I've also found this, though it usually ends up meaning I have one less hacking device, Zondbot or Morlock, which can be a little annoying depending on the list strategy, but isn't a huge concern at the end of the day.
That, and the local Flora and Fauna that keeps us to preoccupied to do anything else and keeps the population down low enough that we wouldn't have the numbers to so.
I thought that was how world domination would be achieved.... just unleash the worlds top 10 deadliest creatures from their landlocked home in Australia.
All that means is everyone does, even the Ozzie's can't control their flora/fauna. They just merely survive!
Nah, there's just too many other lifeforms for them to assimilate and/or eat - they'll hit their kill totals long before that and just shut down.
We stopped using LD50 standards for testing our venomous and poisonous wildlife ... Because the local venomous and poisonous wildlife tends not to affect the species used for the testing (usually Horses and/or cattle). A funnel web spider bite will kill you in a few hours if you don't get to hospital with a supply of antivenin (there's not been a single fatality here for decades for that reason), but the same spider bite won't hurt a wombat. OTOH if your car hits a wombat, your car will pretty much be killed dead, too. The wombat will just wander off. We call them organic speed bumps for a reason.
That's really what I was getting at. A Gecko/Anaconda/Scarface with one additional order isn't that scary. A Cutter/Sphinx/Avatar with one extra order is a lot scarier.
I understand that; I just don't think it's the right way to look at it. The opportunity cost of taking an expensive TAG is already higher; you're giving up a lot more to include one in your list. Cheaper TAGs are easier to fit in to a "standard" kind of army list, it's easier to take multiples, etc. As such, it's easier to leverage their buffs at army construction, which is why they have a points increase and the more expensive ones don't. Anyway, that's just my personal interpretation.
All I know is that the TAGs I tended to encounter sometimes before ITS11 were ones that got an upgrade for free (Marut, O Yoroi, Sally, most PanO and CA Tags basically) whereas most of the ones that paid for it I hardly or have never played against pre ITS11. I don't know if that's the general experience but I'd guess so.
I'm curious what your experiences there are. Avatar is very expensive; I don't see it a lot in "competitive" lists. Sphinx is also expensive, but the TO camo lets it get a lot done; this one I expect to be on your "frequently seen" list. Raicho got an interesting new profile a while back, which already included a points increase. Before that, it was the Raicho, not the Guijia, that was the most complained-about vanilla TAG. Overdron got a points increase. Xeodron got a points increase.
I've seen Avatar + Speculo a little bit. Sphinx a few times. Raicho a couple since it got the redesign. Overdron I've played against once. TAGs I've played against most are Marut and a bunch of the PanO ones.
If you think having your purchases invalidated because LOLWHYNOT is getting angry because some make believe faction got mistreated I don't know what to tell you. Also, some people choose their faction because the fluff (wow, strange, right? ) and maybe changing that overnight is not exactly honest? But please, by all means keep feeling more adult or something because you don't identify with your faction in a game of dolls.
Their old models look so different from the new ones that it's very nearly a new faction entirely. Even the Morat resculpt wasn't so dramatically different!
That's what they kept saying - that Shas was going through a redesign process and would look entirely new (and that the design process made the new release take more time than initially anticipated.)