In terms of money, it's about 40% cheaper than buying the stuff separately. In terms of usefulness... it's quite good, but you might need to buy some more things anyway. The least attractive thing would be the Tohaa starter, and one blister, with everything else being good, very good, or something you use 2-3 of the 4 miniatures from the box most of the time.
well. nikoul,kamaels and spitfire kotail are not priority. but makauls - sakiel - clipso and keltars are among the most important priorities. i would say yes, buy it.
It is a very good value, given that currently it is out of production. Not only you get a ready-to-play army, but also a quite good selection of units to make your first steps on the Way Of The Three. What do you get? Kamaels are our basic line infantry, but most of the time you will be using them as proxies. Sakiel is our elite line infantry, one of the most versatile units in the game and the reason people complain about Symbiont armour being OP or too cheap. Clipsos is our infiltration unit, and another reason everyone hates us. It's cheap, has TO and a FO profile. What else do you need for an ITS specialist? Ectros will serve as your first Lieutenant in many games, and it's a perfect proxy for Neema Saatar, one of our best Lieutenant options. Makauls are the best CC specialists you could find for 13 points. They have very good CC stats, Eclipse grenades to cover your advance and Heavy flamers for everything else. Kotail is an extremely fast and versatile unit, slightly shadowed by newest additions in the form of Sukeul. But it still has many uses, especially if you need to steal an objective REALLY FAST. Nikoul is an excellent area denier. Plop a Mate on him and leave him in the open -- his built-in cover will make sure your opponents will have to dump a considerable amount of orders to cross his firing lane. And his mines can help you to protect your DZ. Last, but not least, the Kings of Hate: the Kaeltars. Not only they bring a Chain Of Command option to your list so you could beeline your Rasail Lt (a probable future purchase) to wreck havoc in the enemy DZ, but they also bring with them the source of all hate for Tohaa: the SymbioMates. These little critters allow you to cheat death once in a while, totally ignoring all non-critical hits within one order. Try not to rely on using Mates too often, though, as this will teach you to make more mistakes than you reasonably should.
I think the 300pt box is awesome, the only think you don't really need are the kamaels so yeah buy it and get some sukeuls ;)
Its a crazy good deal in the long run. 1. You have a 300pt list to start, that is about as well thought out for a newb or starter as you can get. 2. The savings are good. 3. In time, as your army evolves, you will invariably use all of those minis at some point in your new lists.
Kamaels were my stand-ins for Sukeuls until their models were released, and I've been also using them as Chaksas. People also probably use them as Taqeuls (since all other models are most likely occupied). I won't be surprised if Kamael translates to Changeling or Shapeshifter from Runohaa.
I think Tohaa 300pts pack is best one if you want start Tohaa. almost everything you can get. My suggestion is 300pts pack + Chaksa box(or Kaauri blisters) + Sukeul blister.
Yes it's crazy good and won't be around much longer. If you are interested you need to jump on it now.
Kaauri might not be as resourceful as Chaksas without a Kosuil. BTW there should be a pair of leftover Chaksas in the Split Box Deal topic.
Yeah for Proxies Kamael are fine ;) I actually got nearly all Tohaa beside the chaksa auxiliar cause got the chaksa flamer from the rasail box ;) I think Gao-Rael and Sukeul with the 300pt box let you create a lot of great lists
There's totally nothing wrong with Kamaels. I use them all the time as cheap link filters. Plus if you get the Sniper Clipsos you can arm swap so you have a second Clipsos and a Kamael Sniper, which is solid. The 300pt box plus is A+.
I kind of use Makauls as line troops since they're not impetuous in a link and give you access to a HFT and eclipse smoke. I don't mind spending 19pts for a Sakiel specialist filler. I like Kamaels but think they compete with makauls sometimes as kind fillers.
well I used Kamaels for Specialist in fireteam. Fighters(Any models can be join fireteam except Kamaels and Makauls)+Kamael Paramedic+Makaul is my favorite fireteam composition.
Yeah did that too but most of the time I get the 7 points for a sakiel paramedic which is just better ;)
Agree. Multi-Wound Paramedics better. When I make single group army, Sakiel Paramedics always take their place. :D
I did this, it worked great. Arms on the kamels also can be swapped on the sakiel to get that paramedic, arms from the ectros can be drilled out a little and fit onto Neema for the breaker rifle version of her which is usual the better bet. I use everything else in the box almost every list, save one of the makauls. Its fantastic value for money.