whether it's the sculpt of a certain model, or some random Zhanshi who managed to murder his way through 7 enemy combatants. For me, the Hac Tao hacker, #$%& he looks awesome.
Oh man, tough one. The whole YuJing range is my favorite. I'm late to the party with them, having collected Haqq, Aleph, and smattering of Ariadna and PanO first. The new YuJing range blew me away, though. For me personally, it's the most consistently beautiful across the whole range. Everytime I look at my shelf, I want to try and find a way to use every model cuz they just look so damn cool. If I was forced, I'd say it's gotta be the Guija. I've run one, I've run two, I love the model, and I love running that bad boy around the battlefield. Everyone dumps on the Guija, but it's such a killer model I don't care, and when you do something awesome like cut down a Szalamandra in cc it's such a payoff.
For me it's probably the Multi Rifle Hsien, but Yu Jing is so consistently well done that it's really hard to pick a single favorite. The Daoying Hacker has recently grown on me and the Tiger Soldiers are all gorgeous as well.
I really like the Hsien HMG, and I don't even play Yu Jing. The combination of the power armor and the robe is pretty darn cool.
The old crane agent with multi rifle. Badass model, and cranes in general have done great things for me in ISS.
For tabletop achievements, the ancient Zanshi HMG. Can't tell you how many times he Crit counter-sniped a camo'd model while at -9BS. For awesome sculpt, I really like the Zuyong multirifle. He looks like he is doing tactical stuff but without just shooting someone. I also need to upvote the Yan Huo HRMC, though I need to add a muzzle flash to mine (in addition to another ammo box and belt, so I have ammo boxes and belts for each ammo type, AP and Shock coming off the existing boxes, added a box for DA and started painting, then they changed HRMC to have Stun ammo, too).
The Haidao multi sniper is one of my favourites. Seeing it in person it looks way better than the photos. Chunky, feels is motion, the long barrel juxtaposes the broad shoulders so the whole thing feels like controlled, precise power.
The Yan Huo HRMC got me into the game (and into YJ). The mowang recently came close second, but his helmet is a bit weird. And I'm in love with my old sculpt Zhanshi Yisheng who once crit'd 3 AD troopers in a row, trying to get in my back and harvest my order pool. :D
Inside my local group, no model commands as much fear and respect as my KHD Hac Tao. He's an immovable brick wall that can accomplish objectives.
The old Hsien (the one from the previous ISS starter set) is the mini that brought me into Yu Jing. There was something about his helmet, it reminded me of a Chinese dragon head, and I loved that! Then the Yan Huo HRMC have been my favorite, but the Guija is close. The Zuyong's design in general is also very, very good in my opinion. Our whole HIs are awesome eitherway!
Yeah, there's not much difference between a YJ combi and multi. A long muzzle and a rail in front of the sight ID's the weapon as a multirifle. Yes, it is! Shame that the on-table performance does not match the awesome sculpt, though.
No, that's the Breaker Rifle. The Multi Rifle has an enlarged and fairly solid upper receiver / barrel jacker. Although it's possible that I'm not fluent enough in Gun Parts that I'm misunderstanding what you call "rail" for a "handle" when that's not what you meant.
Good point. This is probably the best picture of a YJ Multirifle, despite it's age: Long muzzle, and long, SOLID rail in front of the sight. A Combirifle has a short muzzle and no rail at all in front of the sight: Breaker rifle has a long muzzle and a handle (or open rail) in front of the sight: