All for making TAGs great again! But I agree with @daszul that TI is not the way to do it. Very simply, they could have more wounds maybe? Also, not a fully fledged idea; what if TAGs could use a hacking program so they had an option other than Reset vs an assault hacker?
Making ECM a counter to hacking would be very useful, either a bonus to reset, or the ability to hurt a hacker trying to take them over. It would increase the risk/reward of possessing a TAG.
I think TAG are at the point where they need a buff, but if you buff them to much they become OP. Two option to make them more usefull could be : - Give TAG some unique equipment, something that only TAG have or give them extra utility. Trying to make TAG more than just a fire base could make them more usefull, example Sensor, repeaters...; - Give TAG some additional rule, you can go with a scaled down Total Immunity, Fatality ect.
Not keen on widespread TAG buffs, because whatever you give the Squalo your giving to the Cutter and Avatar too. Much prefer simply changing some of the shitactular vanilla TAGs so they all have that signature unique capability. I'm not sure if I've brought this up already, but please, can N4 give more widespread access to better camouflage state counters? Cheap camo stuff is really strong, and the counters are inefficient and often more expensive than the thing they're trying to bloody counter! That situation has happened to me recently playing against Isaac's Joan Cutter/Seraph cheese. I literally had to not kill a Seraph that was super exposed close to a unit that had strong anti-TAG capability, because he would go in retreat before I could get the button. Super shit interaction lol I really want to second (or third I guess) this one. Order expenditure is enough of a cost without the penalties. This is a really good idea to make repair skills more viable with a "minimum effort" approach.
They made Flash weapons useless against Dog-Warriors, which is the whole reason Loup-Garous carried them. In any case, Total Immunity it too powerful. Instead of changing the effect of the skill to match the name, they should have changed the name of the skill to Normal Immunity.
Yeah, this has been the valid point around heavy infantry too to be honest. Although there might be some universal buffs which might benefit the shit ones way more than the good ones. Fuck me if I can think of something that elegant though. You might have misread the hyperbole. The player was literally going from 300 to retreat in ONE active turn because they had managed to put 230+ points of troops on ARO duty and the active player HAD to kill all of it. Thereby losing the game before they even had a chance to win. The hard part about conversations regarding retreat is everyone remembers "that one time" something super obscure happened. But almost invariably never think about the subtle influence on decision making. Life's easy when you live in a field of straw.
It doesn't do much impact on decision making for armies like Neoterra or Onyx, since they just have to actually kill their opponent to stop them scoring. Doubly so for Onyx since our MSV troops are so bad. He was playing the objective instead of attacking his opponent. Shouldn't you be happy?
Or, just maybe, you're backpedaling to avoid being associated with the negative consequences of your outlook.
Strategic command tokens allows turn 2 player to spend 2 orders from his order pool before turn 1. This feels way better than the current system of both players losing something, and allows key units to suppressive fire or to allow units to take cover on buildings just a little bit out of their DZ (particularly good for sniper nests).
I like the idea of spending orders before the first turn but I'd probably not want to see attacks and movement at that point. Keep them for SuppFire, Supportware, even AD, but no reserve Uxia/Speculo/Oniwaban putting the first player into LoL before the game begins.
Nothing that targets the enemy, definitely. Being able to throw up Marksmanship on my dudes turn 0 would be spectacular.
The simple solution to this is to remove the Attack label from Suppression Fire and deny Attack skills during the Strategic use. Possibly you'd also deny Movement skills, though maybe it would be interesting to have the ability to Move up to two units forward out of the DZ (or have an Infiltrator move across mid line without the roll - i.e. at a different cost)
I'd still be iffy about movement, it reduces the utility of the opponent's reserve if you can adjust something like a totes remote to block it's approach, in addition to your own reserve.
I agree here. It'd probably be easier to balance at first if you just write up a list of skills that could be used.
Which would be fine if that rule didn't also do half a dozon other things inorder to make fireteams stupidly obnoxious to deal with. I think one of my favourite suggestions (can't remember who said it) was to give TAGs the hacking equivalent of an electric pulse.
Twas me. most TAGs have ECM and at the moment its a fairly useless skill - so change it to be anti-hacking instead of anti-guided. Make it cause Stun or Blackout for the rest of the turn.