Except for the cringy "I'm such a weak woman! / I really need to piss" female pose. The not-Panda Ogre is awesome and the A-Team is excellent as well.
The thing is, the pose does not mean "I'm such a weak woman!" . This is a classic anime/manga pose, so it mean "this game is still inspired by animes/manga, whether you like it or not " :P
This pose absolutely means that the character is literally a "weak-kneed woman" and that's the exact reason why it's used in manga/anime so much. It's a direct signifier of "weak, shy girl". It has absolutely no place on a powerful, well-trained soldier and a grown woman at that. Next thing CB will make and people will defend a model with an ahegao face "because it's inspired by anime". Waiting for the Infinity hentai then, I guess. At least the new journalist sculpt is awesome ;)
Oct releases are solid and really great for aristeia. I mean play mat more cards and alt sculpts. Not sure what I can use the panda for since I am not a huge A! player. Tohaa... Okay it was the year of the alien, not year of the tohaa. Additionally when is everyone going to get it...tohaa as non na2 spiral corps are dead. No new releases, I think ever, but certainly in the 4 year range. The gate is closed... The tohaa and squats are now uniting to fight against the brettonians and the mutant chronicle corporations.
That's not what they said: https://www.infinitythegame.com/blog/item/613-what-will-2019-bring-from-corvus-belli EDIT: And now I've found my new forum signature :p
Man all of the previews really took the wind out of the guessing game sails. It was sort of fun speculating and tracking sniper shots. Regardless Tai Sheng looks good if a tad bland compared to Krit's pose. Anyone caught sight of Carmen's mini yet?
I happily admit I was wrong about Tai Sheng not coming with a Tinbot. Now We just need to see her scale with other Zuyong.
I think they posted Carmen in the Sept thread but here she is again. I've head rumors that the Mk12 Unkown Ranger could be coming after Pavel. I really hope it's true. The SoF team looks so good and I cant wait to get them. ^w^
Taken as a group shot, the image I get is that she came to an abrupt stop after running. The other two figures are still in motion but she just 'hit the brakes' so to speak. The left leg still has momentum forward.
Changing the sword so the blade is the other way around might have been better (specially if said blade were to rest the non-cutting edge against the forearm), because the position is quite... strange and forced, too much "look at me", too much big profile...
The left leg is almost broken to make the pose. The dynamic "hit the brakes" pose is what the new Valkyrie is in (the new SoF box one in this thread). This one OTOH has an unnatural pose, it's definitely not what you're visualizing, the left leg is all wrong for that.
Yeah, they were definitely going for the anime pose here, there is no point in disputing that. If it irks you a lot and you would otherwise really like to get that miniature, you can probably bend the leg into a more natural pose. I've been bending a lot of Zuyong legs these days and it usually works out fine as far as the material is concerned.
Those poses are actually almost the same, the difference is that Valkirye could afford a longer step and less sharp turn. Probably not too good for your knees, but it's not like people not expecting to preserve their current body, enhanced at that, to its old age would care too much when there are more pressing matters to take care of. Heh. I bet if we were taking more photos in our small and confused sports club, I could find enough pics of myself in both variants of the pose. Yes, I'm not very smart in that regard. But if it wasn't for things I find myself doing repeatedly, I wouldn't be here arguing right now. Also, you could probably bend it a bit indeed to make it more like Valk's pose. Maybe. Anyway. Nahabs turned out to be better than I expected, but I still don't get those visors they wear. One goes well with hacker's helmet, but otherwise they look kinda weird on their own. Tai Sheng looks nice. I still like simple poses I guess. "SoF" folks are actually pretty cool for what they are as well if you're into such scenic minis. CB proves that they can do vaulting poses better than that old Wolver model, heh.