Grenzer is overpriced because he's priced with the old formula. Compare him to Kamau, Epsilon or other newer MSV sniper. A good example is the Bolt MSV1 sniper which is a similar profile and was updated recently. Bolt MSV1 multi sniper + bioimmunity + veteran1 is only 27 points. Thats a HUGE difference in price!
That's supposing CB is gonna apply that new formula to everyone, but I doubt that now. And if they do, bolts will get a new boost in no time to compensate.
Yes, and they fixed bolts after release but before n3, and they fixed them again twice in n3. So why would they don't fix them again after n4 so they still be better than wildcats or grenzers?
Nah, Bolts were significantly sub-par prior to the recent update, there were enormous long threads about it in both the new forum and old forum, they desperately needed a redo. Wildcats were always head and shoulders above old Bolts, whereas now they're very comparable in effectiveness.
Well. That's where we are gonna differ. Bolts were ok, but they had to compete with fusiliers, that's why they seemed subpar. Now they are slightly better than wildcats and slightly cheaper and seem ok? I don't think so
Hahahaha hahahaha Sorry, I shouldn't laugh, but this is so far off base I couldn't help it. Bolts have been sub-par due to their inflated costs since their release in late N2, this is the first time they've ever been even mildly viable in a competitive context.
Yes, at late n2 they were bloated, but after some fixes they were ok. At least compared with other factions similar troops. If they now are ok... What will happen if CB fix the other similar units? They will be "bad" again and will need a new fix. But the fusiliers will remain there, making bolts unplayed and people will still blame bolts
Lots of units need a redo but they don't get it, what makes the Bolts special? And why does the recost only apply to them and not to other units sharing traits with them? Also, why did Hospitallers get their cost down with not other change whatsoever but other frenzy units didn't? Asking for a friend.
What fixes? Bolts were pretty much unchanged between launch and Daedalus' Fall. And no, updating Grenzers won't make Bolts bad, they'll make both viable. They're in different factions so changing the power level of one doesn't affect the viability of the other as you're not choosing between the two in the same army list.
And that is what I say. There will be new edition, but there sill remain those "little privileges" out there Edit: CB changed the bolts point cost in n3 twice, I mean after the n3 release. Since their appearance they got 3 revisions (one after their profile was shown but before n3), they got no edition fix (was supposed to be the pre-n3 fix) and this last one.
I just want them to be like N4 nomads and then throw down a brand new lizard model with a kick ass profile. That’s all. Just give me a new lizard model.
I have found your new lizard models @Jason839 . These are the very newest and most attractive of them. Soooo hot right now!
In all seriousness though, Geckos could maybe be fixed by adding another profile with more weapon choices. Like a Zapper, Riotstopper, etc. And/or maybe let them Duo or even Haris link with a remote.