Well, the challange will be active until the 3 first weeks of march Nope. you have to upload before the tournament take place. Buuut for now i will help you to assing list to previous torunaments, i will need the 8-digit army code, your pin and the event number. Offer for limit time !!! :P Yes, i was talking with him to help you to assing your amy list. and yes i need the 8-digit code. THX!
@HellLois I just went and uploaded my lists in the OTM. I don't know if you need to do anything else.
Nothing more!, you can check if its correct if you enter on the search events, search the event and see if you have the army logo in your name. I say to all of you, that we ulpoad a new version of the OTM that allows you to upload the army list even if the tournament is reported.
@HellLois How are you accommodating faction populations? If it's all going to be calculated at the end... Tohaa have probably already clinched it, right? And what's the end date?
You mean that we won't be able to use one character for about a month? Oh noes! If it's anybody but Wallace, then it's a fart in the wind, and if it is Wallace you can just play USARF...
Tbh no faction gets gutted by losing one character. People exaggerate the issue but i empathise with them
Except if somebody plays Steel Phalanx, where losing a character has a direct impact in how the sectorial is played. Anyway, I think that's enough incentive to get Aleph players to play more games, and this is what this event is all about, getting people to play
Okay, color me mildly excited. *inb4 people from leading factions start throwing matches* Anyway, thanks for the info, it's a lot more than I've been given before, I believe. EDIT: oh, I've missed a lot of posts ITT. Gotta catch up.
Could be pretty simple, since they have already announced that the Dire Foes characters will get updated rules with the book they are going to release in April.
I have an issue with ITS codes suddenly no longer working, this is preventing our event from counting data for the challenge. https://forum.corvusbelli.com/threads/otm-code-error-event-tomorrow-need-help.1818/#post-27973
I wondered as well. For a moment, some factions like Nomads didn't even win points while PanO and some others exploded.
Well, the explosion of points will undoubtedly come from the "retroactively upload" lists for games/tournaments already reported but which had not everybody's lists uploaded. Add to this the Las Vegas, Canberra and Barcelona tournaments in the past days, and this is quite inside of expectations, since PanO is of the most played factions with Nomads.
Last couple of weeks are going to have bigger scoring jumps as more tournaments have been organised towards the end of the challenge with the requisite missions.