To the Human Sphere

Discussion in 'IC [In-Character]' started by Engorn, Sep 24, 2019.

  1. Engorn

    Engorn Mariscal de Campo del Tridente Tohaa

    Nov 23, 2017
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    These are harsh days for both of our species. The conflict that ravages Novyy Bangkok is claiming to many victims amongst humanity and our brethren. A conflict that started with the discovery of a shasvastii cell. A conflict that should have evolved into a full attack on Combined Army's interests but derived in a war amongst its enemies. Because that's how the EI works. It divides its enemies. It makes us distrust each other. It makes us fight for trinkets. And meanwhile, it is free to do whatever is on its plans.

    I, Engoorn Kaadu, Field Marshal of the Tohaa Trident, highest representative of the Trident on this war theater now that the Daedalus' Gate has fallen and we are isolated from the High Command, assured the O-12 representatives that our intentions were (and still are) to fight the Combined Army as hard as we can. However, shasvastii agents lurk everywhere, plotting secretively to divide us. Not only to turn a faction or a nation against other, but to split up united forces as well.

    Some of the Trident ranks, those who call themselves the Trident Sentinels, do not act under the Trident's auspice. Their official orders were not to attack the Ammo Module on the Xaraks Battery. However, they decided to accuse the higher Trident ranks of collaborationism with the Combined Army, ignore their orders and act based on intel gathered by means beyond their superiors knowledge, although there is a chance that they have been deceived in some way by shasvastii agents.

    Sadly, the tohaa rogue officers were too many and too influential that the Trident couldn't do anything effective to stop them. Any action on our side in the Battery to avoid them to perform their actions would have been a worsening of the situation.

    I want to reiterate to O-12 our message of harmony and collaboration against the EI. We are aware that the actions of our brethren play against our credibility, but you must trust me when I say that we respect O-12 authority. We certainly hope to have a chance to show how committed are the Tohaa on the war against the Combined Army.

    Engoorn Kaadu, Field Marshal of the Tohaa Trident
    Aboard the "Pride of Taalaria" battlecruiser
    In orbit around Novyy Bangkok
    Paradiso War Theater
    Abrilete and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  2. Lady Numiria

    Lady Numiria Cyberius TaskForce

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Your statement is rather late and useless at that point now Field Marshsal.

    O-12 asks only one thing to be made here if they want to still manage under Concilium rules of engagement: fight your kind, and retreat from Ammo Module immediatly. These were the engagement you ensure us to be made already.

    Until then, all aliens in Xaraks will be fought and killed on sight by our forces there.

    Lady Numiria
    O-12 Head Advisor
    Novyy Bangkok Special Commission
  3. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    The Tohaa speak nothing but lies.

    @Engorn speak of peace with the Human Sphere and that the assault on the Ammo and Supply Module being orchestrated by a rogue group of Tohaa, however my own SAS operatives were able to intercept this battle report sent back to the Tohaa Battlecruiser "Pride of Taalaria".

    You claim to be in orbit around the asteroid, yet you are here, on Novvy Bangkok, sewing descent and mayhem.

    Tohaa are aggressive aliens fuelled by a rabid desire to conquer, enslave, and colonize. You are no better than the Combined Army.

    Caledonian SAS
  4. Einhorn

    Einhorn Combined Human Aid Delegation

    Mar 21, 2019
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    Lady Numiria,

    As forces under my command are currently committed to peacekeeping efforts between the Jiyuan Open-Pit and the Strip, I would just like to clarify that O-12 intervention against Tohaa forces is only meant against those lingering on Xarak. Is that correct?

    Also an additional question, do the Ariadnan Humans not understand that shuttles exist or that recordings do not necessarily happen at the time we watch them, but at some point in the past? I do not see how they would find Field Marshal Engoorn's whereabouts confusing.

    Specialist Einhorn,
    reporting from the Tohaa Jiyuan Blockade
    Abrilete and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  5. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    The battle report was intercepted approximately 28 hours ago, while the Ammo and Supply Module was under O-12 control. If you would like to argue that the battle took place before this interception, your choices are that the Tohaa, and specifically your Field Marshal @Engorn, attacked the O-12 during the AEC transition of control, or you were attacking the AEC while under the oversight of O-12.

