Comrades, I have stated that the Casus Belli of the Haq Islamites was weak, and now it shows. the investigation is a dud, evidence non-existent. Everyone and their grandmother is using the Shashvastii-exuse to kick down the door and start shooting up a faction. You think O-12 would ever fall for that? In a facility they are guarding? O-12 have made investigating their core business! It does not make sense.So you try another excuse: The reason that we should be dealt with because of our fight with Pano on Wotan...while we made peace with the Hyperpower, sounds silly. People still forget that their were two factions actually fighting and beating the Combined during that Crisis: Pano on the Raxora and us on the Module. But, lets stick to us needing to be punished for attacking Pano during Wotan (which again, the hatchet has been buried). Answer me this: Why did the glorious sword of Allah not strike during the Kurage Crisis? You had us, on Dawn, our home planet. And your presence was not weak. We had diplomatic talks then and you wanted to stay on Dawn as an honored guest. Was being our friend then, all a lie? Instead you wait for years, until we are somewhere on a dark Asteroid in the middle of nowhere and strike at our backs wait yes, your Hassassins, silly me. O-12 has given you an out of this whole mess by leaving in 72 hours. Be wise and take it, look at the situation and save what is left of your reputation. High Commander Cabaray of the AEC
It really impossible to outnumber while whole Ariadna citizens in numbers equal at best to Haqqislam Fleet. AEC is much smaller. that you think. Is it medical aid from jokes about 112? In such case everything is fine. I choose softest words. In other cases you can't understand my words. And you can't make me fear with everything - I will go to hell to regroup and it is normal.
Legal analysis of O-12 procedures suggests that any such criminal condemnations on basis of national affiliation would require a joint resolution from the upper house of Bureau Concilium, and then a formal referral to Bureau Aegis for enforcement. In short: an empty threat. Inshallah!
As-salamu alaykum, Esteemed Bureau Aegis Commissioner, I come to you as a humble messenger for the Ambassadorial Office of the Hachib of Haqqislam. ETTVAK has completed their analysis of the evidence collected by the Tohaa Sentinels and has found it to be authentic. Haqqislam urges O-12 to reassess this evidence. If Section Statera is stretched too thin to perform an adequate assessment at this time, we will gladly provide additional military analysts. This is far too important to act hastily. The enemies of humanity and the Search for Knowledge feed on instability. Please feel free to communicate directly with my office to arrange more detailed talks. -Naghoon E'Tarse Representative for the Ambassadorial Office, Novyy Bangkok Haqqislam High Command, Novyy Bangkok
Please, if you have any diplomatic statement to do, dont do it on behalf of a tohaa mutiny/terrorists. Marshal @Engorn, real Commander of the Tohaa Trident forces in Novy Bangkok has already stated that those "Sentinels" are just a mutiny. Any information from them is far from a trustworthy source. So please, do bring proofs, all you want, but restrain from the easy ones that look forged. We never wanted this situation. High Diplomatic Foxep of the Merovingian Diplomatic Corps of the AEC.
Aye, we wur th' ones wha wur bein' diplomatic 'n' daein' oor jab haudin' doon th' base. Yit ye a' deemed us evil. We didnt stairt anythin' 'ere. (yeah, we were the ones who were being diplomatic and doing our job holding down the base. yet you all deemed us evil. We didnt start anything here.) OOC: gotta love English to Scottish Accent translator.
O-12's word is absolute, so I generally don't follow up with my statement reports. But really? you want to align yourself with mutinous Tohaa agents? and then play a game of chicken with O-12?
Interestingly you are correct, however as O12's forces were deployed here by such a resolution, which included leeway for operational requirements, such as assigning the AEC to the gun battery, going against the rules of engagement specified, eg operating with lethal force on humans outside of your assigned AO would seem to me as possibly not entirely legal... Haud the bus, thurs an automatic wey tae dae this? ahm no wurkin it oot fur mahsell onymair. **'Old the Bus, there's an owtermatic way ta gerrit don? I aint doint it meself no more.** Oh. Mine seems to be stuck on cockney. Manual it is then...
OOC: O-12: *deep concern intensifies* O-12: We cherish our allies! O-12: You guys rock! You really managed to act perfectly like an UN would! I belive it's the best IC that I have seen that replicates IRL politics. Keep up the good work.
The Ariadna commanders who are now a part of O12 command would like to advise that Haqqislam have provided no evidence of any infiltration within O12 ranks. O12 remains completely impartial despite these leadership changes. You can believe us. P. S. Access to any O12 records by anybody outside of O12 is not permitted. Please ensure no covert operations units go looking in our records for Haqq's evidence because it does not exist. Honestly. You can trust us, we're O12. Ooc: Love that my picture made it here.
How quaint, Ariadna Commanders that are NOW part of O-12 are looking into the files investigating them. This is great News for us. The old fashioned definitions of corruption and obstruction. Very, very nice.
They are Deputies, not Officers: we only gave a field operation mandate, not a full access to Bureau Aegis databases on criminal reports.
To-may-to, to-mah-to, it's overreach on both parties and only makes our legal case easier at the Oberhaus. I should know; I've been in courts so long I shoud be considered a Regular Client. Ohhohohoho. Ma'am, that's not something you should be proud of! Or say out loud!!!!
[OOC] So the players from O-12 agree with players playing with one faction and reporting the games as another using a different account. That's not enjoying the Campaign, that's gaming the system to gain an unfair advantage.
[OOC] Don't lump us all in this group. I am O12 and I also this is gaming the system and will have dumb outcomes both IC and OOC for us, because a few "faction leaders" decided they want to RP a particular outcome where O12 don't lose the Ammo depot to Tohaa players who are playing fairly.