K, this feels like opening the vestibule of inferno, but so far I know there was only 4 players in 2019 Interplanetario in 160 players. 2 Vanilla Yu Jing, 2 IS, no IA(D:). althogh @RikimaruSagara did really, really good job on Krakens - it is hard to swallow YJ's the least played faction on worldwide tournament. What problem lies beneath the devastated pickrate? I'm dead curious..
There was an IA player. So 5 There were a TON of JSA though. Haqq only had 8 players. Personally I'd point towards the spec-ops extra. It's pretty underwhelming for yu Jing and IS and very very underwhelming and limiting for IA. Maybe mission. There's a lot of factors at play. There have been major tournaments elsewhere with large turnouts of yu Jing. My local meta doesn't seem to lack them either.
Yup, in our playscene YJ is no lackluster either; just being curious about VIRD or OSS streak, along with Tohaa, Nomads. I personally don't think YJ is that bad. Maaybe its the spec-ops thing.. We don't have ODD Feuerbach Core link Deva!
I don't know much about spec ops, I don't really follow them, but with what I've heard people saying of them, it definitely feels like YJ is at a loss for them, and that certainly could have played into things. I know I'd be a lot more interested in them if Zuyongs or Haidao options were offered. As far as YJ as a faction goes, I think vanilla and ISS are both in pretty good places. Third offensive was an amazing shot in the arm for vanilla. While not all the gaps may be filled, enough was done to greatly improve vanilla's versatility and viability to the point that I'd consider it a very competitive faction overall. IA, on the other hand... I wouldn't want to play them on a competitive level, at least not regularly. Their weaknesses are too punishing and easily exploitable, and they lack the ability to cover them up well enough. They skew too heavily based on the missions and opposing factions.
Yeah I was thinking what I would do with a spec-ops in ISS - the first thing that came to mind is a cheap engineer. However, without yaozaos can he use the yudbots? As far as the reason for such low representation is beyond me? I know my meta has at least 3 active IA players as well as a YJ and ISS(myself)
Just to add to the spec ops things I double checked what the 3 most popular armies could take that Yu Jing couldn't Jammers Counter-intelligence Marksmanship L1 super jump + climbing plus total immunity?!?! AD: combat jump On top of the usual favourites of minelayer, doctor and engineer some of these open up interesting options or add to the faction strength. Armies like Varuna and OSS have spec ops which can join their primary fireteam and really bring something different and useful. Counter-intelligence + jammer is a fantastic fusilier to add to a fireteam IMO. Shasvastii with a total immunity nox point man could be interesting. Or the super jump + climbing plus is also quite nice.
This is my conclusion as well. Haqq is too strong an army to be picked that little and the only way I can rationalize this, is the fact that (Vanilla) can't bring a Linked Jammer (and not much else besides that). Meanwhile, the top picked armies could bring Jammers, Counter-Intelligence and Stratuscloud.
Lots of factors will contribute but don't forget that the missions were chosen well in advance and Yu Jing was certainly not the best option for dealing with them or taking advantage of the spec-ops. It's disappointing but no more than that. There were a lot of JSA so perhaps it's just down to people picking which half of their collection they took.
As I've said in the other thread, specops options are really underwhelming but whats wrong with the missions? Supplies is like the best mission for ISS that you can think of and not bad to vanilla either; Hunting party obviously benefits from veterans in fireteams for double ADHL or jammers but having a good camo LT is valuable against most armies here; Unmasking - yeah, not the best, you want a good specfiring model here (CG or Wu Ming in ISS may work); Highly Classified - in my experience, amazing for both YJ and ISS due to variety and redundancy of specialists; hell even rui shi can do one of the cards thanks to MSV and Hac Tao is an elite trooper; Firefight - Liu Xing dropping on 18s or opponent shaking in fear of a tiger coming out wherever the hell he wants to; Frostbyte - exclusion zone kinda wrecks midfield camo spam strategy in vanilla, but the variety of HIs helps here.
Thank you @ObviousGray i tried to do my best, but kraken master was really hard. I find that there is a difference with the new toys received in yu jing with those that have the rest of factions. Well, I hope that when we have white standard we get better toys or see if they renew Imperial Service with something interesting
Thanks for replying. No doubts you did your best - was cool to see YJ emblem on Krakens rnd 5. Wont run into full scavanger mode and say 'gimme ur lists', but since you've been on the top dogs scene - would like to ask some questions prepping the game. The most profound enemies would be OSS and VIRD. How did you designed your army to handle their presence? Handling down Dakinis, Kamaus, or so. Reason picking vanilla. I know ISS being dusty all over, but still their fangs are not dull. Is there some combo attracted you to vanilla? Does IA units, although the preferences may vary, served their role in vanilla?
Bostria confirmed white banner won't remove any yu Jing sectorials. PanO will have to shed one though.
Losing sectorials is sooooo 2018. We need to stay at the cutting edge of innovation, how else are we supposed to lead the human sphere in its war against the combined army? We were the first faction to lose a named character. We were the first faction to lose a sectorial. It only makes sense that we'll be the first faction to lose our vanilla flavor!
Acon explodes. It's because the game is expanding faster than they can upkeep old sectorials and keep old semi-duplicate units interesting.
I don’t know many playing Neo Terra anymore. The only one I can think would go that way. But wouldn’t they gain a Svarlaheim? So not much of a change.
If i were to axe one of their sectorials it would have to be MO, it just doesnt follow the same basic design choices as the rest of pano sectorials. Also axing any of the other sectorials equates to a loss of a planet which would have huge ramifications in the entire human sphere. The only reason i can see for it being any other sectorial is that Joan is a thing.