    Which excuse would you like to use this time?
  6. Engorn

    Engorn Mariscal de Campo del Tridente Tohaa

    Nov 23, 2017
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    That was an unintended confrontation. We sent some operatives to investigate the Sentinel's actions but they found Ariadnan forces that were there against O-12 instructions and that attacked our operatives. One of the few tohaa survivors, a taqeul officer that sought shelter in the armory, is still in shock due to the huge amount of Ariadnans that tried to kill him.

    Out of character: I knew, and I told my opponent when he said me that he wanted to play there, that choosing that scenario was going to be a problem. And yes, @Jandrus choose to fight there and I accepted because sometimes my opponent should choose where to play and I almost always lose against Ariadna and I have won him only once or twice in more than three years. So, I actually thought I was helping Ariadna there... Then, the taqeul happened and I won the battle, and I'm not proud of that. Then, Jandrus told me to report the battle wherever I prefered despite we agreed to play at the Ammo Module, but it felt like cheating, so I decided to report there because at that moment it seemed to me that we wouldn't conquer the base.

    And, also out of character, everything I said in character is true. There's a split amongst the Tohaa and I, who was elected as the tohaa commander, didn't gave the order to attack Xaraks. However, I cannot forbid other players to do whatever they want...
  7. Einhorn

    Einhorn Combined Human Aid Delegation

    Mar 21, 2019
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    Considering my own forces were mistakenly attacked while exiting Xaraks, a situation I would like to lay fully on the feet of Yu Jing's fearmongering inability to differentiate species, and the continued display of Ariadnan arrogance and aggression, the reasoning I will employ is that Field Marshal Engoorn was most likely attacked by overzealous Ariadnans while relaying orders to commanders in the area to evacuate.

    Here I was thinking that the error in communications with the Sentinels was due to something internal, but now I am seeing that it may have a name: Ariadna.

    Speaking of reasoning, I am surprised that Ariadnan Humans think battle reports are written so immediately by injured operatives. Perhaps it is because you skip the fact-finding part of the process?
    Abrilete likes this.
  8. Engorn

    Engorn Mariscal de Campo del Tridente Tohaa

    Nov 23, 2017
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    There's only one thing that O-12 must understand: all the Tohaa in the Ammo Module are beyond the Trident's control. The order was to not attack the module and they didn't follow. You really believe if that I give the retreat order they will obey?
    Abrilete and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  9. Brother Smoke

    Brother Smoke Bureau Trimurti Representative

    Dec 19, 2017
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    OOC: No need to feel bad, @Engorn , you did everything right and got yourself a win, you should be happy lol
  10. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    I can speak with full confidence that if the Tohaa were attacked by the AEC, while anywhere near Xaraks, it was deliberate and intentional. Our over zealousness would be due to my own people and their excitement over wounding an enemy, as Caledonians tend to finish what they start; be it dinner, a fine scotch, or a battle. The Tohaa claim to be friends of Humanity, yet your actions claim otherwise.

    We'll be seeing you soon.
  11. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    OOC response: I wouldn't be doing my job if i didnt find all i could against the Tohaa. No real offence taken. :)
    ChoTimberwolf and Einhorn like this.
  12. Einhorn

    Einhorn Combined Human Aid Delegation

    Mar 21, 2019
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    The deliberate nature of your actions is so noted, Ariadnan Human. I am certain the O-12 will be delighted to hear that you delayed our orders from reaching the Sentinels with such deliberate intent.
    ChoTimberwolf likes this.
  13. Apps0206

    Apps0206 Kazak Sneeki Breeki

    Apr 19, 2018
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    At least with the Combined Army, you know where they stand.
    Foxep likes this.
  14. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    They will be delighted to know that we protected the Ammo and Supply Module as asked. Until it can be determined with 100% certainty that the Tohaa has a small rogue contingent, we will treat all Tohaa as hostile. There would be no way of knowing whether you were attempting to stop the Sentinels or reinforcing them.
  15. nehemiah

    nehemiah Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2018
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    As a gentle reminder to the esteemed representative of Ariadna of O-12's own esteemed representative's stance on the telling of tattles.

