I don't remember the mention of a release date for them (nor for the Hortlak or the Libertos), sorry. It should be for this year I think. So, December.
I hope so. Did CB mention a new Libertos sculpt for a future release? What is a Hortlak? Forgive me but the name doesn't ring any bells.
Libertos is literally the first render that was posted last page. Hortlak is the Jannissary-lite that Ramah got.
I think I liked the EMP Panzerfaust version of the Blitzen (especially the one from the Haramaki!) more than the zappergun pistol. My guess would be NCA getting put in stasis. Hrm. Wonder what that means for fluff? And just a note for @Bostria and @Interruptor , it seems that having a hard-copy of the rules makes teaching new players easier. The wiki is better for looking up rules questions in-game.
The pictures were not working so that is why I didn't notice them before. Thanks anyway for letting me know.
ahahaha, so Varuna had to wait one year for the Fishmen and then got no LRL sculpt in a 4-fish box? It's really obvious now that the most useful profile will get no sculpts early on to grab our money a 2nd time. -- EDIT: Was wrong, Its the the SMG.
Ah - finaly the Minelayer Libertos ;-) Varuna Fishheads look nice - why they give them all the high tech weaponary?! Big Tohaa men looks beefy - very cool mini! Horlack look nice too - good posing. I guess the sniper can wait some month because this is the goto profile. But now we are talking about November in September? Question: Anyone has seen any info about the YJ paint set-mini?
How long did Tunguska have to wait for Puppets? Minis are cool as usual, but I would be happy if they took it a bit easier with the "look at me, I'm wielding every weapon I got at the same time even if it makes no sense!!!" pose as it looks a bit ridiculous at times. Like, why the fuck would anybody wield a big ass gun along with a big ass sword at the same time?
I did some calculations... Aquila, Swiss, Locust, Hexas, Auxilia, and the Uhlan and Squalo are the only troops that would remove the "retirement" of NCA. Consider that the Uhlan is in a box with the Acon light TAG... which was "moved" to MO, so I doubt they will discontinue it. The Locust is quite recent, but the Squalo and the rest are aged, so they would be ok for phasing... That means 6 boxes or so and 2-3 blisters tops... they could get more SKUs released were they to freeze MO... Not to be a d*ck, but Print on Demand exists for a reason (I very much prefer a rulebook that can be revised easily, than a dead tree copy... as long as the changes are documented, and not "ninja changes"). I fear that if CB devotes resources to sell the dead tree version of the rulebook, they will feel forced to keep it with as few changes as possible, thus why I prefer just the fluff books to be printed (even if I personally prefer digital format for everything).