I also am not a fan of saying this sectorial made all the human sphere lose. It's a narrative event where our IC actions are driving us to do certain things. This is fun, I like the banter between the factions with the CA pretending to be normal people. It's really great just don't make this an out of game tension. What happens, happens and it's due to in-character actions. The second you start taking the in-character persona out of the game is where the fun will stop for every one.
That will throw CB for a loop. "What happened human sphere? You let CA win every zone!" "We wanted to watch the asteroid burn."
As of right now it's going to be hard to hold those 3 zones to prevent the CA form wining. Most of us are coordinated but those Haqq fellas sure don't like to negotiate these days. Of course I'm only kidding around. But more seriously we do have a lot on our plate if we want to keep this asteroid. letting the whole thing burn seems like what is supposed to happen.
Sounds strange, if you know what happened in Wotan, but that aside. You know, or we could find an IC way to handle the new OOC information about the CA sensitive locations. Somethink like a result of a certain investigation.... You know my opinion about this
If CA takes the asteroid, the story will go that it was rigged to explode as a kind of doomsday device was set by O-12 in case it happened. CA forces were destroyed and scattered to fight another day. Ikari is removed from NA2 like Merovingians were at Kurage as it was their asteroid. one last surprising selfless act by a mercenary company. Play the game as you want. The ending has already been written.
My take is that as players CB wanted us to know the info but our IC avatars would have no idea, at least initially. We could be at each others throats and then, as mentioned above, have an investigation that would tone down the violence. Although, humans being humans, we'd continue killing each other. CA has yet to be the threat that would unify all of humanity, especially since so much info gets suppressed.
You know, that was the whole point of Haqq attacking Ariadna IC in the first place? Performing an Investigation?
As Ariadna HQ I have one mission OOC: to make an interresting campaign. These win conditions goes against what Ariadna wants to do: That is to dive headlong into Haq Islam, come hell or high water. To defend another phase does not hold our interest. Like attacking Raxora during Wotan, while Pano would take it anyway. That we are talking about it right now, meant is was the right decision to do so. I am not here to grind the result the GM wants, I am here to have fun. And attacking Haq sounds fun. Like Haq attacking us in phase I, was fun. Plus order has been given, takes at least two weeks to stop the charge....i mean...."investigation". Our messaging pidgeons have some trouble with the zero-G Verstuurd vanaf mijn SM-G930F met Tapatalk
Well, I'm getting tired of YJ being beard twisting evil guys, but if you guys say its cool.. :)) But it tires me; everytime someone post about YJ in IC forums, mentioning JSA and war crime seems like a candy in pocket. Whatever we make to ellaborate such bias, response is 'go away evil neo china' - I hope this campaign twists it a bit.