    However I do find it odd that Ariadna continually repeats the line, that the AEC has completely removed itself from the Xaraks Ammo Depot and give full operational control over to O-12, and yet presents evidence of our Field Marshal, (in his efforts to contact and reign in the Tohaa forces still operating in Xaraks no less!), being fired upon by the AEC.
    It would seem all this 'evidence' shows is that Ariadna has been untruthful regarding their forces operating the Xaraks battery, or that their is a mass infiltration of Combined Army within the Xaraks Battery, operating under the guise of AEC forces, or perhaps, it is simply that the esteemed representative of Ariadna, should have decided against finishing that fine scotch before making accusations against the Tohaa Field Marshal.

    -Naami MuuKar
    Tohaa Diplomatic Corps
    Delivered through Maar-Du
    Authorized Chaksa Representative
    melkiach and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  16. MikeTheScrivener

    MikeTheScrivener O-12 Peace Kepper

    Mar 5, 2018
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    Sir, your message is painfully transparent

    You are attempting to sow seeds of dissent between Ariadna command and my own.
    I want you to know this attack and your messages have done just the opposite.
  17. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    First: Reporting an intercepted battle report is not tattling, especially when it regards unwarranted aggression against a peacekeeping unit, or their approved associates.

    Second, and most importantly: A fine scotch should always be finished. To abandon a drink before its completion would be considered barbaric and uncouth.

    My accusations against the Tohaa Field Marshall are rooted in hard evidence, despite the attempts by the Tohaa Delegation to distract from the issue by referring to differing timelines used by the Tohaa compared to the standardized time used by the Human Sphere.
  18. Engorn

    Engorn Mariscal de Campo del Tridente Tohaa

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I am not trying to sow any dissent between Ariadna and O-12.

    I'm trying to make you understand that Tohaa is not the enemy. That the Trident hasn't ordered any attack on Xaraks Battery. That those attacks, yes, are perpetrated by tohaa, but they no longer operate under the Trident's flag despite the fact that they probably still hoist it. Those who attack Ariadna and O-12 on Xarak are a small part of the whole Tohaa Trident, but a big one considering only those who are trapped this side of the Daedalus' Gate. I'm trying to make you see that all this disputes are, surely, caused by the Combined Army's machinations to sow discord among us. But we are not interested on attacking humans. We are well aware of the danger the Combined Army supposes both for humanity and the tohaa and we have not interest on damaging the sole ally we have in this war against the IE and its Combined Army.

    In other hand, our intelligence services have found a statement done by the captain commanding the forces that my delegation confronted on the Ammo Module...

    We have decrypted the gibberish used to transmit the statement. On it, Blues de Lezo (a.k.a. Jandrus), encourages to commanders of all the Human Sphere to ignore orders from their official's orders and to do whatever they consider necessary to defend humanity. I could agree on the part of defend your own people, but ask military forces to disobey their official orders is reason to be tried in a court-martial. At least in Runohaa...
    Abrilete and ChoTimberwolf like this.
  19. Captain927

    Captain927 Shotguns and Scotch Runs.

    Dec 15, 2017
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    Can't say I disagree with him though. The real enemy are the alien threats. If I were told to attack the Nomads, or the YuJing, with the aliens at our door, I would choose to defend my family against the aliens.

    Right now, the AEC's biggest threat is Haqqislam, who we continue to deal with as they have illegally occupied the Battery Field which protects this asteroid, and the Tohaa, an alien threat that has attacked the Peacekeeping Body of the Human Sphere. Thankfully, the AEC has their heads on straight and our orders are to protect Humanity at all costs, against threats foreign and domestic. And so we shall. We will retake the Battery Field and the Ammo and Supply Modules.
  20. Engorn

    Engorn Mariscal de Campo del Tridente Tohaa

    Nov 23, 2017
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    I would agree with captain Blues de Lezo too if "anything their consider" was not indecisive. The military has ranks for a reason. Officers give orders and soldiers obey them, and they don't need to know all the reasons. A soldier that ignores orders might be ignoring consistent reasons for that order, despite of considering that he is doing what is right, but he actually might be doing what is wrong due his ignorance.

    So no, Blues de Lezo's claim isn't an actual statement to humanity's defense. Is a claim for anarchy and military disobedience.
    Abrilete and ChoTimberwolf like this.
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