Yea if Bill gets into the back line he is hitting on 19s with 4 dice in a full link against anyone without Mimetism. He will cut through everything like butter. If you take Rosie as well you can switch out for those jerks with shock weapons or even a grunt LGL to spec fire at close range to dig them out. It's not like you won't have the orders. The 1 grunt link is really going to be a bit of a game changer. Free haris marauder also makes taking max snipers an interesting option. You get two marauder haris snipers with MSV 1, 4 grunt snipers with a Mook, and a Blackjack T2 for 4SWC and under 198 points. Like good luck getting through that debacle lol.
Do people really take this many weapons? Not saying anything against you, but if feel dirty if I take a double from any of the holy Trinity (HMG/Spitfire, ML/HRL, MSR). Yeah, gone are the days of a mixed link being specific numbers of each unit. I find Corregidors 3Alg, 2MB the standard. Granted they have a few count as Algs and Wildcards, it's a great template as opposed to, "Just min-max it. I don't know."
You’re like Anton, the food critic in Ratatouille. You don’t create anything and you delight in tearing down others creations. You offer nothing. They choose their priorities and desired changes. If those changes don’t align with your desires or priorities, it doesn’t make them idiots or lazy. Period. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
I love how CB just went with the Revolver Ocelot theme and gave him Marksmanship Lvl 2. If there's any one rule in the game that properly represents the Ricochet Genius - it'd be Marksmanship Lvl 2. The idea of Bill just shooting bullets off walls so they bounce into the back of someone's head - thereby negating their cover - is just golden. Fluff aside - I think Bill is actually better as a solo piece, or a piece that you plan to break off from the link at some point. It's not just that he has 6-2 and everyone has 4-4, 4-2; the fact that he doesn't have Shock immunity means that for a piece that wants to kill in the 0-8 bands, he's actually runs the risk of just getting nailed by any number of shock/viral weapons. Perhaps his place is one as a back-up, endgame sweeper - after all the big guns and shock deployables have been taken out/cleared by the god bless american men and women of USARF, you can send in this cowboy gunslinger to mop up all the leftovers. His vulnerability to shock is especially clear if/when you try to put him up against something tough like a Gamma. The gamma has to only win one pistol shootout to paste Bill with a shock Heavy Pistol round. Bill is a bully piece. In some ways - I kind of see him as the inverse version of a Heavy Pistol Desperado. He's like double the price, but where the Desperado is there to trade turn 1/2 and punch holes, Bill is there to hold his powder and sweep come turn 3. He's definitely more flavor than crunch - but he's just so charismatic I want to run him anyway. My minor complaint with Wild Bill however, is I'd rather he doesn't have a primary weapon (so he loses out on suppression from the rifle) and instead he has Full Auto Lvl 2. So he's literally just about Active Turn pistols with a cheeky visual mod (for only his active), while keeping his utter uselessness outside of 0-8. What would break my heart is people running Wild Bill in a core grunt link and only using his rifle. Bill is a cowboy. Let him be a cowboy.
I agree Bill might be best used as a solo piece. What makes me sad is that he’s not a specialist. He’d probably be OP if he was, but I’d pay more points for a Special Operative that I could run in turn three and gun down what’s left and push a button. Now, having a FO Grunt laying around that he could command token into and pull with him might be a good solution....
given his MKMN2 he actually shoots out to 16 on BS13 with his pistols, given their DAM14 (Fat1) and access to AP/Shock, there are serious arguments to be made in favour of using the Pistols in engagements than the Rifle for Dam13 Shock. its an interesting one
no at 8 he shoots on BS16 with his pistols. 8-16 is 0 for range, ignoring cover due to MKMN2 therefore BS13 and how are you getting B3 for his DA? B1 for DA rounds B2 for 2 pistols unless of course you are talking linked, then his pistols are BS16 out to 16
I was talking about him linked, as it'll probably be rare for me to take him as a solo piece in USARF (The 8 was a strange typo from using a quote. You may disregard it's prior presence @daboarder )
He's a good alternative to the spetznaz or veteran kazak in vanilla, but he's pretty much the only thing in that area for USARF, so the conversation has leaned hard towards 'Murica!...
After his initial couple of shots I find the Spetsnaz HMG struggles to push up and take ground. Bill is much better in this regard and is a bit more survivable too. Not to mention bit cheaper too.