Would be interesting. A lot of Circular Security is handled by the knights of Santiago with Hermes iirc Knight's in an outside sectorial??
Hope they dont make another NA2! maybe some starred mercs and units from other armies, but i hope they keep their style (with miniatures)
According to the Aleph RPG sourcebook the Bureau Noir had a recreation of Sherlock Holmes working with them for a time, then he decided they were getting too reliant on his skills and disappeared. It would be nice to see him return as a contractor.
But what would Sherlock do other than be a mediocre soldier? I can possibly see some form of Superior Operative that always gets the special mission specialist bonus, but beyond that?
Well, he's a master of disguise so Impersonation or Holoprojector would make sense, he's also a skilled martial artist and a decent shot. Add in skills like Counterintelligence and Sensor to represent his deductive ability, plus NWI and 6-2 Move from a high end Lhost and you've quite a useful package.
Sounds like just about any Aleph LHost, tbh, and not very Sherlocky, like "we made this new awesome noname warrior, got drunk and threw darts on a wall filled with famous names to figure out who it is" :S Sorry while I self-hype for the Superior Operative thing. Seems like a fairly low-impact useful ability that plays well into the ITS framework.
Gonna agree there, a recreation of Benefits Cumberbund would be awesome, fie to them if they go the RDJ option. I love the man's work, but his Sherlock is lacking
Britishname Complicated was my favorite from that meme. The Sherlock recreation tidbit is fun though, I hadn't heard about that.
If we're talking recreations we'd like to see, my fanboyism demands an Arthur Pendragon and some of his knights. I can see him being an O-12 version of Joan in concept, a figure for humanity to unite behind and a great figurehead for the O-12 PR department! Knights could be Lancelot, Tristan, Galahad, and Gawain, to get the big names. I just don't see knights being a big thing outside MO, though Arthur himself I could see being a stand-alone, a Knights of the Round themed murder squad to me is less likely, but hey, fanboyism I had to put it out there. If O-12 ends up having some things from all over, then maybe. Just let me dream
Yo hold up, I'm liking this Arthurian line of thought Maybe less "chivalry and jousting" Arthur and more "late Roman" Like, I doubt O-12 design would go in that direction since they are firmly on the space police tip, but it's nice to dream, and Roman stuff is woefully underutilized
You'd get awfully close to ALEPH's greek people, honestly. But recreation can go in all out fiction too. Just look at Sherlock Holmes. Maybe an O-12 recreation could be a character from fiction! Like..... Jane Sheppard!