"This is Threnody Zhang live from EDGE News with a breaking story from Novyy Bangkok. We have received independently corroborated evidence of coordination between ALEPH and Combined Army Forces." "Drone footage from the tunnels below the asteroid show a coordinated assault between ALEPH and Combined Army soldiers against a Nomad patrol. Local Nomad sources confirmed that the exchange occurred. The most shocking aspect is that the ALEPH soldier in question has been identified by military experts as a Posthuman Proxy Mk. 2, widely believed to be an extension of the AI itself. This means either a rogue AI has slipped from ALEPH's control, or that ALEPH itself is coordinating with the combined army. Either way, truly dangerous implications for the Human Sphere." Bill Smithson representing Sphere Itself, an NGO governmental watchdog, is sounding the alarm. "This validates common concerns about 'Big Mother.' I am terrified that ALEPH is trying to slip from control of Bureau Thoth. It also gives credibility to a question that once seemed too crazy to consider - is the 'Combined Army' actually an artificial threat created by ALEPH??"
Widely believed by the experts consulted by EDGE News for this story. Given the sensational nature of these claims, none would officially go on record. However, there was a general consensus among those with whom they spoke.
ALEPH wishes to strongly dismiss these shameful accusations that are nothing else but fake news. As a proof among many others, you will find below an interesting testimony that ALEPH is ACTUALLY killing infiltrated Morats in the Nomad territories : https://asteroidblues.warconsole.com/battles/minos-vs-renard-1569358409 Commander Minos Spokesman of the ALEPH High Command
"I just saw the news and I must say I'm not surprised. We've seen snippets of reports supposedly coming from Paridso, but I think that's complete bunk. ALEPH is using the threat of some overbearing entity to keep us afraid. I moved out here to get AWAY from that crap... live my own life, didn't you? You see an ALEPH "posthuman" *spits* out here and you give it an earful for me! Yeah, I know the owner of Bubbah's Khntiā. Look, we had a chat afterwards and I'm pretty sure he's just really confused. The guy lost his wits a couple years ago and hasn't been the same since." - Hugh Mann bar owner, regular hooman, overheard in conversations with patrons
I've been telling people for years these so called alien attacks are just false flag operations by the authorities. It's all just a ruse to justify constant surveillance and increasing government overreach! Donald Trooth The Trooth Report
As Nomad I highly doubt ALEPH works with the EI. But I truly believe that ALEPH would take EVERY opportunity to infiltrate our facilities and weaken our defenses. Even if this means that they would somehow 'cooperate' with the EI and at least ignore the EI forces. --- Jack “HarlequinOfDeath” Roberts --- Taskmaster Lieutenant, Leader of the Bakunin SWAST Team
Undoubtedly. However you slice it, that's treasonous action. ALEPH has so much power over our lives in the human sphere that even "conveniently ignoring" EI forces is beyond unacceptable. The good news is that whatever ALEPH is doing with the EI in the Maze, it's keeping them off the Arachne node. The bad news is we've heard rumors of a big shift in operations early next week. I fear Big Mother will be lashing out from a freshly fortified position. I'd advise caution, Captain. There's a conspiracy literally below our feet in the Maze. This story is only beginning to unfold, and based on newly received information may implicate Ariadnan nationals too. In the interests of transparency we'll release everything once we've been able to verify it.
Surprise, surprise. More "evidence" of Ariadna as collaborators with the Shasvaasti. That ploy didn't hold water with Haqqislam, nor Tohaa, and not with you either. Ariadna views this as proof that we are clearly the faction to beat as we pose the largest threat to stop the Combined Army and EI invasion. Haqqislam and Tohaa may be comprimised, but Ariadna will never stop fighting for Humanity.
Your tin foil is slipping. Ignoring Shasvasti (initially found at Wotan on Nomad ships mind you) while keeping them off an Arachne Node at the same time? That's an impressive jump.
My dear Captain, it seems as though you cannot be the faction "to beat" when you've already been beaten by Haqqislam and the Tohaa. Neither of those events induce great confidence in Ariadna's ability to defend us citizens from the EI. Perhaps that explains the rumored defections... Mr. DukeofEarl, our organization is merely advocating a vigorous defense of Arachne. We are concerned about the monopoly on information held by ALEPH and feel that a secondary network is critical for freedom of speech and information.
A' body is greet aboot shasvasti bein' 'ere 'n' thare yit a' we git fur proof is random tabloids wi' tips tae see if yer bairn is a shasvasti infiltrator. (Everyone is cry about Shasvasti being here and there yet all we got for proof is random tabloids with tips to see if your child is a Shasvasti infiltrator.)
Beaten, albeit temporarily, but not broken. We're still fighting, and it took attacks from two other factions to route us. Tohaa was held at Bay until we left the Ammo and Supply Module. Haqqislam had the benefit of a single point of defence from which to strike from. We've encountered worse and come out ahead. You have the benefit of hiding behind a desk to wage your war of words. Our swords are far mightier than your pen.
And yet the Nomad Nation lets invading alien forces walk rampant through areas you "control". This speaks of missing the proverbial forrest for the trees.
A chilling update to this story. The scale of human defection to the Combined Army should be deeply concerning to all. https://asteroidblues.warconsole.com/battles/shasworth-vs-lospec-1569440843
This is hogwash na true ariadian wid ever defect tae jyne they scum. (This is hogwash no true Ariadian would ever defect to join those scum.)
Absolutely agree! Let's face it: if this person defected to the Combined Army, they were never a true Ariadnan.
Ney, we wur brought 'ere tae hulp rammy against th' combined airmie. We dae nae defect tae th' combined airmie. This report is wrong, meant tae pat us in th' limelight bit in a ill wey. Thare haes tae be mair tae this story 'n' unknown source. (No, we were brought here to help fight against the combined army. We do not defect to the combined army. This report is wrong, meant to put us in the limelight but in a bad way. There has to be more to this story and unknown source.)
Tbh it's the easiest to slander and disguise yourself as an Ariadnan. It's not like you need power armor with microservos or what not, just wear something vaguely green. Then again these 'journalists' will write anything for clicks. As some of my more tech saavy friends would say: G8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8