you admit then Aleph should be facing censure? This man was clearly a non combatant, the act clearly breaches the policing statuates of every nation O12 claims to represent and legitimises that a peacekeeping force is authorised to utilize deadly force without provocation? Clearly something is extremely wrong with both Aleph and O12, both should be subject to an independant inquiry
Bureau Toth reviewed and approved every ALEPH requests made so far on Novyy Bangkok. We have full confidence over their investigations and actions as ALEPH proved by the past and today to be trustworthy allies in the fight against Combined Army and the search for quantronic-tech related crimes, such as Rogue AI - which is something some Nomads has been already incriminated for in the past.